I don’t know how to approach this


New member
Jan 23, 2024
A relative has been recently diagnosed with probable Alzheimer’s disease, mild severity. The symptom was short term memory challenges.

They’ve been prescribed memantine and donepezil. It seems to us that when they started takin donepezil they started experiencing from time to time some side effects.

A fatigue, tired around the eyes, thick headed, foggy, "somethings isn't right with my head", a need to go lie down.

We're going to see the GP about these symptoms in a few days.

My relative is sensible and doesn't drive if they don't feel up to it (like I wouldn't).

This is early days and the DVLA will be contacting the GP about their opinion about driving ability.

I don't know what I'm asking. I'm concerned that the timing of these symptoms and the GP soon to be asked about fitness to drive.


Volunteer Host
Mar 25, 2016
Hello @Shania and welcome. Donepezil, like other dementia medication, may cause side effects and sometimes it can take a while to find the right medication/dosage so it's good that the GP will be reviewing your relative's symptoms in the next few days. With regards to driving, this is a topic that comes up a lot here as it can be difficult to deal with. A dementia diagnosis doesn't automatically mean that the person will be prevented from driving but it's good that the DVLA are aware of your relative's diagnosis. It is also a legal requirement to notify the insurer of the diagnosis too, as well as the DVLA, as the policy may be invalid if they have not been informed. It's probably a good idea to ask the GP about the driving too when you see them, and you may find this factsheet informative too with regards to driving:


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