I'm using coconut oil that's taking away symptoms. Is anyone else using it?


Registered User
Feb 28, 2012
My mom has LBD and I have been using this coconut oil for 4 months now and it has been taking away the symptoms. I would like to find others who are using it to compare with. Or if someone has been using it longer than I have that would be great. The only research that I have to go by is the Dr. and some others who state that it has helped instantly, and the oil I'm using is not working for my mom like they claim it has for them, nothing was within a few hours. It is really frustrating trying to find some real people in a similar situation as I am. I am happy with what the oil has done but have not found anyone else using it.


Registered User
Jun 11, 2011
Hi arlie

My partner was diagnosed with LBD 9 years ago. I have not heard about using coconut oil, he just takes loads of medication, which I'm not sure does any good. Sorry to be dense, but what do you do with the coconut oil?! And what particular symptoms does it help with? I will try anything which may help him, though I realise it may be a bit late after all these years. I will try it (assuming he cooperates!) and get back to you with the results.


Registered User
Nov 10, 2011
I have not heard about coconut oil. I care for my husband and the medication for him

My mom has LBD and I have been using this coconut oil for 4 months now and it has been taking away the symptoms. I would like to find others who are using it to compare with. Or if someone has been using it longer than I have that would be great. The only research that I have to go by is the Dr. and some others who state that it has helped instantly, and the oil I'm using is not working for my mom like they claim it has for them, nothing was within a few hours. It is really frustrating trying to find some real people in a similar situation as I am. I am happy with what the oil has done but have not found anyone else using it.

I would love to find out more about coconut oil. I fry with it because it is the only safe oil to use at high heat.
My husband did not get on well with medication so he takes B Complex and he has omega 3,6 and 9 oil on his fruit daily. He is more relaxedsince taking the B complex
Warm regards


Registered User
Nov 10, 2011
I would love to find out more about coconut oil. I fry with it because it is the only safe oil to use at high heat.
My husband did not get on well with medication so he takes B Complex and he has omega 3,6 and 9 oil on his fruit daily. He is more relaxedsince taking the B complex
Warm regards



Registered User
Jun 28, 2011
the oil I'm using is not working for my mom like they claim it has for them ... I am happy with what the oil has done

So: it doesn't work - or at least there are no instant results - but you're happy with it?

Nobody's found a miracle cure. Don't set too much store by the claims you find on the internet that there is one thing that makes all the difference. Such claims generally range from exaggerated to junk.

Start with basic good advice. For example:

Staying healthy

Am I at risk of developing dementia?

Risk reduction - top tips

and you can easily search here to find previous forum discussions - e.g. :

Coconut oil as Alzheimer's therapy/support

Coconut Oil

Positive effects of coconut oil on Alzheimers
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Registered User
Jun 6, 2011
In the "Resources" part of this forum there are 2 threads all about coconut oil.

"Oil" is the wrong word really. It's more like a semi-solid fat that needs scooping out of a jar. But it melts OK (be careful, it heats to smokingness very quickly! :eek:).

One downside is the cost, £3-4 in a health food shop where you will normally find it. The recommendations are to take 3 or so tablespoons a day! You would soon get through a jar if you did that. However, if it brought real improvement it would be worth it.


Registered User
Jun 6, 2011
what improvements have you seen :)

Me? :D

I'm using it preventatively for me and my hubby. I used it to saute veggies for a chickpea stew just this week. I added it to vegetable soup. We're both 51 and our memories are not brilliant! I still notice inability to remember names (say, of a shop). :(

I don't live anywhere near my mum, who has non specific dementia diagnosed. So I don't have charge over her diet. And now she is in hospital recovering with a new hip. I don't think she would take spoonfuls of the oil as some people do. Sometimes I take her coconut cake that has dessicated coconut added. When I tried adding dessicated coconut to her puddings (fruit and yoghurt) she complained the bits got in her teeth.

I'm not sure how her carer could add coconut oil to her diet as when she is at home, she is mainly having ready meals heated up and a few veggies added.

Neither my mum nor dad "listen" when I talk about nutritional approaches to improving brain health. A friend once gave them high-dose Vit B tablets which are KNOWN to help brains, but they didn't even take them.

There's only so much you can do for other people. But you can do it for yourself.



Registered User
Feb 28, 2012
I have not been on here for awhile. It takes me a lpng time to find the coconut oil posts for some reason, I get lost all the time, not sure what I'm doing wrong.
Anyway I use this oil called coconut oil blend. My mom has LBD for 10 yrs and I started this oil just over 4 months now. I put a tsp in her morning coffee and one in her juice at lunch and then one from a spoon at supper. It is a liquid. It has taken away her hallucinations, aggression, wandering, sun downing. She is much more aware of where she is, she is more social. She reads now, will do a puzzle with me and play cards. She has not done these things for yrs. For her birthday had a family get together and the family who had not seen her for sometime noticed a difference. She actually joined in on the converstation and was laughing and happy. This oil has made such a big difference in her life and in turn mine. My mom has had high chol in the past but I had taken her off the med. 3 1/2 months ago, as I heard that the oil will lower it. I take my mom next week to find out if this is true. I will let you know. One thing I found was the chol. med was interacting with the oil, I think, she was only on the oil for a couple of weeks before I took her off the med. When I didn't see any results right away like all the claims I looked at the meds. When she was off the med. then I started to see my mom getting better. I don't know ? Nice to here others want to try it. I would really like to compare the different things that might come up.


Staff Member
Apr 7, 2011
Hi arlie

I'm pleased to read that you have noticed positive changes in your mom.

I just want to make it clear that Talking Point is a peer support forum and we aren't able to verify member's claims. If anyone is thinking of trying a new treatment we would strongly advise that you seek medical advice and consult the relevant professional before doing so, especially if you are considering stopping other treatments.



Registered User
Feb 28, 2012
My post wasn't meant to tell people to go use the oil. I'm sorry if thats how it was taken, I was just stating how it has help my mom, and answering others questions. I know that anyone here could not verify that it has worked for my mom and it may not work for somebody else I don't know. Not trying to sell it or anything, wish more that I could find others using it, as I have questions, rather than answering questions. I was not expecting that.


Registered User
Jul 7, 2007
It's great that we can share ideas on here........please don't feel worried :).

As things stand with Dad I would be pretty much prepared to try anything at this point.....the blasted quack put him on this path with a 'safe' drug (Arcoxia, wrongly prescribed) and he is at an advanced stage now.

If Dad was in the early stages I suppose I would be more reticent in case I made things worse, so a cautionary note is a good and valid point for those in that position.

However at this point for my Dad (and my Mum) there is nothing left to lose.....his dignity, independence, life memories etc have all been stolen from him and we are resigned to the fact that it is just a matter of time now.

I will look into this oil and see what Mum thinks.....at the end of the day, it's her decision not mine.......!


Registered User
Feb 28, 2012
Hi Taz
Since I have had my mom on the oil I have been sure to take her in for blood work etc and always inform her Dr. of what is new with her. Her Dr. also checks liver and kidney functions and levels of vitamins. I continue to do research on coconut oil as it is new for me. I don't want to come across as knowing everything I still have many questions myself about it, but on the other hand it has made my mom better than she has ever been and I am glad to have my mom back a little. I was like you and probably like many or all people caring for somebody with dementia, willing to try anything especially when the disease gets too difficult. I also take the oil myself in my tea every morning, I don't know if it will prevent me from getting it, but also would not give my mom anything that I would not take myself. Please do the research for yourself as I am just trying this out myself and don't know if there might be a bump in the road at sometime.


Registered User
Aug 11, 2011
This is very interesting and I'd like to know where I can buy it in the UK.

Arlie, where did you find out about it?

elaine n

Registered User
Jun 1, 2010
west country uk
I don't want to throw a spanner in the works here but I noticed that you'd taken your mum off cholesteral meds, did you know that statins can cause added confusion in some people?

Shortly after my husband was diagnosed with dementia his gp in his wisdom doubled the dose of statins he was taking and the results were catastrophic. Within days he'd taken such a downturn it was dreadful. It took weeks and weeks after he'd stopped taking them before he improved and even then he never quite got back to where he was before. I'll never know whether the statins at the lower dose contributed to the level of his confusion.


Registered User
Mar 11, 2012
My wife has only just recently been diagnosed with Alzheimer's early onset and in the mild form. I was sent the video by my sister in law in Canada.

She had seen any television interview on her local TV channel. What it is a doctor in the USA whose husband is suffering with Alzheimer's had found some information about ketones. It is quite complicated but there is a lot of information on the Internet about the use and research into ketones.*

I was quite sceptical after having doing some research and talking to the consultant at the memory clinic who said there had been no blind trials to prove or disprove the effectiveness of coconut oil.

She was not worried about Penny using coconut oil as a supplement to her diet. Left it up to me to look for the side effects of coconut oil. Our GP felt there was no need to worry about using the coconut oil as long as we were not using excessive amounts.

She is not claiming a cure for Alzheimer's that with her husband she noticed an improvement in his symptoms, and plenty of other people have reported that there has been a improvement while using virgin coconut oil.*

If go to


This is a link to a professor at Oxford who is doing research into ketones




Registered User
Mar 11, 2012

My wife has only just recently been diagnosed with Alzheimer's early onset and in the mild form. I was sent the video by my sister in law in Canada.

She had seen any television interview on her local TV channel. What it is a doctor in the USA whose husband is suffering with Alzheimer's had found some information about ketones. It is quite complicated but there is a lot of information on the Internet about the use and research into ketones.*

I was quite sceptical. I then looked on the internet and discussing it with my decided to try the coco nut oil. After talking to the consultant at the memory clinic who said there had been no blind trials to prove or disprove the effectiveness of coconut oil.

She was not worried about Penny using coconut oil as a supplement to her diet. Left it up to me to look for the side effects of coconut oil. Our GP felt there was no need to worry about using the coconut oil as long as we were not using excessive amounts.

She is not claiming a cure for Alzheimer's that with her husband she noticed an improvement in his symptoms, and plenty of other people have reported that there has been a improvement while using virgin coconut oil.*

If go to this link you can see the original article


This is a link to a professor at Oxford who is doing research into ketones



I posted the message whilst awake in the early hours of the morning, researching how to give Penny the oil.

Last night was the first time she took some of the CO, it was a pain trying how to work out how to give her the actual amount. I mixed the fat in mashed potatoes and the gravy.

This morning Penny had awoken before me, and had made a cup of tea. I asked her who the Prime Minster was? immediate answer Cameron, and who was the female Prime Minster? Margaret Thatcher. Neither of which she could answer at the memory clinic on Tuesday.

Got her to draw a clock could not get ten past five, but was able to to get ten to five. Has great difficulty with subtraction will keep posting further results.

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