Members of my family want mum in a care home?


Registered User
Jan 25, 2023
I care for my Mum who is in her early 80's, the thing is a family member would like to see put into a care home as they feel that they are not getting enough of my undivided attention and hardly see me anymore. I can't do everything and look after everyone I find this very difficult to handle at times and I am lost for words. What do I say how do I handle it. It is my choice to look after her, I do this without moaning and trust me it is strain and will only get harder I know.

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Hello @Actionman

The family member who wants to see your mum in a home, doesn`t seem to be thinking what`s best for your mum but what`s best for them.

This family member is being quite selfish. If you wish to care for your mum it is, as you say your choice.

You do not have to justify yourself to anyone.

What do you owe this family member? Probably nothing.

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Hello @Actionwoman

The family member who wants to see your mum in a home, doesn`t seem to be thinking what`s best for your mum but what`s best for them.

This family member is being quite selfish. If you wish to care for your mum it is, as you say your choice.

You do not have to justify yourself to anyone.

What do you owe this family member? Probably nothing.


Registered User
Jan 13, 2019
If this is your wife or partner complaining about you not spending much time with them then maybe you need to get carers in to help with your Mum to allow you a little more freedom?

My Mum's Daughter

Registered User
Feb 8, 2020
I care for my Mum who is in her early 80's, the thing is a family member would like to see put into a care home as they feel that they are not getting enough of my undivided attention and hardly see me anymore. I can't do everything and look after everyone I find this very difficult to handle at times and I am lost for words. What do I say how do I handle it. It is my choice to look after her, I do this without moaning and trust me it is strain and will only get harder I know.
Much depends on who this relation is and why they want the undivided attention.

If it's a very close relation i.e. son or daughter, that needs your attention due to pregnancy or illness, then they're justified. I will add, that as a child of a carer, we miss that relationship with our parent. We try to understand but at times, we tend to resent that person that sucks the life out of our mother/father.

If it's your partner that's objecting then you have a choice, Mum or your relationship.

Anyone else, then it's none of their business.


Registered User
Feb 18, 2017
Yes I’m also wondering what the relationship is to the family member because that does make a difference. If it’s a sibling or cousin etc then the could chip in and help not demand your time. A spouse/partner might feel very left out and if that relationship breaks down would you mind?