Needing a break


New member
Jan 28, 2024
Hi, my name is Mary. My husband of 56 years has moderate alzheifers and does well living at home but I need a break. He goes to an adult day care two days a week so that I can continue to volunteer at our local humane society and he likes it there but I need to find someone to come into our home for 6 days so that I can join my friends in Florida for a little break. Originally my daughter said she could keep an eye on him but now she’s thinking it will be too much since she works full time. I dont know where to start looking and I don’t have much time. I think he’d be fine with just someone coming in for a few hours every day.

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Welcome @Maryfr

Are you sure what you are thinking of will work?

Don`t you think bringing a stranger to live in your home when you are absent might confuse your husband and seriously affect how he manages at home?

If you are in the USA, it won`t be easy to get home in an emergency.

Have you considered a week of respite care for your husband? It might be a better choice.


Volunteer Host
Mar 2, 2017
Hi @Maryfr and welcome from me too. Leaving your husband to fend for himself - even with a few hours help - might expose just how much he is no longer able to cope with independent living. My wife had several short respite stays, building up to a 10 day stay to allow me to have a holiday. I could do so without worrying because I knew that a team of people was looking after her for 24 hours every day.


New member
Jan 28, 2024
Hi @Maryfr and welcome from me too. Leaving your husband to fend for himself - even with a few hours help - might expose just how much he is no longer able to cope with independent living. My wife had several short respite stays, building up to a 10 day stay to allow me to have a holiday. I could do so without worrying because I knew that a team of people was looking after her for 24 hours every day.
Thank you. I’m looking into that as well.


New member
Jan 28, 2024
There are agencies that screen and recommend part time caretakers. they are expensive in my area but you should check around. start with your local aging and disabilities office.

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