Not dealing very well with sibling bullying


Registered User
Jun 19, 2016
Thank you @Duggies-girl , I obviously got confused.
That just seems to make it worse for me.

I did like the way that @WoolyWednesday agreed to have the dog, but said she would have to buy a muzzle and then, suddenly, it was ok to put the dog in a kennel. Its a pity there isnt something similar for his dad!!! Perhaps if she gets coerced into caring she should leave mugs on the side, crockery in the sink, not do any washing and leave the bathroom untouched ;) That might make him think he should get someone in to do it "properly" next time.......
I think @WoolyWednesday should buy a muzzle for her brother. If it's possible I'd like her to arrange a holiday for herself and her daughter and inform her brother and sister accordingly. She should also leave them with a care agencies contact number. Her brother might also need good housekeeping guide and recipe book.



Registered User
Jun 19, 2016
Like @Duggies-girl my youngest invisible didn't want to stay with dad when I was away because he was worried about his cat and yet he has a partner!


PS: Even funnier was the fact after dad's death he wanted to go sleep on the floor of the old house in order to stop me cancelling the insurance ?. The house insurance didn't cover an empty house and I had to inform them that I was no longer there!! Invisibles can't have their cake and eat it!


Registered User
Jan 19, 2022
Anxiety through the roof again.
I'm hoping that I've prevented what I regard a safeguarding issue.
After I've told my siblings when the Adult services are coming to do the care assessment, my brother has shared that he has hired a builder in to do essential work on part of the roof of the house and that the house needs clearing. This is after an announcement from him that he and his wife are going to go through the house room by room to empty it. This is while Mum is still living there and to my knowledge, without her consent. Yesterday evening after my announcement on the chat group about the assessment date, my siblings started to organise how they were going to empty the house. That they were going to get a skip and get her friend to take her out for the day and that the three of us emptied the rest of the house. I eventually told then that I presumed that they fully understood the emotional and phycological distress this would cause Mum and how it could cause a deterioration in her Dementia. I told them where to find local support in learning more about the illness and that there was an information pack in the house next to Mums day chair. Secondly, I'm appalled that they want to use Mums friends to do this to her. This, in my opinion will isolate her even more if she thinks that she can not only not trust her family but that she can't trust her friends either.
I feel that this is now escalating into a safeguarding issue but making a referral could put myself and my daughter in a precarious situation in regard of income and housing.
When Dad passed away, he left most of the assets to my brother including the family home but the content was to go to my sister and I. Both my sister and I was given a modest sum of money and because of my life situation at the time, I needed to have an income coming in while I got myself back on my feet. My brother persuaded me to buy a lodge on his park which has given me a basic income over the last few years as a holiday let. So, more than half of my income comes through his hands. The second thing, half of my home was in my fathers name, he bought out my ex partner so the kids and I had somewhere to live. The house was meant to come to me and the children but since the will passed the assets to my brother, his name was transferred to the deeds which put me in a position that he, on paper, and legally owns half of my home. He's not the type of person to throw me off his park making me loose income nor throw us out of our home, but, I don't feel that I'm in a safe position to challenge him about his conduct.
I know that both my brother and my sister are doing their best and are shouldering the care of Mum, they are by no means silent siblings in her care. They do mean well but they're just a bit insensitive and I genuinely believe that they don't understand the implications of the actions that they are planning on taking.


Registered User
Jan 19, 2022
Have managed to muster myself to send this message to them...
It's not fair to drag her friends in. That's going to isolate Mum even more because she won't feel able to trust us because we took her belongings behind her back and she won't be able to trust her friends because they colluded with you . You also can't take her dog away from her, she thinks the world of him, it keeps her emotional and physical well, she's dependant on him and his company. Taking him from her, too, would isolate her more. I know that your intention comes from a place of love but these plotting are going to hurt her. We need to find different ways to support her to remain as she is in her home, without making any unnecessary changes to keep her healthy and safe.