Ive asked care home to assess my dad for nhs funded care


New member
Oct 5, 2022
Hi, my dad is 91 next month, 2 year ago he was managing fine in his own home, he fell, broke his ankle, long story short he had to spend over 5 months in hospital, he ended up with long term delirium. The health care worker at the hospital made a comment that dad had vascular dementia, from a previous stroke that affected his eye sight, I tried and failed twice to have dad living with me but the delirium kept coming back, it got that bad dad had to be put quickly into a care home. 18months it took for a proper diagnosis of mixed dementia, but mostly vascular! He has stage 4 kidney disease, heart block, he's insulin diabetic, he's partially sighted, now suddenly his hearing is coming and going, I've asked the home if he can be assessed for nhs funded care as to me his mental health is getting worse, yesterday he said he was in France in the war, cutting off dead soldiers toes to transplant them, he's pointing as if people are in the room, the other day he was convinced he was drowning, his mobility is fluctuating so he now has his own hoist sling, he can only walk from bed to chair, he's incontinent, sits all day so bum is sore,and now his toes are covered in dressings, the home could say no to try for the funding, is it even worth trying? To me I think dad's nursing care but the care staff just think oh he's dementia is just getting worse, but is it normal to shout all night, have constant hallucinations, they won't even test for water infection as his urine doesn't smell, sorry for the rant 😉 x


Registered User
Dec 31, 2023
If you look online there is advice about CHC assessments. But one piece of advice I read was not to ask the Care Home. Don't leave it in the hands of the care home.


New member
Oct 5, 2022
Hi, who can I ask? The doctor is attached to the home and dad doesn't have a social worker?


Registered User
Apr 6, 2011
From what you have said CHC (continuing heath care) seems very unlikely.

Regarding FNC (funded nursing care) this is paid a nursing home (24/7 nurse on duty) if the nursing needs exceed those that the community nursing service can be expected to provided.
If the home is not a nursing home, how often does he require variable and unpredictable visits by community nurses?