Panic stricken - notification of initial CHC meeting received.


Registered User
Oct 12, 2012
Gosh - that's dreadful!
I really meant more his numerous operations when younger. The information re obtaining records I've looked at and which was via a link from Geum, says that if you can be more specific about which records you need, it can make it quicker to provide them and be cheaper. I will try the surgery first, even though the GP said I wouldn't be able to have them. I'm writing to the Practice manager and will enclose a copy of my Deputyship certificate and hope for the best!
Thanks again.

In my opinion the GP is talking rubbish.
You are perfectly within your rights to have them.
Don't be fobbed off by him.


Registered User
Mar 26, 2011
Near Southampton
Sorry Kassy, I've only just seen this. Thank you so much.
I'm not confident of a this going forward at all as I seem to have a lot of information but few defininitive facts for evidence. Plenty in the Care Plan points to my way of thinking but as for incidents and dates it just doesn't help that much. So much of what you know about a person is from day to day observation and dealing with things as they generally are rather than individual instances
Although I've read and written so much, I doubt if a fraction of it will be of use.
O well, I won't be losing anything by going through this - will just be glad when it's over!
Thanks again. I hope you are ok and feeling a bit better now that last week is over although I expect you are still feeling a bit low. love XXX
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Registered User
Oct 12, 2012
Sorry Kassy, I've only just seen this. Thank you so much.
I'm not confident of a this going forward at all as I seem to have a lot of information but few defininitive facts for evidence. Plenty in the Care Plan points to my way of thinking but as for incidents and dates it just doesn't help that much. So much of what you know about a person is from day to day observation and dealing with things as they generally are rather than individual instances
Although I've read and written so much, I doubt if a fraction of it will be of use.
O well, I won't be losing anything by going through this - will just be glad when it's over!
Thanks again. I hope you are ok and feeling a bit better now that last week is over although I expect you are still feeling a bit low. love XXX

Just want to say good luck.
Just remember you have right on your side.
Question everything you don't agree with.
Don't let them rush through it.
Take as much time as you want.
Make them aware you are in this for the long haul.
Don't get bullied.
Remember demand a full assessment is carried out anyway even if they say he doesn't qualify.
Thinking of you.


Registered User
Jul 10, 2011
Horsham, West Sussex
Just want to say good luck.
Just remember you have right on your side.
Question everything you don't agree with.
Don't let them rush through it.
Take as much time as you want.
Make them aware you are in this for the long haul.
Don't get bullied.
Remember demand a full assessment is carried out anyway even if they say he doesn't qualify.
Thinking of you.

That's just the sort of things I was going to say too, Saffie, so thanks Mick!
Ditto all of the above, and try not to worry - easy to write, hard to do. The TP crowd is with you :)

Take care, love xxxx


Registered User
Nov 28, 2005
Good luck from me too Saffie. You have good advice and I am sure you are well prepared.

With me I went dressed 'for the office' and carrying a brief case containing my support paperwork. Mouths dropped open as I do not believe they expect this and it indicates that you do mean business. I am sure this makes a difference.


Registered User
Mar 26, 2011
Near Southampton
I'll be there too Saffie - along with the Allo Allo policeman of course!!
Well, it wouldn't be the same without him Izzy!
I still wish you'd keep him up there though - preferably locked up in his cell!:D

Thank you Jeany, Jennie, Izzy, Jan and Mick so very much.
Mick, I will try to remain strong. If the assessor annoys me that will help 'stiffen the sinews' so to speak!
No, Jan, I doubt I am really prepared despite writing loads- the bits don't seem to ite up but I will try to make them do so.
I am phoning the home this morning and asking the manager if I could have the notes she said I could have before she went on leave as the careplan didn't help me much - I thought that would have all the notes in with it but it didn't. She had left before I did yesterday. I don't usually visit today but will go if she can have the notes ready for me. They might help as she said all the appointments etc were there. We shall see!
Last ditch effort I'm afraid.


Registered User
Mar 26, 2011
Near Southampton
Thanks all. I am absolutely exhausted - was gone from the house for 6 hours and the home is only about a quarter hour drive away. I was also extremely nervous - how is it that I have reached this great age and still get myself in a state about things!

Incidentally I never did get the notes yesterday, the manager said she'd copy them and mark the relevant bits and leave them for me today but this morning said she'd been called away so hadn't done them.
Anyway, despite that, Dave has been passed on for the DST assessment.
The senior assessor who came really, really late - I'd already been waiting over 3 hours - was really nice. You know - no horns, forked tail and didn't breathe fire - I was both surprised and reassured!
She spoke to me on my own before the nurse and seemed really pleased that I had done a checklist myself and asked what I'd written. She did say she'd like me to give it to her before I left but we both forgot. We didn't agree on all the ratings but a couple depended on what the nurse would later say and they ended up lower but it didn't affect the outcome. I didn't use a lot of what I had written but what I did was sufficient it seems. One domain was even marked higher than I had placed it after the assessor spoke to the nurse.

I was in the lounge with Dave when she arrived and she went up to Dave and said "Good morning Mr -------" and he replied in a hearty voice "Good morning"! and my heart sank! However, it didn't last and after some nonsensical utterings, he promptly fell back to sleep!

I am still unsure about the DST but at least this went forward without any argument or insisting from me. A great relief. So, thank you all for both your encouragement and suppport. I really, really appreciate it. xxx


Registered User
Jan 29, 2009

So pleased to hear today went well, you have been in my thoughts today, apologies for not posting this morning though (intended to but things happened with carer etc)

Hope you can relax a little now.

What happens next?

Take care



Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
That sounds positive Saffie. I can't pretend to understand and don't know what DST is but you sound pleased so I'm pleased!! xx:D


Registered User
Mar 26, 2011
Near Southampton
Thank you Izzy and Celia.
What happens next?
I get confirmation of the recommendation for the application to go forward for the full assessment with the DST (The Decision Support Tool for the CHC funding, Izzy).
Then, in about 3 months, so the assessor said, this assessment will take place. It's a much more detailed assessment and evidence for every detail seems essential.
So, lots of work to do to try to get this evidence but I feel it's at least worthwhile doing it now whereas before I wasn't sure about the whole thing.

I have to say that this isn't wholly about the funding in my book, nice though that would be if it happens, it's that it's a recognition of the severity of Dave's health needs which I felt were being just dismissed at the previous application. It just didn't seem right!
Incidentally I used both my Vie "Stay Calm" and "Stress Buster" pulse roll-ons this morning - don't think they worked!:D


Registered User
Oct 12, 2012
Thanks all. I am absolutely exhausted - was gone from the house for 6 hours and the home is only about a quarter hour drive away. I was also extremely nervous - how is it that I have reached this great age and still get myself in a state about things!

Incidentally I never did get the notes yesterday, the manager said she'd copy them and mark the relevant bits and leave them for me today but this morning said she'd been called away so hadn't done them.
Anyway, despite that, Dave has been passed on for the DST assessment.
The senior assessor who came really, really late - I'd already been waiting over 3 hours - was really nice. You know - no horns, forked tail and didn't breathe fire - I was both surprised and reassured!
She spoke to me on my own before the nurse and seemed really pleased that I had done a checklist myself and asked what I'd written. She did say she'd like me to give it to her before I left but we both forgot. We didn't agree on all the ratings but a couple depended on what the nurse would later say and they ended up lower but it didn't affect the outcome. I didn't use a lot of what I had written but what I did was sufficient it seems. One domain was even marked higher than I had placed it after the assessor spoke to the nurse.

I was in the lounge with Dave when she arrived and she went up to Dave and said "Good morning Mr -------" and he replied in a hearty voice "Good morning"! and my heart sank! However, it didn't last and after some nonsensical utterings, he promptly fell back to sleep!

I am still unsure about the DST but at least this went forward without any argument or insisting from me. A great relief. So, thank you all for both your encouragement and suppport. I really, really appreciate it. xxx
Well done Saffie,
Not as bad as you were imagining.
Unfortunately that's the easy bit .
The full assessment is a different kettle of fish but I am sure you will be ok.
Just remember to get hold of all Dave's records including those at the home.
Read up on all the care that Dave is currently receiving as previously stated many times on this site a well managed need is still a need.
Take that care away and how would he be.
Read the national framework as much you can as it will help to know this back to front.
Also don't let them drag this out ask for the full assessment ASAP.
But take a break first and build up your strength as this process can take a lot out of you.
That's why many give up because it has been made a very daunting process.
But there are many here who will help and support you all the way .


Registered User
Mar 26, 2011
Near Southampton
Thanks Mick. Yes, I have the DST, the manager gave it to me with the checklist.
I have looked at parts of it but am too tired to do more than than at this moment.
I think I'll try for a whole night's sleep first! Thanks again.:)


Registered User
Jul 20, 2008
Well done Saffie. No wonder you are shattered. I am glad it was better than you expected and you feel encouraged to press ahead. Sufficient for the day however and rest and sleep are now a priority.
