Odd later stage dementia habits


New member
Jun 30, 2024
Hi, this is my first time posting and I find all of the threads on here very helpful.
My 93 year old grandfather is in the last stages of dementia, he is refusing to eat and drink and take any medication. We have been told that they are putting him on end of life care. On a visit today he kept holding a napkin to his mouth for a majority of our time there and I wasn't sure why. I was wondering if anyone else's loved ones do/did this xxx


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
Welcome to the forum @MrsLev16.

I’m sorry to hear about your grandfather. Much of what you mention is similar to how my husband was when he was on end of life care. I don’t recognise the thing with the napkin but others may.

I’m glad you’ve found this forum and hope you find being here a support and a comfort.


Registered User
Feb 27, 2018
Refusing food and drink is characteristic of end stage dementia, although some do rally and begin again. It’s very unpredictable. Maybe holding the napkin to his mouth is an emphasis that he doesn’t want to eat or drink now.


Registered User
Jul 23, 2017
N Ireland
Just a thought, but has a check of teeth, gums etc been made in case it's pain that's causing the issues, including the napkin thing!


Registered User
Nov 13, 2023
I'm sorry to hear your grandfather has reached this stage. I don't know if it is the same as your grandfather, but my man likes to put something like his sheet against his mouth. He says he just likes something there. It's like a comfort thing for him. Maybe the napkins are for comfort. My man has started keeping handkerchiefs handy, mainly to wipe his mouth.


New member
Jun 20, 2024
Hi, my mum was doing this with napkins as she was trying to surreptitiously spit food into the napkin rather than eat it. She takes a roll of toilet paper with her everywhere for when napkins aren’t available.


Registered User
Apr 10, 2023
My dad always has a tissue in his hand but still eats most food that’s offered - may be a sensory thing?


Registered User
Dec 29, 2023
My OH often has tissues in his hand. He drools a lot and uses the tissue to wipe dribble. I wish he didn't put them in his pocket as I can forget to check and end up with them in the washing machine 🙂


Registered User
May 17, 2024
East of England
My OH often has tissues in his hand. He drools a lot and uses the tissue to wipe dribble. I wish he didn't put them in his pocket as I can forget to check and end up with them in the washing machine 🙂
My OH also has excess salivation due to Parkinsons dementia. He gets through several rolls of premium kitchen towel every week. Won't have the cheap stuff. Three sheets at a time. Left everywhere. Yuck
Tries teatowels occasionally, trying to swap him over. They dry if left, and are cheap, easily washed for reuse.
Doctors can prescribe amitriptyline drops or hyoscine hydrobromide patches, to dry the mouth a bit. The latter have a UK wide stock problem. OH can't have amitriptyline as it can have odd side effects.


Registered User
Aug 8, 2007
I wondered if it was a comfort/sensory thing, because my dad would hold the napkin in the same position as he would hold the edge of the top sheet when he was snuggling down under his bedding and pulling the sheet up to his nose.


Registered User
Dec 29, 2023
My OH also has excess salivation due to Parkinsons dementia. He gets through several rolls of premium kitchen towel every week. Won't have the cheap stuff. Three sheets at a time. Left everywhere. Yuck
Tries teatowels occasionally, trying to swap him over. They dry if left, and are cheap, easily washed for reuse.
Doctors can prescribe amitriptyline drops or hyoscine hydrobromide patches, to dry the mouth a bit. The latter have a UK wide stock problem. OH can't have amitriptyline as it can have odd side effects.
My OH has neurologist appointment in September as we think he might have Parkinson's. He has developed the dementia shuffle and has a stoop. He freezes when walking . I have adult bibs for him but he takes them off. His shirt always has damp patches as he drools.
Original diagnosis was Alzheimer's with Lewy body.
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