Our magic bitter sweet moments 🥰🥰🥰


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
We’ve needed both today! Sunshine this Am and the rain tonight has stopped me needing to water!

last week tho she did get rather wet out when we got caught unprepared…..I should buy a wheelchair poncho …and then forget to take it out!


Registered User
Jan 10, 2023
Some years ago, when we got caught out, in the gardens of a National Trust house in Devon by extremely heavy and sudden rain - we got absolutely soaked through rushing back to the house - and in the shop we bought a wheelchair poncho so we didn't have to swim back to the car!
(There are, I'm sure, cheaper places than at a NT property. At the time, needs must!)


Registered User
Aug 9, 2021
Annual leave is now drawing to a close …..back to the other world for a few days tomorrow.

Theres been lots of coughs and colds here which presses my stress buttons due to mum’s physical health Conditions. Have had to practice living in the present and my mindful painting!

I did think having half term off might enable me seeing some friends - but I should have checked first as they’ve been away. My bestest friend did take me virtually to Mallorca tho ☀️☀️ They had the sunshine which has been distinctly lacking! I did catch up online with one of my school friends too.

mum’s new wheels arrived last week……I have to say she looks sooo much more comfortable….and when we’re out and about there are no more oohs and ouches from her 🤣🤣 It’s just another 15kg to push 😬😬 My sister helped us ’break it in’ outside but today I made it round quite a long route via the local for a hot chocolate and my back remains intact!

There seems to have been quite a bit happening on the floor….we’ve had a new resident who looked like they may have come to die, but is bouncing back and making themselves known by banging loudly for help, another long timer has been graded GSF amber ( I really dislike it being displayed on the door for all to see) and the babies continue to be paced up and down the corridor…..along with cushions, socks and all manner of other paraphernalia …

oh and I did my own covid vaccine side effect study….21 done….3/4 needing a day or two in bed to recover….mum had an adjustment in her meds so hoping not the bad reaction we’ve had to the last two!

ps and I have just had to intervene as the baby was being literally pulled in two by the lady pacers…..compromise ….I am babysitting!!
Quite an eventful few days “off” then ……. So glad new wheels arrived and going well, and that your back bearing up- keeping fit is supposed to help fend off dementia says AZ info and has 2 important parts, aerobic and weight bearing so with the walking and chair pushing you are doing a number of important activities - and all without paying for gym membership 😏👍


Registered User
Aug 9, 2021
We’ve needed both today! Sunshine this Am and the rain tonight has stopped me needing to water!

last week tho she did get rather wet out when we got caught unprepared…..I should buy a wheelchair poncho …and then forget to take it out!
We left Mum’s chair and ‘cosy toes’ (also for rain) with the home when she died. We bought hers after the heavens opened when we took her to the seaside for her 90th birthday. She was relatively dry after partial shelter under koisk, 2 brolly’s held by me and my sister, and carrier bag on her feet donated by a fellow shelterer. The rest of us had a rather soggy meal. (Us not the food) . Thank you for bringing back some lovely memories.


Registered User
Jan 10, 2023
The funny things our PWD say occasionally take you by surprise sometimes.

This morning I went into our dining room, my OH's bedroom, drew the curtain, turned on the light and said good morning, and gave her a kiss. I sat the bed up and said I'd get breakfast.
Came back with breakfast. My OH says its a bit bright and keeps her eyes closed, even though she's awake.
I hold the mug to her lips and say, have a drink. She sips. Oh, that's nice, what is it? I said it's tea.
She said, still with eyes closed, Oh, I've had that before!
Do you want some weetabix? Yes, I think I've had that before as well. Yes you have!
Have you given it to me before? Yes I have. Oh, that's nice.

You couldn't make it up!


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
Thankfully no need for any poncho today on our foray out for an ice cream. I pushed with more vigour knowing I was fighting off Alzheimer’s pushing mum up the slope 🦼🦼

Wednesday was a shock to the system being back in work, but I settled back into my usual routine. I have reflected what a bizarre life I lead - hanging out all day with folk with all sorts of mental health (anxiety, schizophrenia, agoraphobia) and then in the evening my dementia buddies. It was last night when I was feeding mum when I felt my clothes being straightened up behind me and then my bottom gently smacked - I didn’t even flinch and knew exactly who it was and just got on with feeding mum….what a weird life it is 🤣🤣 The bizarre thing is the most stressful people this week have ironically been my colleagues. They’re all lovely people and I like them loads but the conversation always is how stressful work is and I could just do without It….

anyway mum enjoyed being up today - she got out for her ice cream and is now happily binge watching sport on TV.

on the theme of wheelchair pushing and the need to burn off calories…please see a taste of what we need to work off 🤣😬


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Registered User
Jan 10, 2023
Thankfully no need for any poncho today on our foray out for an ice cream. I pushed with more vigour knowing I was fighting off Alzheimer’s pushing mum up the slope 🦼🦼

Wednesday was a shock to the system being back in work, but I settled back into my usual routine. I have reflected what a bizarre life I lead - hanging out all day with folk with all sorts of mental health (anxiety, schizophrenia, agoraphobia) and then in the evening my dementia buddies. It was last night when I was feeding mum when I felt my clothes being straightened up behind me and then my bottom gently smacked - I didn’t even flinch and knew exactly who it was and just got on with feeding mum….what a weird life it is 🤣🤣 The bizarre thing is the most stressful people this week have ironically been my colleagues. They’re all lovely people and I like them loads but the conversation always is how stressful work is and I could just do without It….

anyway mum enjoyed being up today - she got out for her ice cream and is now happily binge watching sport on TV.

on the theme of wheelchair pushing and the need to burn off calories…please see a taste of what we need to work off 🤣😬
You have got a lot of pushing to do! @sdmhred


Registered User
Aug 9, 2021
Thankfully no need for any poncho today on our foray out for an ice cream. I pushed with more vigour knowing I was fighting off Alzheimer’s pushing mum up the slope 🦼🦼

Wednesday was a shock to the system being back in work, but I settled back into my usual routine. I have reflected what a bizarre life I lead - hanging out all day with folk with all sorts of mental health (anxiety, schizophrenia, agoraphobia) and then in the evening my dementia buddies. It was last night when I was feeding mum when I felt my clothes being straightened up behind me and then my bottom gently smacked - I didn’t even flinch and knew exactly who it was and just got on with feeding mum….what a weird life it is 🤣🤣 The bizarre thing is the most stressful people this week have ironically been my colleagues. They’re all lovely people and I like them loads but the conversation always is how stressful work is and I could just do without It….

anyway mum enjoyed being up today - she got out for her ice cream and is now happily binge watching sport on TV.

on the theme of wheelchair pushing and the need to burn off calories…please see a taste of what we need to work off 🤣😬
Looks very yummy 😋


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
Caring for the babies has taken on a whole new meaning….the last 2 nights the indoor garden gnome has been lovingly cradled ……he’s not soft at all and I definately hope there’s no fighting!


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
We’re at the inevitable which seemed impossible 😭😭😭 After a nice day with my sister mum had a big stroke this afternoon 😭😭😭 We have to be at the hospital as she’s requiring oxygen for comfort……but we’re now on that final wait 😭😭😭


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
We’re at the inevitable which seemed impossible 😭😭😭 After a nice day with my sister mum had a big stroke this afternoon 😭😭😭 We have to be at the hospital as she’s requiring oxygen for comfort……but we’re now on that final wait 😭😭😭
im so sorry to read this. its so sudden. at least your mum had a nice day out. thinking of you