My Mum with Mixed Dementia wants to go home


Registered User
Jul 16, 2019
Hi @BeeBeeKent, welcome to the forum. The sun-downing need to go 'home' is one of the most challenging to deal with as it can lead to tears and anger - I can still remember that anxiety in the pit of my stomach when I first used to hear those words. It's great that you have found something that works for you, I can totally understand how emotional you must have felt. As I've said many times, Mum's anxiety was that she was in someone else's house, what would happen if they came home - solution - they are friends of mine who are away, they would like your help looking after the place, time for bed! This was of course after many fraught evenings trying to explain with logic etc. In the morning totally fine and comfortable in her own home. It was always her childhood home and wanting to see Mum and Dad - seemingly a very common theme. I think it's finding something that works for you, and it looks like you have struck gold. All the best. Keep posting.