Has anyone else gone through this?


New member
Jun 30, 2024
Im struggling.
the doctor has said my father has Alzheimer’s and vascular dementia and we are waiting for our 1st appointment with a geriatric rehabilitation unit, we were told a memory clinic but that did not happen. For the last two months my father believes my mam who passed nov 2020 is alive. It is not a come and go belief, it is all day every day. He has thought she was living with another man or couple, cleaning 2 streets away for 18 hours a day, he has driven round looking for her and asking people if they know her. He has walked around the close he lives in looking for her, i have telephone calls from concerned neighbours. He thinks she is having an affair with a driver as she now works in a big town 20 miles away. She comes home every evening at 11 pm and leaves at 5 am. He has phoned the local council asking for her to come home As he thinks she works for them. They telephoned me and They placed a welfare check on him. Then he drove to an imaginary hospital appointment at midnight and the police traced him through his number plate and called me at 2 am and they were going to put a welfare check in. He refuses to stop driving. He still shops, cuts the grass although he falls, refuses a falls alarm. He cooks and cleans for himself. As he is still cognitive the Social Worker asked if he wanted to go into a care facility or have a carer in and he declined. Now I have had a call from a hospital saying he sounded confused asking for mam and to pass a message on for her, he had made 29 calls to them. He says she has an apartment at the hospital and gets number phone calls saying she is entertaining men for money and is getting diseases. My mam was a lovely quite gentle soul with caring heart who cared for the elderly and mentally challenged. This is breaking my heart to hear this up to 19 calls a day. He is now contacting holiday firms to arrange a holiday for them both and I don’t know what to do, I am a. Lap on his will but as he is still cognitive I now he will get angry if I interfere. He is even thinking of going to the funeral home to get his money back. He says a doctor was concerned at the cremation and checked her and she was alive., but apparently she has been cremated 4 times. If we say she passed away it does not compute, so I just sit and listen for 30-40 mins a time on the phone as I’m disabled. There is more but I feel I will never stop writing. Has anyone else gone through this? I feel so tired, teary and worn out. I apologise if this to long.


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
Firstly, hello and welcome from me and I'm sure us all on the site here.
Please never think that what you post goes unread and I can see others have commented while I'm typing this, so just hello and welcome. K


Registered User
Jun 26, 2023
It’s so hard to go through that. It’s sad that the social worker considers he is cognitive, when the thoughts aren’t correct. How can they not see that he’s at risk and vulnerable when he is out asking people question etc. I have nothing to help but I feel for you.


New member
Jun 30, 2024
It’s so hard to go through that. It’s sad that the social worker considers he is cognitive, when the thoughts aren’t correct. How can they not see that he’s at risk and vulnerable when he is out asking people question etc. I have nothing to help but I feel for you.


New member
Jun 30, 2024
Its confusion. Mis-remembering. You could ask the doctor for there opinion.
We have been to the doctors. He did the general memory test and said I think you have Alzheimer’s and vascular dementia. I’m making an appointment to the memory clinic for you, upon receiving the appointment it was for the geriatric rehab which we are waiting to attend. He even got a home visit so the doctor in his mind would send him to the hospital where he thinks my mam works or he would phone for her to come home. Thankyou for your reply.


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
Hello @TheCat and welcome to the Dementia Support Forum.
This must be so difficult for you because of your own health issues. First of all I really do not think that your dad should be driving because of his confusion and I am surprised that the police did not mention that when they found him at the hospital. He is a danger to himself and others and I would suggest that you contact the DVLA and if possible his insurance about this. As soon as someone has a diagnosis of dementia their insurance company should be informed otherwise the policy is invalid.

Regarding carers or a care home, if your dad is deemed to have capacity he cannot be forced to have carers or move to a care home. Then it takes an emergency for this to happen. In the meantime keep pushing his GP to arrange the appointment with the geriatrician as soon as possible.


Registered User
Mar 1, 2013
Sorry, who deems him to have capasity, when it appears quite obvious that he doesn't?
Please take his car keys away, slip them in your pocket, maybe say nothing- he surely isnt safe to drive.
My mother was convinced that my father had run away with someone called jenny- we have no idea who Jenny is/was.
She also thought he'd gone to live with my brother

no idea what the solution is- to be honest he sounds like he needs sectioning, if nothing else, to keep him from harm
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Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
Welcome to the forum fro me too @TheCat.

I'm afraid I'm another who would be concerned about his driving. There's some information here -



Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
My mum told me "I think my husband has found a fancy piece - hes never here"
Then she decided they had moved into the flat above her

In reality, there was no fancy piece, there was no husband (he had died 30 yrs previously) and, indeed, there was no flat as she lived in a bungalow........

I would try and chase up this memory clinic appointment and find out what happened. Your dad may have cancelled it, of course....


Volunteer Host
Apr 13, 2018
My mother also forgot my dad had died and thought he had gone off with someone else. She didn't seem that bothered about it though.
I'm not sure who said your dad had capacity when it is obvious he doesn't @TheCat. If you have LPA I'd start to take over gradually, starting with the car, but also banking, bill paying and making sure he has food. My mum seemed to be managing OK despite being convinced her neighbours were coming in taking things and then returning them. When she started going drinking with young men in the local pub as she'd forgotten she was in her nineties was when I realised she needed more help and I moved her into care.
As @canary says chance up the memory clinic appointment and ask any concerned neighbours to report any problems to social services. That way he night get the help he needs.


New member
Jun 30, 2024
Thank you for your reply. it was the social worker who said he had capacity. When they 1st contacted me and asked what was happening after the welfare referral I told her everything and she said would he see me if I sent an appointment. I said I doubt it as he just thinks he forgets little things. She was gung ho about I don’t need permission as the council have referred him to me as a welfare case. It sounds like he should be taken into a place with locked doors and evaluated. I said please do not tell him we have spoken as if he thinks I am involved he will just shut me out. My sister went round day of visit and said social worker knocked on his door and said hi is your daughter there. Could not believe it. He told her he used to be a policeman, which he didn’t. He said my mam was due home any minute. He also said look I cook, clean, garden, gardens are immaculate tbh. He can put it on when he needs to by lying and charm. But he was on another level about mam. When she was leaving she said I’m sure i will be seeing you soon. He has said she is not welcome back in into his home to me.


New member
Jun 30, 2024
My mum told me "I think my husband has found a fancy piece - hes never here"
Then she decided they had moved into the flat above her

In reality, there was no fancy piece, there was no husband (he had died 30 yrs previously) and, indeed, there was no flat as she lived in a bungalow........

I would try and chase up this memory clinic appointment and find out what happened. Your dad may have cancelled it, of course....
Hi thank you for the reply. The doctor told us memory clinic but sent out appointment for geriatric rehab which is on the 17th. Social worker said she would try and get a sooner app but o have not heard from her again. I’m sorry you also went through this.


Registered User
Apr 10, 2023
I would write to the social worker (so that there is a written record) and tell them what you have told us, there is so much evidence here that he doesn’t have mental capacity and that he could be a danger to himself and others. This sounds harsh, I know, but you have to be so direct with social care as they are so stretched as a service that those who shout loudest are the only ones who are heard. Has your dad had a full care needs assessment? He needs one, and you need a carers assessment, as sometimes they can put in some services to match your needs that will automatically meet your dad’s needs too. It’s so upsetting when they are confabulating like this, and especially frustrating when they go into host mode in front of professionals (who, quite honestly, should know better if they have been trained properly to assess people with dementia). There is a way forward for you and your dad, but you will need to make it happen, as your dad doesn’t understand the situation. Good luck and keep us posted x


Registered User
May 17, 2024
East of England
Im struggling.
the doctor has said my father has Alzheimer’s and vascular dementia and we are waiting for our 1st appointment with a geriatric rehabilitation unit, we were told a memory clinic but that did not happen. For the last two months my father believes my mam who passed nov 2020 is alive. It is not a come and go belief, it is all day every day. He has thought she was living with another man or couple, cleaning 2 streets away for 18 hours a day, he has driven round looking for her and asking people if they know her. He has walked around the close he lives in looking for her, i have telephone calls from concerned neighbours. He thinks she is having an affair with a driver as she now works in a big town 20 miles away. She comes home every evening at 11 pm and leaves at 5 am. He has phoned the local council asking for her to come home As he thinks she works for them. They telephoned me and They placed a welfare check on him. Then he drove to an imaginary hospital appointment at midnight and the police traced him through his number plate and called me at 2 am and they were going to put a welfare check in. He refuses to stop driving. He still shops, cuts the grass although he falls, refuses a falls alarm. He cooks and cleans for himself. As he is still cognitive the Social Worker asked if he wanted to go into a care facility or have a carer in and he declined. Now I have had a call from a hospital saying he sounded confused asking for mam and to pass a message on for her, he had made 29 calls to them. He says she has an apartment at the hospital and gets number phone calls saying she is entertaining men for money and is getting diseases. My mam was a lovely quite gentle soul with caring heart who cared for the elderly and mentally challenged. This is breaking my heart to hear this up to 19 calls a day. He is now contacting holiday firms to arrange a holiday for them both and I don’t know what to do, I am a. Lap on his will but as he is still cognitive I now he will get angry if I interfere. He is even thinking of going to the funeral home to get his money back. He says a doctor was concerned at the cremation and checked her and she was alive., but apparently she has been cremated 4 times. If we say she passed away it does not compute, so I just sit and listen for 30-40 mins a time on the phone as I’m disabled. There is more but I feel I will never stop writing. Has anyone else gone through this? I feel so tired, teary and worn out. I apologise if this to long.
Oh dear. I hope this is a landline phone you could put an answering machine on. Short message to ask callers to leave any queries and details regarding your confused father. Then let cllaers ring that. With Caller Display you could answer callers you recognise.
Please also report Dad to Social Services as a safeguarding risk to himself, you and others. It is the kindest thing you can do for your Dad