I need words of encouragement and support


Registered User
Mar 24, 2012
The internet isn't too good here i wrote a long post and it's disappeared,

thank you everyone,

Jeany x


Registered User
Mar 24, 2012
Thank you Izzy and Dazmum it is about half a hour away x

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Registered User
Mar 24, 2012
Thank you Sylvia Kim and Jan I am home now, I think i need a week to recover, we had a good time though :)


Registered User
Jan 3, 2013
Lovely picture. Glad you had a nice time. Please try to relax the time will go quick x


Registered User
Mar 24, 2012
thank you Saffie,I didn't sleep too bad up a couple of times and been awake since 5.30 but better than usual,

Rageddy Anne

Registered User
Feb 21, 2013
Have been reading your thread with interest, Jeany and hope your break has helped recharge your batteries. It made me realise that I could be much more 'economical with the truth' with my husband, because he does fret so when he knows something different is going to happen.

Another thing I've come to realise lately is that he seems to have lost his sense of time, so that sometimes my absence from home is a few minutes, and sometimes he asks if I had a good day out when I've only been to the letter box! Perhaps your husband won't even realise that you've been away for long!


Registered User
Sep 16, 2010
West Sussex
I need words of encouragement and support please, as you may know my husband Allen is going for 5 nights respite tomorrow, he doesn't know,
Last time I never told him he was going until that morning and it went ok but it doesn't seem right keeping things from him,
Even though I know it's what's best but I still keep going to tell him, I know some of you will think "just get on with it" it is easy to say but not so easy when it is me doing it,
He looked so confused and puzzled last time when I told him as he got up that morning,
I know that it is for the best and saves him a lot of stress and agitation but I have the stress instead,
I feel quite ill at the thought of telling him, life is unfair isn't it,

Hello Jenny, I have to do the same thing with my hubby, but last time he went in he had a lucid moment and was terribly angry and asked me why I had brought him to this terrible place !!! and why didn't I give him a choice, I am now in a quandary as he is going into Respite again soon with a view to permanent residence, and I don't know what to do. My case is slightly different to yours as am finding it difficult to find a Home that will take him,SS are now trying to sort it, but I like you am getting stressed out about it, do I tell him beforehand or not. Good luck, enjoy the break.


Registered User
Mar 24, 2012
Hello Jenny, I have to do the same thing with my hubby, but last time he went in he had a lucid moment and was terribly angry and asked me why I had brought him to this terrible place !!! and why didn't I give him a choice, I am now in a quandary as he is going into Respite again soon with a view to permanent residence, and I don't know what to do. My case is slightly different to yours as am finding it difficult to find a Home that will take him,SS are now trying to sort it, but I like you am getting stressed out about it, do I tell him beforehand or not. Good luck, enjoy the break.

Thank you petromany, it's awful isn't it, he came back home yesterday and he is fine, i think it was definitely best for him that I didn't tell him until the last minute but it is so hard for me. I couldn't look forward to it and it was a relief when he had gone,I know that sounds awful but I am sure you will know what I mean,
I was very lucky he seemed to understand that i needed a break even though he doesn't think there is anything wrong with him,
I hope they manage to find somewhere for your husband to go and that it all works out well for you, only you know whether to tell him beforehand but it saved Allen a lot of stress and agitation, and me answering the same questions a million times so it was best for us,

Best wishes Jeany x