Please..if there is a god out there..

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Registered User
Nov 16, 2007
East Midlands
I'm so tired I could weep....:(

They don't do night sitters in our area, Sylvia, sadly.

I do want to thank you all for your input with the summaries and bullet points..and Sandy especially for the links which I looked at while I was waiting for the doctor to come out. they're very helpful.

We have a sitter thisafternoon so hopefully I can snooze for a bit while she's here, and prepare my notes for tomorrow.

Love xx


Registered User
Aug 29, 2006
SW Scotland
* In order to have the capacity to make this decision Eric has to have some insight into his current level of need. It would be interesting to ask him what help he has at the moment in order to live at home? Would he mention the falls or incontinence? Do you think he would say he could manage on his own if you had to leave the house for say, 48 hours to help your mum?

I think this is a hugely important point Sandy has given you gigi. I hope they ask him.

They have to come to a more sensible conclusion on Friday, you can't go on like this.:(


Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
The GP has left me with an enema to give Eric when the carer comes in to help later this morning.
Your nursing skills are being taken for granted gigi. No `ordinary` carer would be able to do this. :mad:


Registered User
Nov 16, 2007
East Midlands
Sylvia..I didn't tell the GP I was a nurse...

I let him explain to me what I had to do and he was happy to leave it with me until thismorning.

And the deed has been done...sadly with little effect. Eric is still in a lot of discomfort.

I'll give it another hour and phone the surgery.

Love xx


Registered User
Mar 15, 2007
Good grief:eek: I have enough of a fight trying to wipe David's bottom, I cannot imagine trying to give him an enema:eek:



Registered User
Nov 28, 2005
Dear Gigi:

My heart goes out to you. The only consolation is that all this is fuel for the fire - and I am sure you will fire away tomorrow.

I do hope you can rest as you need to be as alert as possible - not too alert though otherwise they think you are coping :eek:



Registered User
Apr 4, 2008
Hi Gigi
I am following your thread with much interest and concern for you both, especially you.
I am feeling downtrodden currently and don't feel qualified to offer any advice, so sorry, but,you are in my thoughts, I really want you to know just that.
Hope beneficial changes are in the pipeline for you.
Love Hazel

sad nell

Registered User
Mar 21, 2008
bradford west yorkshire
Gigi , hope the enema gives desired effect, a couple of kiwi fruit usually gets trev moving, constipation with AD is a lethal mix. lets hope tomorrow they can see your situation and get some help in place for you both. thinking of you, love pam


Registered User
Nov 16, 2007
East Midlands
It's such a reassuring feeling to know that you all there..:)

My post will be short and factual for now.

Thismorning Eric slept. I couldn't as I'd booked a man to come and clean my oven..(my treat for me..:rolleyes:) and he was here for most of the morning..(just shows what a state the oven was in..:eek:)

The sitter came in at 12. My daughter was already here as we'd planned a nice lunch and a long walk with Pixie..and it was a perfect day for it.
We ended up at mutti's with scrambled eggs on toast..(thank goodness for little mutti...:))
I couldn't keep my eyes open so my daughter brought me home just after 1 o'clock and I crashed out on my bed for a couple of hours.

Eric woke up properly about 3.30..very confused about the day and the time, where he is, if he's eaten anything. His only real need seems to be for cigarettes and cups of tea. I 'm very concerned about him.
He's had 5 sachets of Movicol as well as his enema thismorning with no great result, and he remains confused.

In anticipation of another "night of it" I've phoned the GP for advice and am now waiting for him to ring me back.

I'm feeling overwhelmed now by this responsibility. Eric has just asked me if I still love him. I told him I do but I'm not sure if I can go on looking after him properly with too little sleep. I've suggested to him that it may be better for him if there were lots of people to care for him , so I could still see him and make sure he was cared for and "look after him in a different way". I've also reassured him that I'll always be there for him.

You know..he accepted that without question.

Love xx


Registered User
Sep 27, 2006
Costa Blanca Spain
Oh Gigi,

I could cry for you both and cry for me too! What you said to Eric today is more or less what I say everyday to Ken. The heatbreaking thing is that it is all so true. I can't care for him at home and I'm sure you have long ago reached this point too.

If the social workers have made this decision and it's obvious that the descision was not reached after fair and proper judgement, then all you are left with is to become such a nuisance to the services that they will have to take some action.

I'm afraid they have very bady let you down at a time when you needed help so much.



Registered User
Mar 7, 2004
Distressing and upsetting situation all round Gigi.

I hope that this evening (and the night too) is not too unsettling for you both, and that tomorrow brings some results all round.

Stay strong sweetheart.

Linda Mc

Registered User
Jul 3, 2005
Nr Mold
My heart goes out to you Gigi makes my own woes seem so small compared to yours.

I do hope you get the help you so desperately need

Love and hugs


Registered User
Aug 29, 2006
SW Scotland
Gigi, I've just read today's posts, and my heart goes out to you.

If there is a god out there, he/she has to be there for you tomorrow. I'll certainly be sending some messages.

Love and hugs,


Registered User
Oct 29, 2009
South East Essex
I hope they see the reality of your situation tomorrow Gigi.
With all us TPer's sending positive vibes through the ether they should make the right decisions for you & Eric.

Will be thinking of you.

Hope you have a reasonable night.

Sending a big ((HUG)).



Registered User
Oct 1, 2006
Dear Gigi
My heart really goes out to you, your story is so simlar to mine.
`J` has also had Movicol all week and still not been.
I am taking him for a scan tomorrow so hopefully we will get it sorted.

I hope things go your way tomorrow,
Will be thinking of you
Love Roseann x


Registered User
Nov 16, 2007
East Midlands
The GP thinks suppositories are a better option for Eric.

He's left a prescription at the Walk in Centre as the surgery is now closed.

The Dementia team are unable to collect it for us.

Our elderly neighbour, bless him, has gone off on this cold and frosty night to collect it so that hopefully I can get Eric "sorted" tonight.

GP has stressed that I must ring him tomorrow morning, as if the suppositories don't work he'll have to rethink.

Roseann..I'm sorry to hear you are having similar problems with your husband.

There's never a dull moment, is there...:rolleyes::D

Love xx


Registered User
Aug 16, 2009
sutton coldfield
gigi have just caught up with your thread and am really sorry that you are going through all this. sounds like you need urgent respite at least to begin with, untill a decision is made for full time care, i hope tomorrow brings some relief for you. im thinking of you good luck lyn xxx
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