Life expectancy


Registered User
Oct 21, 2019
Mum passed away.

She was 93.

Many people supporting people with dementia end up with something similar to post traumatic stress disorder, after the person they have supported dies.
They often go though hell in the run up and have to witness a passing no one would choose.

Well mum was in one of the best rehab units in the country, the care was literally ten out of ten, and they were doing observations etc. she went to bed and didn’t wake up in the morning. They had no idea she was dying. So my message is that it does happen, and without any indication it’s coming, so it isn’t inevitable that Carers have that pain as their future.

Anyway for information purposes mum lived five years after diagnosis, which is statistically spot on I believe.
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Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
My condolences @Weasell.

There is often much reflection after the death of someone we have cared for for many years. It's all we can do really.

Few people seem able to live in the present, especially when confronted with serious illness and death. The progression of dementia varies so much as do the natures of those who are carers.

Look after yourself now.


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
So sorry to hear your news @Weasell

Thank you for your wise words. All my best for the next stage of your journey.

Keep posting when you’re able.

take care xx


Registered User
Jan 23, 2019
High Peak
So sorry for your loss, @Weasell

I was 'lucky' too with my mum. She was 'a bit off colour'for a few days before she died but it wasn't really expected. She spoke to a carer in the early hours but when he checked on her later she was dead.

After three years of wondering if she'd go on forever, it still came as a shock but it wasn't the long, drawn out traumatic end many people unfortunately experience.

Wishing you strength and peace.


Registered User
Dec 26, 2021
So Sorry for your loss
My mother also passed away today
It was very peaceful and quick she’d only been diagnosed three years ago
It’s been awful watching her fade away day by day with dementia 😢


Registered User
Aug 11, 2021
Sincere condolences to you both, @Weasell and @MarieD. Your loved ones are no longer suffering, take solace in that. Take time to find yourself again, that’s what I’m trying to do.

@Weasell , your words have given me things to consider.

You are in my thoughts x


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
Condolences from me too @Weasell and @MarieD.

My mum passed away 5 years after her diagnosis of vascular dementia. My husband passed away 15 years after his diagnosis of Alzheimer’s.


Registered User
Jan 10, 2023
My condolences as well.
Knowing it's coming, doesn't soften the blow. As already said, be easy with yourself.


Registered User
Apr 10, 2023
I lost my mum a fornight ago, it was very unexpected she passed away due to hospital acquired chest infection. Mum had dementia but you could have a conversation with her. I knew it would get her one day, but I never expected it to be so quickly. She was my best pal and I feel so alone.
Relatives have told me I need to leave family home, father has dementia with cancer. He is not expected to last the year, horrible man violent and abused me in my teens. I feel if I had the courage I would do myself in, but I stay with my niece so I have to be strong for her.


Registered User
Jan 10, 2023
My condolences to you @Ineedhelp for your mother's passing. Be easy with yourself as you did all you could.
You are not obliged to care for anyone, especially not one that abused you!


Registered User
Oct 21, 2019
I lost my mum a fornight ago, it was very unexpected she passed away due to hospital acquired chest infection. Mum had dementia but you could have a conversation with her. I knew it would get her one day, but I never expected it to be so quickly. She was my best pal and I feel so alone.
Relatives have told me I need to leave family home, father has dementia with cancer. He is not expected to last the year, horrible man violent and abused me in my teens. I feel if I had the courage I would do myself in, but I stay with my niece so I have to be strong for her.
So sorry for your loss.
Your niece is lucky to have you.
I am sure together you will find a way though this.