How can a Carer maintain their own 'mental health' and composure when living with someone in early stage Alzheimer's Dementia?


Registered User
Oct 13, 2022
I am 75 and hubby 71. I have AFib and find that when he is being verbally agressive and horrible, it affects me emotionally and physically (me trying to be patient and non-confrontational - and leaving the room), which often results in me having an 'AFib Episode'. It's primarily his Memory and Speech issue right now, but it's like running around after a 5 year old a lot of the time; forgets where things are, leaves a mess in the kitchen, equipment lying around in the garden, blah blah. It's exhausting, and one of the worse things is knowing ''this isn't ever going to get any better'' (although I appreciate things could be much worse!). So any 'advice' or 'suggestions' on 'how to keep going' without damaging my own health? Many thanks.


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
Hello @NoeB4711

The aggression is a concern. Perhaps you could talk to the doctor as there is medication to calm them down.

Also, you dont mention any other help. Are you trying to do this alone? You will need periods of time when you are not looking after him - a family member or friend willing to commit to regularly looking after him while you have time off, a befriender, sitting service, day care, mens shed - just some regular time when you can get a break, otherwise you will burn out


Registered User
Apr 19, 2023
Am sorry I have no advice for you at all. But I am also going through a phase of thinking this isn't ever going to get any better, this is the best it could be - and at the moment it is horrible.
I really wish I could help you - but here is a hug for you X