Is it real

Daughters concerns

Registered User
Oct 20, 2022
Hello all

I don't feel right writing this but as you are always so helpful to me I thought it worth a try!

Mum has diagnosed Alzheimer's but dad's scores as I've mentioned before don't meet the memory loss criteria as yet.

Dad thinks he's got a really bad memory however other than genuinely forgetting his words in conversation he's capable of holding good conversations and topics.

However, if late he has started saying he doesn't remember people from his past (when questioned) for example an old customer who used to regularly see him. When they met recently he didn't recall them at all but instead spoke about his ailing health and the history of his previous business.

This morning he said out of the blue he couldn't recall what day it is or what he was doing today.

So he passes memory Tests with flying colours and manages himself relatively well but thinks he doesn't and has random moments of memory loss.

But what I don't know is if it is really memory loss or because he's now being around mum (they're divorced) he's thinking he's got the same issues🤔

Or perhaps this is the beginning of a long haul of memory loss which is just showing itself!

Has anyone ever wondered if it's real or something else?

leny connery

Registered User
Nov 13, 2022
he passed his test. he is forgetful. I don't know what day it is sometimes and definitely forget faces. Please do not jump to conclusions. Maybe just watch him a little more closely without making assumption? forgetting names and faces is one thing. dementia's forgetfulness is like putting the washed up plates in a fridge, or forgetting how to find your way home from very familiar route we do a hundred times before. My 2 cents worth. The cognitive impairment is unmistakable. really struggling with the handphone, or remote control for instance. Hope no one here thinks I play doctor, I just want to calm you down.

Daughters concerns

Registered User
Oct 20, 2022
This is great thank you just what I needed and also to feed back/explain to dad when he says he's got dementia!
But I will keep a close eye

Thank you


Volunteer Host
Mar 25, 2016
Hi @Daughters concerns you don't mention how old your dad is but from what you have posted it does seem more like age related issues rather than something more serious, but as already mentioned it's a good idea to keep an eye on things. It may be that your mum's diagnosis has heightened awareness in your dad and he is over thinking things, and you may find this factsheet about the difference between normal ageing and dementia helpful.



Registered User
Mar 9, 2024
My Mum kept passing the memory tests and I kept getting told that her scores were not bad enough, however she has Alzheimer's, vascular dementia, alcohol dementia and has had a minor stroke, and those just didn't happen overnight. The symptoms were there but the GP would not take me seriously because she is extremely high functioning. Took a crisis and the emergency services getting involved before I was taken seriously.

As for if it is real, there are many times that I am convinced that my mother is gaslighting mem but the MRI was very real so who am I to argue.

Daughters concerns

Registered User
Oct 20, 2022
Hi @Daughters concerns you don't mention how old your dad is but from what you have posted it does seem more like age related issues rather than something more serious, but as already mentioned it's a good idea to keep an eye on things. It may be that your mum's diagnosis has heightened awareness in your dad and he is over thinking things, and you may find this factsheet about the difference between normal ageing and dementia helpful.

This is brilliant thank you 😊


New member
Jun 25, 2024
My mom passed the quick test at the doctors office but when she took a longer test with a neurologist she was not only diagnosed with dementia but was told not to drive and that she should not live alone. Memory was not my mom’s primary symptom. Is it just memory that’s an issue? Is he making poor judgments, personality changes, slowed thinking, trouble with finances etc. As others have said I would keep an eye on things and not just memory.


Registered User
Jun 26, 2023
When my husband first started they put it down to stress as that can make anyone have memory retention problems and it does look different to Alzheimer’s memory issues. Many years in, a lot of our issues are about understanding not just memory. I’d suggest taking time to seeing what it looks like.

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