I'm using coconut oil that's taking away symptoms. Is anyone else using it?

Canadian Joanne

Registered User
Apr 8, 2005
Toronto, Canada
I don't want to discourage you but good and bad days are the norm with AD. Since your wife has only been recently diagnosed and is still in early stages, this return to normality is not at all surprising.

My mother wasn't diagnosed until mid-stages and yet still had days of what seemed to be perfect functioning. It's what made diagnosing her so difficult.

Giving your wife a little coconut oil cannot hurt her but I would not be dropping other medications.

The most important thing is that you and your wife enjoy each other as long as possible.

Sue J

Registered User
Dec 9, 2009
Thanks for this information John. Brain not functioning too well today but have managed to read first page. What I find interesting is that since I felt I had 'dementia' symptoms I have been craving and eating sweet things like I never did before. Yes I've always had a sweet tooth and good appetite but never craved sweet things so much that I couldn't control it - just not like me - it also goes against all I know about good diet and what's good for me etc. and prior to this I ate a pretty average healthy diet. What makes sense to me in the article is that my brain isn't able to get the energy it needs in the right form and I did once say to my GP it's as if there's no normal homeostatic control. I eat a lot more than I did, because I often forget if I have eaten, but will remember later, and because I get bored because I can't use my brain to function like I used to and because of the symptoms isolate myself socially because of loss of confidence. Yet I have hardly put on any weight, but am unable to exercise and function like I did so what's happening to all those calories? I will try and take in the rest of the article when if coconut oil will help in any way then I will try, if it just makes the bad days easier it will be so much better. Thanks again for posting it.


Registered User
Aug 11, 2011
Thanks for this information John, it is very interesting. Is it too much to hope that something so simple can make such an improvement?

I'm sure the oil itself cannot be harmful so I may try it for my mother. If I do I will let you know how I get on.

A quick search reveals that Tesco and Asda have KTC Pure Coconut Oil 250 ml for 99p and £1.27 respectively.


Registered User
Nov 3, 2011
Top of the mendips
I don't talk to anyone about anything, so it has taken me from the start of this thread until now to pluck up the courage to post.
In 1999 Bruce Fife wrote a book The Coconut oil Miracle, previously published as the healing miracles of coconut oil. I came across it in 2004 when I was desperate for a cure for a bowel problem and candida. It is well worth reading up on coconut oil, the truth, the manufacture, and the benefits. I had researched coconut oil relentlessly for many months and found out many facts one being that you should only use virgin coconut oil, but be careful when you start as you can get die back. There is lots I can tell you about if you want. Don't want to write too much In case I bore you. I have got my mum to use it along with a few other things but like all thing what might suit one might not suit another.

I have some research that was done in America that we are following I could post it out of interest if anyone would like to read it.

My mum is 80 and has Alzheimer's for over four years. Is on no meds apart from Aricept.

Sorry I can't proof read this to see if it makes sense as for some unknown reason the scroll has stopped working.

Feel free to shout if it's not making sense. It might be a bit disjointed as I'm ok on thoughts but not big on words.


Registered User
Mar 11, 2012

Forgot to add. Google coconut connections and virgin coconut oil for good info and info on book.

Well I asked Penny this morning who was the President of France, straight back Sarkosy.
I am fully aware that this could be just a coincidence. there is no way I would take Penny of any medication. This could just a few good days.

Left a message for Consultant to get back to me, to see if she could do the memory test in months time. Keeping Journal about responses and mood etc.

The problem with Coconut Oil is that is being treated as a Panacea.which does make skeptical and think it is to good to be true. There seems to be a lot of anecdotal reports, into the beneficial response to Dementia.

It could all be clutching at straws. One day they will find the answer let us hope it is soon.

And anyway I fried some bread in coconut oil, this morning, and it was truly delicious, and a have not eaten fried bread in 20 years. So even if it all turns out be a flash in the pan, I have found a healthy fry up. It may revitalise the "Greasy Spoon"!


Sue J

Registered User
Dec 9, 2009
Well I asked Penny this morning who was the President of France, straight back Sarkosy.
I am fully aware that this could be just a coincidence. there is no way I would take Penny of any medication. This could just a few good days.

Left a message for Consultant to get back to me, to see if she could do the memory test in months time. Keeping Journal about responses and mood etc.

The problem with Coconut Oil is that is being treated as a Panacea.which does make skeptical and think it is to good to be true. There seems to be a lot of anecdotal reports, into the beneficial response to Dementia.

It could all be clutching at straws. One day they will find the answer let us hope it is soon.

And anyway I fried some bread in coconut oil, this morning, and it was truly delicious, and a have not eaten fried bread in 20 years. So even if it all turns out be a flash in the pan, I have found a healthy fry up. It may revitalise the "Greasy Spoon"!


All treatments have first started from someone observing symptoms and collecting anecdotal evidence, trying treatments and writing down responses + that to other knowledge people have and connections are found and discoveries are made. So I'm all for it.

I like the pun - the 'flash in the pan' may be more than a 'greasy spoon!':)

Hope the good days continue for you both.


Registered User
Feb 28, 2012
Hi Lynnpin
My husband (a very social person) brought a business card home one day that was for the coconut oil blend so right away I did some research and phoned to order some, now I just go on the web site. I was already using coconut oil and mct oil but found it difficult to use and then could not get the mct oil. Yes I did take my mom off the chol med. she was on it only for about 3 months before I started the oil. Her behaviours have all been there for yrs. I had found out that I had high chol and in 3 months had lowered mine and gave my mom the same food and don't know why her chol was up. Just the last couple of weeks of the chol med. I had started the oil. So it could be that I did not see any improvements because of the med. but then I don't know if I would have seen improvement in just a couple of weeks anyway. Now I have heard that the oil should lower her chol. and just went to have that checked so I will know the end of the week if it is lower. Thanks for that info though, it's awfull what the meds will do to the mind, so now I know that it was a good dicision to take my mom off, although if the oil has not lowered her chol I will have to put her back on.
John I read your post and just wanted to say that I had the same problem of what food to put the oil in and how much. It was too hard for me because my mom does not eat very much, and thats why I went to the blend when I found out about it. Nice to here that it is working for you.


Registered User
Mar 11, 2012

I think we should be asking for recipes for using CO. I have ordered some Coconut Oil cook books from Amazon.

The Ketone studies showed a better response in people who were on Altzeimers medication.

Flash in the Pan and Greasy Spoon were not intended As puns they just came as I wrote, but I was pleased when I wrote them. The brain is a mysterious thing! Keep your chin up everyone.

Penny couldn't remember Margaret Thatcher's name this morning I have to admit Maggie was not my favourIte politician, but she had a great mind. She is unfortunate enough to suffer from Altzeimers, it is truly tragic to see great brains effected. But as this a quote from the Family Doctor website, states.

"Dementia can affect anyone. Prominent people such as Ronald Reagan, Harold Wilson, Margaret Thatcher, Iris Murdoch, Terry Pratchett and many other well-known names from all walks of life have developed dementia. It is a global problem, occurring in all ethnic groups and social classes. No one is immune."

From what Mary Newport says is that all they want is $15 million to further the research. If they found an answer the money saved it could easily write of the Greek deficit and probably Europes too. I think we should start pressurising our political representatives to get some action on this research. I have just decided to email my M.P. We should also get our friends and relatives to do the same. Politicians always get twitchy when they start to get emails from their electorate, especially the Grey Haired Brigade. How about it everyone?

I am in the campaigning mood!

Last edited:


Registered User
Mar 11, 2012
You have to face up to Things


I have just read your post. Have You had a diagnosis? It is important to seek help as soon as possible, see your Doctor. It is important to contact the local Altzeimers Society Branch. There is no need to become isolated, there is plenty of help out there, you only have to be brave enough to face up to it. It is important to socialise.

If you tell people about your problems, they will help.

I do not know which part of the world you live in, but it is truly important to get out there, confidence is a state of mind, it amazing how once you make that first move how the confidence comes flooding back.

All the best


Sue J

Registered User
Dec 9, 2009

I have just read your post. Have You had a diagnosis? It is important to seek help as soon as possible, see your Doctor. It is important to contact the local Altzeimers Society Branch. There is no need to become isolated, there is plenty of help out there, you only have to be brave enough to face up to it. It is important to socialise.

If you tell people about your problems, they will help.

I do not know which part of the world you live in, but it is truly important to get out there, confidence is a state of mind, it amazing how once you make that first move how the confidence comes flooding back.

All the best


Hi John

No not had a diagnosis and believe me I am trying to face up to this - you're right confidence is a state of mind and it's the state of my mind that's the problem!!;) I do socialize when I'm able but am more comfortable with friends that know me who understand.

Got some coconut oil today, stir fry was quite tasty. It's expensive stuff though need to find a cheaper source.

Hope yours has been a good day

Take care


Registered User
Mar 11, 2012
See your Doctor

Hi Sue,

You told me that you have not had a diagnosis, have you spoken to your Doctor about your memory problems fears. Coconut Oil on its own is not the answer, it certainly Is expensive, but from what I have read, and checking with Penny's Doctors there is no problem with CO. But it is important you discuss it with your Doctor.

All the best



Account Closed
Mar 18, 2012
In a campaigning mood?

I think we should start pressurising our political representatives to get some action on this research. I have just decided to email my M.P. We should also get our friends and relatives to do the same. Politicians always get twitchy when they start to get emails from their electorate, especially the Grey Haired Brigade. How about it everyone?

I am in the campaigning mood!


Good luck! Me too. I wrote to our MP as well. He already got a negative reply from Alzheimer's Research UK but is awaiting replies from the relevant Ministers.

Similarly, a friend whose father has Alzheimer's has asked his MP about finding funding for a clinical trial of the effect of ketones on Alzheimer's. Let's see, though I fear all that may take longer to set up than our loved ones have time for ... .

Meanwhile, about three weeks after changing my father's regime to a combination of 6 tablespoons of coconut oil over 3 meals and a low carbohydrate/ketogenic diet, my father seems to be back to where he was about five months ago in the progression of his dementia. However, he had a hiccup last weekend with a stomach bug which seems to be going around. That meant that there were a couple of days when he wasn't eating much, including the coconut oil.

In any case, with the help of his carers, like you, we are tracking his progress.

This week, a pharmacologist friend mentioned that there have been studies about the effect of turmeric (or specifically curcumin) on Alzheimer's/dementia: http://www.abc.net.au/pm/content/2012/s3604087.htm . The mechanism seems to be similar to the way coconut oil/ketones are supposed to work.

For more detail, see: http://voices.yahoo.com/turmeric-brain-research-9005631.html , which includes a theory about why drug companies may not be interested in researching potential natural treatments like coconut oil and turmeric.

Interesting to read that India, where turmeric (not to mention coconut oil) is often included in cooking, has 4.4 times less Alzheimer's than the US.

I'm hesitating about adding a teaspoon of turmeric in a glass of hot milk to my father's current diet: I see turmeric has side effects, including interaction with aspirin, which my father takes, and possible liver damage: http://voices.yahoo.com/side-effects-aware-taking-turmeric-5749704.html?cat=5 . Best to check with a doctor first.

By the way, another thing which may help is Vitamin B supplements: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-11232356 (or if you prefer the technical explanation: http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0012244 )


Registered User
Mar 2, 2012
I'd like to point out that this is an old thread which was started back in March 12. There is a more recent one on resources started by Big Effort, who is trying the coconut oil atm.

Big Effort

Account Closed
Jul 8, 2012
And I'd like to point out that to find this latest Coconut Oil thread you will have to go to the Resources section, because it has been buried down there where very few people find it.

Despite the evidence that Coconut Oil is a regular topic here on the main TP forum, just like Memantine, incontinence or any other issue that faces us carers as we try to find a way to cope/alleviate the problems and so on.

I hope you find the thread down there in Resources, though why Coconut oil is a 'resource' when, say compassionate communication isn't deemed a resource..... I cannot follow any logic in the this.

Don't give up on Coconut Oil. It does seem to help some people! Talk soon I hope, BE


Registered User
Jun 27, 2006
Threads that are posted to stay current, threads that are not posted to don't.

Thank you for pointing out that this thread is not in the best forum for it.


Registered User
Feb 10, 2010
Hiya BE,

I agree about there being no rhyme nor reason to this, other than to shunt it to somewhere that is less read because it is not something that is "endorsed". No wonder new people can't find their posts or find that they get no replies. By the same argument, why isn't every post that mentions LPA or AA etc moved to legal and finance. You either have a system or you don't. Where would you put a post if you start discussing coconut oil half way down a thread? LOLOL



Registered User
Mar 6, 2007
Wigan, Lancs
We do aim to move threads where the main topic of the discussion would be more appropriate in a different forum. I'm guilty of browsing by New Posts, so I read most threads no matter which forum they're in. The downside of this is that I can miss that a thread could be in a more appropriate forum. If you see a thread that you think should be moved please let the moderators know.

There is no question of posts being demoted or buried. It is simply a case of putting them where a member (or visitor) can find the support or information they need more easily. So if someone is looking for something on say Attendance Allowance, there is an obvious place to look. We would like to see people visiting the other forums more often, but the reality is that people will browse the forums that interest them most.


Registered User
Feb 28, 2013
Just started with coconut oil.

Hi, my partner was concerned about his memory loss and was diagnosed with dementia over a year ago. It was suggested that he begin a course of the chemical Aricept but this made him ill with it's side effects.
As other relatives had Alzheimers and dementia in the past I had read numerous articles on the subject many of which appeared to be of little help, some promoted these drugs some felt they had a placebo or even detrimental effect.
Reading about coconut oil I felt as a natural not chemical substance it was worth looking into.
At the moment it appears opinions are split between those stating there is no evidence this will show improvement and researchers (including those at Oxford) wishing to have funds to develop a pill based on the oil compounds.
Because opinions are so divided I have bought organic coconut oil and my partner is now taking four tablespoons a day.
A note has been made as to the date we started and after eight weeks he will again draw the clock face, as in the MME, to see if there is has been an improvement.

Big Effort

Account Closed
Jul 8, 2012
Hello Hope,

I am sorry to hear of your partner having to resort to medications and coconut oil in an attempt to boost brain capacities.

A note has been made as to the date we started and after eight weeks he will again draw the clock face, as in the MME, to see if there is has been an improvement.

I have only been using coconut oil about two weeks, but have noticed an improvement in how Mum can express herself post dose of oil. The effect only lasts a certain amount of time (so no cure).

I was wondering if getting your partner to draw a clock face is the most realistic check of improved mental performance. Mum would not be able to do this, even with oil, because she has deteriorated to a point where tasks like this are beyond her. So while you can set tests and tasks (and I have seen a few here on the forum you could experiment with), I would be leery of determining if coconut oil helps based on a specific test outcome.

Based on my own experience, Mum is extremely low-capacity before breakfast and her oil dose. Trouble dressing, easily distracted by anything she sees adjacent to her, if she talks she stops dressing and so on. Not making much sense verbally either.

About 90 mins later a different person emerges, and she has even admitted she made a mistake (!!!!!), this was one of the first things to vanish in the course of her illness. It isn't perfect, but much more tolerable for me as a carer and she is actually laughing and seems to find her ongoing gaffs and gaps and blunders really amusing. Now, who wouldn't prefer that?

I hope very much, that your partner thrives on the stuff too. Sending you both my very best thoughts for Best Possible Outcomes. Take care and keep reporting, BE