Querying my sanity?


Registered User
Jan 13, 2019
I keep an eye out for my next door neighbour who has dementia. We both have a daily newspaper delivered but for the last couple of days our delivery lady has been away and I have had to go and collect them from the shop.
The first day I collected them and knocked at next door and handed in the paper and explained why I was bringing it and apologised because it was mid afternoon before I had gone out. I don’t think she had even realised she hadn’t had the paper yet!
Yesterday I collected the paper, complete with weekend supplement, but had to knock and hand it in to her because I couldn’t get it through the letterbox. Again I got grateful thanks. Then I went indoors and read my own newspaper. Later I had to go out and was rather surprised to find the newspaper sitting on a box in my porch. Now my memory is not what it was and for a moment I thought I had put my copy there as I was looking for my door key when I came in and left it there, then I read the address written on it and it definitely said next door’s number and my copy was indoors. Maybe I hadn’t given it to Maggie? But I was sure I had because I remembered not getting it through the letterbox! Obviously Maggie had brought it round to me but for what reason I had no idea. As I was just going out I separated the paper and supplement and tried posting them individually through Maggie’s door but for once she must have had her hearing aids in because she came to the door just as I finished. She had no idea that I had already given the paper to her or any remembrance of leaving it in my porch. Thankfully she kept it that time.

As many Carers say they are thinking the same way I now feel, monitoring their own actions to catch themselves with the first signs of dementia, I expect you can understand my initial thoughts that I must be going round the bend because I had to work out why the darned newspaper was sitting in my porch?


Registered User
Nov 23, 2012
I keep an eye out for my next door neighbour who has dementia. We both have a daily newspaper delivered but for the last couple of days our delivery lady has been away and I have had to go and collect them from the shop.
The first day I collected them and knocked at next door and handed in the paper and explained why I was bringing it and apologised because it was mid afternoon before I had gone out. I don’t think she had even realised she hadn’t had the paper yet!
Yesterday I collected the paper, complete with weekend supplement, but had to knock and hand it in to her because I couldn’t get it through the letterbox. Again I got grateful thanks. Then I went indoors and read my own newspaper. Later I had to go out and was rather surprised to find the newspaper sitting on a box in my porch. Now my memory is not what it was and for a moment I thought I had put my copy there as I was looking for my door key when I came in and left it there, then I read the address written on it and it definitely said next door’s number and my copy was indoors. Maybe I hadn’t given it to Maggie? But I was sure I had because I remembered not getting it through the letterbox! Obviously Maggie had brought it round to me but for what reason I had no idea. As I was just going out I separated the paper and supplement and tried posting them individually through Maggie’s door but for once she must have had her hearing aids in because she came to the door just as I finished. She had no idea that I had already given the paper to her or any remembrance of leaving it in my porch. Thankfully she kept it that time.

As many Carers say they are thinking the same way I now feel, monitoring their own actions to catch themselves with the first signs of dementia, I expect you can understand my initial thoughts that I must be going round the bend because I had to work out why the darned newspaper was sitting in my porch?
Oh my goodness yes, I feel exactly like that. Everytime I go into another room and think "what on earth have I come in here for?" I wonder if my brain is starting to crumble... is this the beginning??


Registered User
May 17, 2024
East of England
All the time. Really have to focus on what I'm doing, what I did, where I put things, finding things, what doing next.
Juggling too many things with constant distractions by OH or support staff or community nurses or visits and calls from support organisations or doctor or or or..... I don't get an uninterrupted moment to myself or to think straight

Calon Lan

Registered User
May 21, 2024
I keep an eye out for my next door neighbour who has dementia. We both have a daily newspaper delivered but for the last couple of days our delivery lady has been away and I have had to go and collect them from the shop.
The first day I collected them and knocked at next door and handed in the paper and explained why I was bringing it and apologised because it was mid afternoon before I had gone out. I don’t think she had even realised she hadn’t had the paper yet!
Yesterday I collected the paper, complete with weekend supplement, but had to knock and hand it in to her because I couldn’t get it through the letterbox. Again I got grateful thanks. Then I went indoors and read my own newspaper. Later I had to go out and was rather surprised to find the newspaper sitting on a box in my porch. Now my memory is not what it was and for a moment I thought I had put my copy there as I was looking for my door key when I came in and left it there, then I read the address written on it and it definitely said next door’s number and my copy was indoors. Maybe I hadn’t given it to Maggie? But I was sure I had because I remembered not getting it through the letterbox! Obviously Maggie had brought it round to me but for what reason I had no idea. As I was just going out I separated the paper and supplement and tried posting them individually through Maggie’s door but for once she must have had her hearing aids in because she came to the door just as I finished. She had no idea that I had already given the paper to her or any remembrance of leaving it in my porch. Thankfully she kept it that time.

As many Carers say they are thinking the same way I now feel, monitoring their own actions to catch themselves with the first signs of dementia, I expect you can understand my initial thoughts that I must be going round the bend because I had to work out why the darned newspaper was sitting in my porch?
Yes, I have lots of moments like that! A friend sent me a photo of the two of us recently. It took me a long time to remember where it was taken. I got there eventually - but it took me quite some time. It should have been quite easy as we were both wearing old style naval tricorn hats!


Registered User
Jan 13, 2019
Yes, I have lots of moments like that! A friend sent me a photo of the two of us recently. It took me a long time to remember where it was taken. I got there eventually - but it took me quite some time. It should have been quite easy as we were both wearing old style naval tricorn hats!
Was it when you were in the Press Gang? :p