Is LPA legal?


New member
Dec 5, 2023
This has been happening to me since 2022, a very similar situation to yours honeymonster. I think the OPG and the way that LPA's are created is beyond a joke. I have the medical records for my late father and it states implicitly that he didn't have the capacity to consent, at the time that both the LPA's Executor and wills were changed. I have been completely disinherited and the new LPA was also executor and main beneficiary of my late father's will. This person only really had contact with my father during the first lockdown period in 2020 onwards. They were not a friend or carer for my father or a blood relative of his.
Honeymonster, I wish you all the best and I would certainly back a campaign which makes the OPG more accountable and more transparent.