House Advice part 2

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Registered User
Apr 10, 2023
Hi, Victoria. Glad to hear that by and large things are going well. Good to hear that you’ve had an offer for the house, already. Settlement may be quick, hopefully. Have to admit to being a bit worried about the legal professionals your family is involved with. Neither firm of solicitors seem very competent to say the least. The person engaged by the TTS seems very unethical in that there may be a conflict of interests over their involvement with your late father. The idea that a ludicrous court action brought by your sisters should be paid for out of the estate is not only nonsensical, it’s plain wrong. Your own solicitors should be bringing in the big guns here, but for some reason they are not. If it were me, I’d be unhappy with the service provided and would maybe be consulting the Citizens Advice Bureau to find out if there are better people out there who can provide a decent service.
Hope you and Jordan have a good Christmas. X
Thanks. I will be on my own, but my friend is coming up Christmas night.


Registered User
Mar 1, 2013
Consider what there is to be gained by taking them to court.
It could well cost you 1000's.....and to what end?

I understand you are angry with them, but what is to be gained?

What will change NOW for outng them? Just your satisfaction?


Registered User
Jun 19, 2016
Dear @Ineedhelp,

I just want to make sure that you enjoy a festive treat with your friend. Also with the money that I would have spent on my youngest invisible and his partner I usually buy a present. A massive Xmas treat for myself and my friends!



Registered User
Apr 10, 2023
Dear @Ineedhelp,

I just want to make sure that you enjoy a festive treat with your friend. Also with the money that I would have spent on my youngest invisible and his partner I usually buy a present. A massive Xmas treat for myself and my friends!

I am finding it a bit difficult, today has been hard. I am off work till Wednesday. I am going to buy myself a couple of things tomorrow. I am going to mass on Christmas day and a few presents that my priest can give to children who wont get a lot. I will also get some food to cover me until Wednesday.


Registered User
Jun 19, 2016
I am finding it a bit difficult, today has been hard. I am off work till Wednesday. I am going to buy myself a couple of things tomorrow. I am going to mass on Christmas day and a few presents that my priest can give to children who wont get a lot. I will also get some food to cover me until Wednesday.
The first Christmases are usually the most difficult and in my case I remembered other deaths as well and then there was the thought of losing my home. My friends and our wonderful people on this site got me through it but you must remember that the next chapter in your life and Jordan's is just beginning. One other thing that I do is buy a bouquet of flowers to remember mum, dad and nana. Also I don't know if you've thought of this but would you consider getting a small pet they can provide good company through the darkest times.



Registered User
Aug 9, 2021
The first Christmases are usually the most difficult and in my case I remembered other deaths as well and then there was the thought of losing my home. My friends and our wonderful people on this site got me through it but you must remember that the next chapter in your life and Jordan's is just beginning. One other thing that I do is buy a bouquet of flowers to remember mum, dad and nana. Also I don't know if you've thought of this but would you consider getting a small pet they can provide good company through the darkest times.

Don’t get a snake though - very boring, they do nothing (one of son’s pets). 😆


Registered User
Jun 19, 2016
Don’t get a snake though - very boring, they do nothing (one of son’s pets). 😆
Hello from Jacky:


Registered User
Jan 10, 2023
My sister-in-law, quite a few years ago, had a parrot to whom she took particular delight in teaching it swear words!


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
Don’t get a snake though - very boring, they do nothing (one of son’s pets). 😆
My daughter had a pet snake, it used to wrap itself around your wrist for your body heat, I got so used to wearing it I dived out to the local shop forgetting I was wearing it, didn't go down well when I went to pay and the snake popped her head out from down my sleeve for a look around.


Registered User
Aug 9, 2021
My daughter had a pet snake, it used to wrap itself around your wrist for your body heat, I got so used to wearing it I dived out to the local shop forgetting I was wearing it, didn't go down well when I went to pay and the snake popped her head out from down my sleeve for a look around.
That made me giggle 😆


Registered User
Jun 19, 2016
My daughter had a pet snake, it used to wrap itself around your wrist for your body heat, I got so used to wearing it I dived out to the local shop forgetting I was wearing it, didn't go down well when I went to pay and the snake popped her head out from down my sleeve for a look around.
🤣🤣🤣🤣 I hope @Helly68 reads this because her dad has a python.



Registered User
Apr 10, 2023
Hi All,
I hope everybody had a good day. It was a difficult day, had Chinese and friend popped around for 30mins. I eat loads and managed to put myself into a food induced coma, it was hard, but I got through it like us all on the site. I am back to work tomorrow, but off from nine days on the 8th jan 2024 getting gas put into the flat.
Next challenge is New Years its a very much doing thing up here in Scotland .


Registered User
Aug 9, 2021
Well done you. 👍Today was the worst. Bring back to work will help. When my children were younger where I worked shut over Xmas to New Year, the children would go off to their Dad’s on Boxing Dsy morning and my partner (now husband) went back to work ( having spent his Xmas Dsy with his children not me), and the dsys just stretched endlessly. The house would all ge spotless within 2 days. I remember I read a lot, walked a lot, and often cried a lot. If all else fails go to bed early on Hogmanay and ignore it. For years I woukdnt(my family are Scottish) and I believed I had to see the New Year in, but when I stopped doing it (only 6 years ago), nothing bad happened (after all it already had) . Wishing you a much much better 2024.


Registered User
Apr 10, 2023
Hi All,
A belated Happy New Year to all the wonderful people on this site. I have got a week off work, so I am trying to keep busy. Christmas and New Year was a really rough period, like it is for all ex carers and current carers.
I have not seen my niece since before Christmas she has been staying with friends, but I think she is staying with the boyfriend. I am really worried about her, but I have got to let her own life and get on with my own.
I miss my mum and older brother so much it hurts like hell.
I averted a major crisis on New Years Eve, I was in Primark when the older psychotic terrible twin walked right by me. I was very lucky as I had a scarf around my face. She is a heavy drinker and was looking really rough.
I will no doubt by told in the next couple of weeks regarding the legalties of the house.
One of my New Year goals is to be more regular on this site
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