Just saying hello


New member
May 30, 2024
Hi, my name is Ken and have looked this forum up because I just don't think my dad is getting the care he should be getting in his home. No doubt he's getting worse and at times aggressive - but we all think that the home is not sufficiently staffed with people trained in Dementia care and ... well... they're want him to leave! Such an all round stress. I'm sure there a re lots of similar stories here.


Registered User
Jun 18, 2022
Hello and welcome to the forum
Do make use of the telephone helplines on this site for specific advice too x


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
Welcome from me too @KenDC.

I’m sorry to hear about your dad’s situation. As suggested it could be helpful for you to contact the Support Line -


Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Welcome to the forum @KenDC

Many homes are not sufficiently staffed to care effectively and mainly this is down to cost and problems recruiting.

Have you discussed your concerns with the manager?

It`s upsetting if they want your dad to leave. It`s one of the things I discussed with the home when my husband was admitted to a residential care home. He could be aggressive. Thankfully I was reassured he would never be asked to leave and as he settled, his aggression eased.

If your dad`s home is for people with dementia, they should be able to manage his behaviour. If it isn't registered for dementia he might not be in the best home for his care.

Try to see the manager and find out what can be done.


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
Unfortunately, there are a lot of homes out there (even ones who say that they specialise in dementia) who only want the early, easy stages of dementia. Then once the resident progresses to the more advances stages, they will be asked to leave. Do you know what particular behaviour has triggered this?

There is no point in trying to fight it - you are right, they probably dont have enough staff who are trained and have experience of dementia. If your dad is LA funded, then get onto Social Services and explain that he has been asked to leave. If he is self funded then Im afraid that SS will just leave to look for somewhere yourself.

When you go and look at care homes, look beyond the decor and furnishings at the actual care given. Mums care home was shabby and old fashioned, but the care was wonderful. Look to see whether there are residents with very advanced dementia. If there are, then this usually means that they will know how to care for your dad when he reaches that stage too. Also, talk to the manager, be brutally honest about what your dad is like, ask them how they would deal with him - woolly answers usually mean that they have no experience - and ask what sort of behaviours they would not tolerate. This will give you an idea of whether they would ask your dad to leave at some stage as well