Our last night together

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
I have both, does that mean they can’t move him without my consent?

I`m not sure but I should hope so.

To put your mind at rest, phone the helpline. They will know



Registered User
Sep 14, 2022
Just an update, I’m not sure where to start. He’s still in the same home, there’s no dementia nursing beds available anywhere. The cpn did tell the social worker about a home but she left it until the next day to call and the bed was taken! It was close to home as well 😔

The home has said they will keep him until a suitable home is available, with the one to one carer. This isn’t really working though as it’s a different carer each day so he’s not seeing a familiar face. They’re also not engaging with my husband, they’re just watching him. I’ve left information about his likes and dislikes but it’s not getting passed on,

The social worker forgot to extend the one to one care past the week arranged and then took a long weekend so she wasn’t available. I had to say I would pay if it wasn’t approved and while they were waiting for the carer to arrive my husband assaulted a resident and a carer. The police were called and the home said my husband had to leave that day.

They eventually said he could stay just for the weekend and then he had to go, but he’s still there as there’s nothing available anywhere.

I considered cancelling my holiday, but after a horrible visit on Saturday where he tried to punch me I thought it wouldn’t help if I stayed.

So I’m away now, me and my mum and the two dogs. We stayed near Chesterfield on Sunday and visited Hardwick Hall yesterday. It was lovely, I’ve wanted to go for years.

My husband is in the best place for the moment, and I’ll leave it to the professionals to find a more permanent place for him. I can’t believe it’s only been five years since I persuaded him to see the GP when he forgot his PIN number and password for EBay. I really didn’t think we would be at this point in that short time. I thought we would have longer 😢

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Thank you for the update @DawnR

I’m sorry you’re still struggling to get your husband sorted but agree it`s out of your hands now and the responsibility of the powers that be.

You made a good decision to get away with your mum.

Your husband can’t help himself and I understand how upset you feel about the change in him. My husband was similar but verbally aggressive rather than physically although he did once threaten me with a knife when he thought I was an intruder. He cried afterwards , once he’d spent the night with our son, having no recollection whatsoever of the incident.

This did not mean it wouldn’t happen again and that is what I say to you.

Enjoy your holiday.


Registered User
Sep 14, 2022
So my husband finally has a home that can meet his needs. He’s moving on Monday. The social worker asked me if I could come back early from holiday to help with the move! I briefly considered it as well but it would have meant not going to Liverpool to visit my youngest son who I haven’t seen since early March.

I decided that was more important as I don’t know when I would get the chance to visit him again. I’ll let the professionals handle the move. The home seems nice but is twenty odd miles away. I just hope he’s more settled there.

The care home he’s currently at have done their best but I’m sure they will be happy to see the back of him which makes me a little sad. He would be horrified at the things he’s done recently. He’s assaulted 4 members of staff including a bite causing the carer to go to hospital, and 2 residents.

I knew it wouldn’t be easy but I didn’t expect this, it’s been a nightmare 3 weeks.


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
I think that you are right not to come back and let the professionals deal with the move @DawnR You need this family time.
Hopefully your husband will settle into the new home and that they can meet his needs.


Registered User
May 17, 2024
East of England
So my husband finally has a home that can meet his needs. He’s moving on Monday. The social worker asked me if I could come back early from holiday to help with the move! I briefly considered it as well but it would have meant not going to Liverpool to visit my youngest son who I haven’t seen since early March.

I decided that was more important as I don’t know when I would get the chance to visit him again. I’ll let the professionals handle the move. The home seems nice but is twenty odd miles away. I just hope he’s more settled there.

The care home he’s currently at have done their best but I’m sure they will be happy to see the back of him which makes me a little sad. He would be horrified at the things he’s done recently. He’s assaulted 4 members of staff including a bite causing the carer to go to hospital, and 2 residents.

I knew it wouldn’t be easy but I didn’t expect this, it’s been a nightmare 3 weeks.
Bravo for your decision.

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
You have no control over your husbands behaviour now @DawnR so wouldn’t be able to help make the move easier if you did shorten your holiday.

Your son is important too and so are you. It`s time to accept your reality and trust your own judgment.

I hope your husband settles in his new place. I’m sorry it`s not local but if it`s the best place for him so be it.

It will also help your recovery now you will be able to pace your visits.