House Advice part 2

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Registered User
Jan 10, 2023
Hi All,
A belated Happy New Year to all the wonderful people on this site. I have got a week off work, so I am trying to keep busy. Christmas and New Year was a really rough period, like it is for all ex carers and current carers.
I have not seen my niece since before Christmas she has been staying with friends, but I think she is staying with the boyfriend. I am really worried about her, but I have got to let her own life and get on with my own.
I miss my mum and older brother so much it hurts like hell.
I averted a major crisis on New Years Eve, I was in Primark when the older psychotic terrible twin walked right by me. I was very lucky as I had a scarf around my face. She is a heavy drinker and was looking really rough.
I will no doubt by told in the next couple of weeks regarding the legalties of the house.
One of my New Year goals is to be more regular on this site
Hi @Ineedhelp
New Year.
Take it easier.
Things WILL work out.
Your niece - like children, younger generation loved ones never get too old not to worry about them.
Best wishes.


Registered User
Aug 9, 2021
Wishing you a much happier New Year. My son Will be 42 in March he is currently very keen on a much younger woman and like you with your niece I am also worrying about him…. We never stop however old they get makes me understand how my Mum felt about me …. And miss her even more …….


Registered User
Jun 19, 2016
Hi All,
A belated Happy New Year to all the wonderful people on this site. I have got a week off work, so I am trying to keep busy. Christmas and New Year was a really rough period, like it is for all ex carers and current carers.
I have not seen my niece since before Christmas she has been staying with friends, but I think she is staying with the boyfriend. I am really worried about her, but I have got to let her own life and get on with my own.
I miss my mum and older brother so much it hurts like hell.
I averted a major crisis on New Years Eve, I was in Primark when the older psychotic terrible twin walked right by me. I was very lucky as I had a scarf around my face. She is a heavy drinker and was looking really rough.
I will no doubt by told in the next couple of weeks regarding the legalties of the house.
One of my New Year goals is to be more regular on this site
Happy New Year @Ineedhelp!

Things can only get better for you.



Registered User
Apr 10, 2023
I being charged by the Procurator Fiscal in Scotland for waving a knife and threating to kill the terrible twins.
I didn't do it, so please keep me in your thoughts and prayers. They couldn't win the civil trial so this another attempt to get at me.


Volunteer Host
Mar 25, 2016
Sorry to hear that, I hope that you have a solicitor and are receiving legal advice about your situation.


Registered User
Jan 10, 2023
You need to find out what evidence has persuaded the Procurator Fiscal that it's worth prosecuting.
In England it's a request for "disclosure" of evidence.


Registered User
Apr 10, 2023
Sorry to hear that, I hope that you have a solicitor and are receiving legal advice about your situation.
I have Louise and I hopefully I enough evidence to refute the charge. As you are aware, I found it very difficult to cope since my mum passed and the harrassment from them. I am contacting my GP to show the record of harrassment. My younger sister is a nurse and in 2019, she intended to use her position to get me locked up. I have texts of her discussing how she was going to go to the GP and say I was danger to myself and others.
The older one told me the night my father attacked me, lifted me by the neck with one hand dangling me midair while attempting to choke the life out of me. After the attack she told me they were working on a plan to get me locked up .


Registered User
Apr 6, 2011
You need to find out what evidence has persuaded the Procurator Fiscal that it's worth prosecuting.
In England it's a request for "disclosure" of evidence.
Agree, if same as the CPS the Procurator Fiscal should have sufficient evidence and think prosecution is in the public interest.
Leave it all to a solicitor.


Registered User
Apr 10, 2023
You need to find out what evidence has persuaded the Procurator Fiscal that it's worth prosecuting.
In England it's a request for "disclosure" of evidence.
They couldn't get at me and my niece through civil court. I didn't do it. Back in 2019, they tried to get me locked up I have texted messages where the younger one a nurse planned to go the GP and tell them that I was a danger to myself and others. After my horrible father attacked me, the older idiot told me that they were working on a plan to get me locked up. I told the police at the time about this.


Registered User
Jun 19, 2016
They couldn't get at me and my niece through civil court. I didn't do it. Back in 2019, they tried to get me locked up I have texted messages where the younger one a nurse planned to go the GP and tell them that I was a danger to myself and others. After my horrible father attacked me, the older idiot told me that they were working on a plan to get me locked up. I told the police at the time about this.
Dear @Ineedhelp,

I'm so sorry to read this. They sound so desperate and I can't believe how low they have stooped. I know you've got a solicitor but I think you need to see a doctor who can recommend a therapist.




Registered User
Aug 9, 2021
Dear @Ineedhelp,

I'm so sorry to read this. They sound so desperate and I can't believe how low they have stooped. I know you've got a solicitor but I think you need to see a doctor who can recommend a therapist.


Thinking of you, it’s hard to believe how evil and nasty people can be. It’s quite possible this one could backfire on them. You need a criminal solicitor for this though, not a civil one.


Registered User
Jun 19, 2016
Thinking of you, it’s hard to believe how evil and nasty people can be. It’s quite possible this one could backfire on them. You need a criminal solicitor for this though, not a civil one.
Yes maybe your current solicitor could recommend one to you.



Registered User
Mar 1, 2013
I being charged by the Procurator Fiscal in Scotland for waving a knife and threating to kill the terrible twins.
I didn't do it, so please keep me in your thoughts and prayers. They couldn't win the civil trial so this another attempt to get at me.
if you didnt do it, they have no evidence to prove you did. How can you be charged with no evidence?
Its not for you to prove you didnt, its for them to prove you did.

Did you wave a knife around, even in jest/anger/frustation at anyone?


Registered User
Apr 10, 2023
if you didnt do it, they have no evidence to prove you did. How can you be charged with no evidence?
Its not for you to prove you didnt, its for them to prove you did.

Did you wave a knife around, even in jest/anger/frustation at anyone?
No. Back in 2019 the younger sister planned to get me locked up. She is a nurse and the plan was to go to the GP and say that I was a danger to myself and other. I have got text messages to show this. The night I was attacked by my father the older one said they were working on a plan to get locked up. This was reported to the police


Registered User
Mar 1, 2013
No. Back in 2019 the younger sister planned to get me locked up. She is a nurse and the plan was to go to the GP and say that I was a danger to myself and other. I have got text messages to show this. The night I was attacked by my father the older one said they were working on a plan to get locked up. This was reported to the police
so was a knife waved around then? If not, it has little to do with here and now


Registered User
Apr 10, 2023
It does. I didn't wave a knife and there was a plan set back in 2019 to get at me. They couldn't get at me civally, so this is the next part. It says on the charge sheet I was cautioned by the police, but I wasn't


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
It does. I didn't wave a knife and there was a plan set back in 2019 to get at me. They couldn't get at me civally, so this is the next part. It says on the charge sheet I was cautioned by the police, but I wasn't
be careful and make sure what it said is right due to future employment and dbs checks.


Registered User
Apr 6, 2011
If offered a caution do not accept.
Acceptance admits guilt and prevents you from defending yourself in court.
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