POA and Care Home fees


Registered User
Apr 17, 2023
Hi All, I'm sure some one can set me straight here. My Other half has gone into full time care fully funded by ( his sons inheritance) his savings. I had to prove to the care home he could afford to pay for his care which I did. They have told me when he gets near the goverment ceiling they will do all the paperwork for me which is a good thing as it will keep the continuity of his care. My question is we had a joint acc that we put equal sums in to cover all the daily costs of running the house car and insurances etc. As he is not living in the house I stopped his contribution as I did not want to take money from his account that I might not be entitled to. I have the 25% council tax deduction I have also changed the acc to my name only because if he is not contributing to it I saw no point in having a joint account. Is this correct or should I take a contribution as we still have some joint debts eg the new boiler last year or do I just take on all the debts myself.


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
Hi @jac69

My understanding is that your husband can contribute 50% to house maintenance - roof repairs, boiler replacements etc, although not the day to day running costs.

If he were being funded by SS/LA then he would be able to "gift" you 50% of any occupational/private pensions (not state pension) that he was receiving, and I believe you can do this while he is self-funding


Registered User
Dec 29, 2023
Hi @jac69

My understanding is that your husband can contribute 50% to house maintenance - roof repairs, boiler replacements etc, although not the day to day running costs.

If he were being funded by SS/LA then he would be able to "gift" you 50% of any occupational/private pensions (not state pension) that he was receiving, and I believe you can do this while he is self-funding
Hi @canary , my oh and I are not married. I own my house outright . I moved OH in with me on diagnosis 2020.
Will be selling OH house later this year and putting money into accounts for him for future care needs

My question is would he be able to gift half his private pension to me?

To be honest, it's not something I've ever considered as we have both always kept finances separate following my difficult divorce. But he does now contribute living expenses , no one lives free and his personal savings have accumulated since living here.

I'm self sufficient , fortunately, but was just interested in what the position might be.


Registered User
Jun 18, 2022

I do think legally it may make a difference if you are not married or in civil partnership

I have found the phone advice lines really useful

Wishing you well


Registered User
Dec 29, 2023

I do think legally it may make a difference if you are not married or in civil partnership

I have found the phone advice lines really useful

Wishing you well
Thanks. As I say, I don't need his money, but he initially wanted to marry and it was me that resisted. Been married nearly 30 years when my ex found a younger wife! After being cheated on I had final commitment issues😊

He always said if we lived together more than two years I'd get half his pension but even that didn't convince me.. only it seems dementia made me take him in🤣

I was just interested in what the position might be . As POA I looked at his will recently as I'm going to dismantle his home and wanted to check he hadn't mentioned items before I dispose of things. He always said I would inherit anything he had left and the will confirms that . I'm named executor when the time comes ,so another job for me🤣

Frankly, don't think I'll bother checking the answer til the time comes. It was more a point of interest for me really.


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
my oh and I are not married.......... <snip>..............My question is would he be able to gift half his private pension to me?
Im afraid I dont honestly know the answer to that.
I think you would have to ask the financial department of your local SS

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