Hello, I'm John. My wife has dementia. We are both 87 years of age and have been married 64 years.

John A Parry

New member
Oct 19, 2022
During the day her condition is cyclical but about 7pm her condition reverts to depression and confusion. She constantly says she can see her parents and my double. One of whom is her husband, the other an old friend. I care for her needs myself as I know she would do the same for me if conditions were reversed.


Volunteer Host
Mar 25, 2016
Hello @John A Parry and welcome. The symptoms you are describing sound like 'sundowning', which is when there are changes in behaviour at certain times of the day, usually during the late afternoon or evening. It can be difficult to deal with but you may find the link below useful as it contains some suggestions you could try which might help. You are doing really well looking after your wife but don't be afraid to ask for help with her care if you need it, as it's a lot to take on on your own. You will find lots of friendly support here from people who have been, or are going through, similar situations and will understand.