Please help me


New member
Jun 15, 2024
Im so sorry to post 😭i have nowhere else to turn 🙄as you read in previous posts the hospital discharged my mother Friday or she would have been in there 8 weeks 🙄under the stipulation I was in charge of her medication! Today she has been horrendous 😭 I had to lock myself in the bedroom at one point to get away from her abuse 😭 this continued for 9 hours! My father came in the bedroom and was so confused ge didnt know who I was & said she was gone ! I ran around my local streets shouting her name and nothing, I ran bk to the house to ring the police 🙄2 seconds later she came back lied and said she was up the next st ! This was a lie !i ran through it shouting for her! She must have been hiding in the lanes behind the house 😡😡At this point I absolutely couldn't take any more & packed my things to leave! Her dosette tray was hidden in a carrier bag in another bag 🙄i went upstairs and straight down 3 minutes at the most & my father was in the room ( granted he is so confused again and his dementia has declined through the stress )when I went to the dosette tray to just gv her tonights she had stolen the dose out of it! She refused to admit it & I know what was in it! I couldn't get any sense of if she had physically taken them or hidden them 😭u didn't know what to do because she is epileptic so decided to just gv her 2 of the spare tablets to stop her seizure! She then accused me of trying to overdose her 🤣🤣( the irony) she then continued to abuse me verbally and she thought it was me coming through the door and slammed ir closed and my elderly dog was coming through 😭 and she caught his head 😭😭 I have come to bed but locked & hidden every key ! Oh she also wet her PJ's this morning and souled herself this evening! This behaviour is only happening at home! The moment she is in hospital she is laughing & joking & no toilet accidents ! Has anyone else experienced this type of behaviour? Who do I ring tomorrow? Is there a specific number/person to take over her care / meds ? I actually don't feel safe around her ( the accusations and abuse) and can't take anymore of it until Monday when the hospital pharmacy team comes out!! I actually think she has munchhowsns syndrome?? Whatever it is, she is not safe at home with her behaviour! Its very manipulative and calculated .


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
Hello @enticottdebbie I cannot see your previous posts but would suggest that if you are worried about your mum that you contact 111 or in an emergency 999.

In the meantime tomorrow look up your local emergency adult social services for your local council area and tell them exactly what you have said here and that you can no longer look after your mum.


Registered User
Feb 18, 2017
Just want to second what @SeaSwallow has said. Please do call adult social care tomorrow and get some help before you become ill yourself. I absolutely do not have to do this alone.


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
I’m another one agreeing here @enticottdebbie. Please phone the local social services number tomorrow. You need to emphasise how vulnerable both of your parents are and also that you feel unsafe and unable to cope.


Registered User
May 17, 2024
East of England
Another vote for social services involvement! If an adult can not take care of themself, the legal responsibilities lie with Social Services. The Law also stipulates that adult A cannot compel adult B to take care of adult C. Medical professionals will ask you to do something so when you say yes, you consent voluntarily. You are not legally obliged nor responsible. Emotional abuse by a dementia victim is a safeguarding issue for both of you. Once Social Services are involved, you can have as much or as little involvement as you wish on any given day. Admiral Nurses are also there for carers as well as dementia victims

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