My dad has alzheimer's and lives on his own


New member
Nov 22, 2023
My dad has alzheimer's and lives on his own. He has gotten to the stage where he travels into London from Essex having walked 1.5 miles to station everyday for work. He's 76 and retired at age 66. He turns up everyday and the people there give him a cuppa and they have a chat and he goes home. I've tried calling at 6am and saying he's got a couple of days off and why doesn't he rest today, this was advice from alzeimers helpline, but sadly it hasn't worked. Until recently he couldn't walk more than 5 mins due to bad back, but the fact he thinks he's going to work has at least helped with that. The problem is, he gets lost on the way sometimes, forgets his mobile and not eating before he goes, not taking his medication, plus the people there have their work to do, I'm worried him turning up every day will wear thin very soon. He'll be out of the house for about 6 hours and I worry every minute until he's home.

He has also forgotten how to use microwave and oven, so don't think he's eating properly. I live over an hour drive away and work full-time, so can't get to him.often. Any advice welcome

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Hello @cherylallen79 Welcome to the Dementia Support Forum

Your dad will not be able to continue this practice for much longer, actually he is showing signs of putting himself at risk even now.

The following link may help you decide on the next step to take.



Volunteer Host
Aug 2, 2022
South West UK
Hello @cherylallen79 and welcome from me also to this friendly and supportive forum. There is a wealth of shared experience of dementia to be found here from members who really do understand and want to help.

I am sorry to read of your Dad's Alzheimer's and his behaviour of travelling to work having retired some years ago. This will be so distressing for you and causing you lots of worry and anxiety. As @Grannie G has suggested, it sounds like a care needs assessment is needed and soon.

Please do remember, you will always find a listening ear, understanding, and good advice here