Pooh patrol


Registered User
May 1, 2022
Title inspired by another post on here but for me it's poo that's the enemy! My OH has frontotemporal dementia and thinks he's OK pee not too bad but had fetal incontinence on and off. GP says no underying health cause just lack of awareness due to dementia. I ve got him to wear disposable pants first at night and then mostly through the day but I've had to hide his old underpants as I had to keep throwing them away when he put them on without me knowing. So a step forward but he has started taking them off in the evening before he goes to bed if I don't keep an eye on him and he'll sit on the bedspread to take his socks off.... not nice. He doesn't care of course, just one more issue to deal with. His personal hygiene is going down hill rapidly as also hard to get him to wash his hands after an episode. To top it all a bowel cancer testing kit arrived for him today, well, what chance of me sorting that out! Anyone else having similar issues?


Registered User
Dec 29, 2023
Title inspired by another post on here but for me it's poo that's the enemy! My OH has frontotemporal dementia and thinks he's OK pee not too bad but had fetal incontinence on and off. GP says no underying health cause just lack of awareness due to dementia. I ve got him to wear disposable pants first at night and then mostly through the day but I've had to hide his old underpants as I had to keep throwing them away when he put them on without me knowing. So a step forward but he has started taking them off in the evening before he goes to bed if I don't keep an eye on him and he'll sit on the bedspread to take his socks off.... not nice. He doesn't care of course, just one more issue to deal with. His personal hygiene is going down hill rapidly as also hard to get him to wash his hands after an episode. To top it all a bowel cancer testing kit arrived for him today, well, what chance of me sorting that out! Anyone else having similar issues?
Hi @velademar , my OH had a couple of bowel accidents following an endoscopy but it's not a regular thing. I do have to accompany him to the toilet as his cleaning after a bowel movement is poor and he did have what appeared like accidents ! OH does what he can and I check and finish the clean. I use Senset no rinse foam and toilet paper to clean him. I also have to tell him to wash his hands as I don't know that he would always remember.
Is your husband taking his soiled pull up off because he's uncomfortable in it? I think I'd go with him to check if he disappears and you think he may need changing. He maybe can't remember how to clean himself and unfortunately it will be another job to add to your list. Personally I'd rather clean up in the toilet than have soiled bedding where he sat to remove socks!
I'd take the cancer test sample off his pad and hope it's suffice.
Oh the joys of dementia care😊


Registered User
May 1, 2022
Hi @velademar , my OH had a couple of bowel accidents following an endoscopy but it's not a regular thing. I do have to accompany him to the toilet as his cleaning after a bowel movement is poor and he did have what appeared like accidents ! OH does what he can and I check and finish the clean. I use Senset no rinse foam and toilet paper to clean him. I also have to tell him to wash his hands as I don't know that he would always remember.
Is your husband taking his soiled pull up off because he's uncomfortable in it? I think I'd go with him to check if he disappears and you think he may need changing. He maybe can't remember how to clean himself and unfortunately it will be another job to add to your list. Personally I'd rather clean up in the toilet than have soiled bedding where he sat to remove socks!
I'd take the cancer test sample off his pad and hope it's suffice.
Oh the joys of dementia care😊
Yes thank you, a few good ideas there. I think he takes them off because he knows they are not 'normal' pants that he's worn all his life and maybe feels a bit odd. He does clean himself mostly, and uses moist toilet wipes which we put into a bag and bin. I'll try that Senset though might be better. And yes he also forgets to wash his hands!

genevieve 76

Registered User
Oct 22, 2023
Hi good luck , hope this isn't the beginning of a lot worse. Husband is bedridden and doubly incontinent and its the poo that gets me every time, I can cope with the rest but he doesn't know when he needs to go and often tears the pads or pullups off halfway through. Then they are dropped over side of bed and floor gets covered. Then he smears his hand in it and wipes on walls, bed, bumper bars, everywhere. No one would want to live like this if they knew what they were doing. This disease is horrific.


Registered User
May 1, 2022
Hi good luck , hope this isn't the beginning of a lot worse. Husband is bedridden and doubly incontinent and its the poo that gets me every time, I can cope with the rest but he doesn't know when he needs to go and often tears the😌 pads or pullups off halfway through. Then they are dropped over side of bed and floor gets covered. Then he smears his hand in it and wipes on walls, bed, bumper bars, everywhere. No one would want to live like this if they knew what they were doing. This disease is horrific.
I wouldn't be able to cope if it got to that, he would sadly have to go into residential care 😌


Registered User
Dec 29, 2023
Hi good luck , hope this isn't the beginning of a lot worse. Husband is bedridden and doubly incontinent and its the poo that gets me every time, I can cope with the rest but he doesn't know when he needs to go and often tears the pads or pullups off halfway through. Then they are dropped over side of bed and floor gets covered. Then he smears his hand in it and wipes on walls, bed, bumper bars, everywhere. No one would want to live like this if they knew what they were doing. This disease is horrific.
Could you put him into an all in one type of pyjama? Onesie or a onesie back to front where getting to the pad and pull up is more difficult.
There's these on Amazon but I'm sure there's others
FERRUCCI COMFORT Pyjamas for Incontinence with Zip on the Back for Elderly with Alzheimer - 9012 F - Suitable for Winter - Plush https://amzn.eu/d/1GzohcS


Registered User
Jun 25, 2023
My OH seems to go for 6-8 weeks where he's ok but then for 7-10 days has odd times of really bad diarrhoea. Honestly he can spray paint the wall, floor, set etc. I'm really struggling to cope. Most of time time he gets to the loo in time but there has been odd occasions where I've just put all his cloths in a black bag and thrown them all out, rather than try washing them. The smell is terrible.
He's had tests which come back negative. Took me almost 3 weeks to get him to do the bowel cancer test @velademar so can sympathise with you. Doctor doesn't seem to really care. I now buy tablets from chemist ready for the next episode.


Registered User
May 1, 2022
My OH seems to go for 6-8 weeks where he's ok but then for 7-10 days has odd times of really bad diarrhoea. Honestly he can spray paint the wall, floor, set etc. I'm really struggling to cope. Most of time time he gets to the loo in time but there has been odd occasions where I've just put all his cloths in a black bag and thrown them all out, rather than try washing them. The smell is terrible.
He's had tests which come back negative. Took me almost 3 weeks to get him to do the bowel cancer test @velademar so can sympathise with you. Doctor doesn't seem to really care. I now buy tablets from chemist ready for the next episode.
Yes our GP has no answers either. Imodium it is then thank you. I too have thrown quite a few clothes and sheets away. Very 😔 x


Registered User
Jun 25, 2023
Yes our GP has no answers either. Imodium it is then thank you. I too have thrown quite a few clothes and sheets away. Very 😔 x
Think that's all we can do. Only alternative is to deal with all the mess, which I can't without it making me feel really sick. Luckily I haven't had to deal with ****** sheets yet, just the odd wet ones. Thank goodness for the Kylies and waterproof protectors. At least I can get him to wear the padded pull ups so most goes in them.

nevets -x

New member
Jun 13, 2022
Title inspired by another post on here but for me it's poo that's the enemy! My OH has frontotemporal dementia and thinks he's OK pee not too bad but had fetal incontinence on and off. GP says no underying health cause just lack of awareness due to dementia. I ve got him to wear disposable pants first at night and then mostly through the day but I've had to hide his old underpants as I had to keep throwing them away when he put them on without me knowing. So a step forward but he has started taking them off in the evening before he goes to bed if I don't keep an eye on him and he'll sit on the bedspread to take his socks off.... not nice. He doesn't care of course, just one more issue to deal with. His personal hygiene is going down hill rapidly as also hard to get him to wash his hands after an episode. To top it all a bowel cancer testing kit arrived for him today, well, what chance of me sorting that out! Anyone else having similar issues?
hi there please don't think you are on your own my OH has alzheimers and is bowel incontinence and it can happen any time mostly in the night he wears pull on pants but sometimes forgets to pull them up which is bad news, he forgets to wash his hands he hates the shower and shaving and cleaning his teeth and he will not get dressed any more he's happy sitting in his chair all day talking to himself and sometimes i am his sister or the woman who run the joint. I never realized that dementia would be so distressing to live with, he does make me smile sometimes


Registered User
Dec 14, 2021
Title inspired by another post on here but for me it's poo that's the enemy! My OH has frontotemporal dementia and thinks he's OK pee not too bad but had fetal incontinence on and off. GP says no underying health cause just lack of awareness due to dementia. I ve got him to wear disposable pants first at night and then mostly through the day but I've had to hide his old underpants as I had to keep throwing them away when he put them on without me knowing. So a step forward but he has started taking them off in the evening before he goes to bed if I don't keep an eye on him and he'll sit on the bedspread to take his socks off.... not nice. He doesn't care of course, just one more issue to deal with. His personal hygiene is going down hill rapidly as also hard to get him to wash his hands after an episode. To top it all a bowel cancer testing kit arrived for him today, well, what chance of me sorting that out! Anyone else having similar issues?
Having the same issues with my OH! Tonight was awful-a literal tussle in the shower to clean him-he hadnt done it-he never does (he says)! Both bruises and exhausted afterwards and Im afraid I shouted!!! Its horrendous and I feel so mad even though I know he cant help it!


Registered User
Dec 10, 2020
Title inspired by another post on here but for me it's poo that's the enemy! My OH has frontotemporal dementia and thinks he's OK pee not too bad but had fetal incontinence on and off. GP says no underying health cause just lack of awareness due to dementia. I ve got him to wear disposable pants first at night and then mostly through the day but I've had to hide his old underpants as I had to keep throwing them away when he put them on without me knowing. So a step forward but he has started taking them off in the evening before he goes to bed if I don't keep an eye on him and he'll sit on the bedspread to take his socks off.... not nice. He doesn't care of course, just one more issue to deal with. His personal hygiene is going down hill rapidly as also hard to get him to wash his hands after an episode. To top it all a bowel cancer testing kit arrived for him today, well, what chance of me sorting that out! Anyone else having similar issues?
I have the t-shirt on this issue including sitting on the bed to get undressed & personal hygiene! Took me weeks to get him to cooperate re bowel cancer kit & even then not sure it was done properly despite my help!
No solution but you have my sympathy! We muddle through!


Registered User
May 17, 2024
East of England
I have the t-shirt on this issue including sitting on the bed to get undressed & personal hygiene! Took me weeks to get him to cooperate re bowel cancer kit & even then not sure it was done properly despite my help!
No solution but you have my sympathy! We muddle through!
You're a saint 😇 if you even attempted to do the bowel cancer test kit. Don't think I'd bother on my OH's behalf. Luckily still continent