new to dementia

Val taylor

New member
Feb 18, 2024
my husband was diagnosed with lewy bodies dementia 18 months ago so not sure i should be on this site but hope sp
im finding it hard has i am doing everything now. my husband still showers himself and does most things,it is thelackof emotion thats hard hetells me all the time he loves me, but he also tells me he feels there are 2 of me and he does not know which one to trust hedid have hallusinations but this is now controlled by medication, i just feel so alone i live in france but my children live in the uk they support me but i dontwant this illness toimpact on there lives
sorry for rattling on im just so lonely


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
Welcome to the forum @Val taylor.

I’m so sorry to read about your husband’s diagnosis. You are absolutely in the right place on this forum.

You’re not rattling on at all. You’ve come to the right place for understanding and support. I hope being here will help you feel a little less lonely.

You might find something useful in this link -



Volunteer Host
Mar 25, 2016
Hello Val, welcome to the Dementia Support Forum which offers support relating to all types of dementia, not just Alzheimer's, so you have come to the right place for friendly help and support. People here are happy to share their experiences and help if they can, and we have quite a few members here who have experience of lewy body dementia, so you won't be on your own here. Perhaps take a look around the various different areas on the site and maybe post in the 'I have a partner with dementia' forum to tell us a bit more about yourself or ask any specific questions if it would help.



Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
Hello @Val taylor

Loneliness is common in carers - its why I spend so much time on here!
Is there anything like coffee mornings where you are? It does not have to be specifically for dementia, OH and I used to go to one that was open to anyone although it closed during the lockdown and hasnt reopened.

By the way - the thinking that there is another one of you and doesnt know which one to trust is called Capgras Syndrome and is very common in all types of dementia. Try not to correct him and insist that you are the real one as this will probably just make him more suspicious. If he wants to know when his real wife will be back, just be vague and say you expect that she will be back soon


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
Hello and welcome from me also, my husband has Lewy Body Dementia so if there is anything that you would like to ask me i will do my best to answer.