IAN Hello


New member
Apr 19, 2024
Hello My name is Ian. I Have alzheimers I live alone which can at times be a bit of a problem. Overall I am happy. I lot of life is about attitude, when I was first diagnosed I thought at least this has given me a chance to put my life in order. I have a funeral plan and have chose the songs I want, and where my ashes are going. I have made my will, not that I've a lot to leave. I've corrected some of my mistakes. So basicly I feel privleged to have been given this time. And I try to anjoy each day and smile. I am aware things will get worse but I wake up with ha ho today I will enjoy. The best thing is nothing is that important anymore. I have also met some of the lovelyest people from the Alzheimer's society and my doctor seems to have a more caring attitude There is only so much they can do but they worked with me and eccepted the medication was not good for me and no problem when I said I don't want it. I think the point I am trying to make is, It's not good but it aint all bad.


Registered User
Feb 27, 2018
Hi Ian, welcome, and thank you for sharing your journey with us.

Hopefully we can keep you company and offer a few hints and tips if you ever need them.


Registered User
Nov 7, 2023
Hello @Ian.Hogan
Welcome and thank you for posting such positive words. Please keep posting and sharing your journey with us. I don’t have all the answers but I’m a good listener.