Had to giggle.....


Registered User
Apr 22, 2022
I had to smile this morning. One of the water butts in our garden had fallen and spilt its contents all over our already saturated lawn. Asking OH to help me lift it back into place as it is quite awkward to handle I was told to leave it and he would ask his uncle Fred to give him a hand. Good idea I thought except uncle Fred died in 1986 and I wasn`t prepared to squat on the flooded grass and take part in a seance in the vain hope of uncle Fred being able to spirit the water butt back into place!


Registered User
May 25, 2020
I had to smile this morning. One of the water butts in our garden had fallen and spilt its contents all over our already saturated lawn. Asking OH to help me lift it back into place as it is quite awkward to handle I was told to leave it and he would ask his uncle Fred to give him a hand. Good idea I thought except uncle Fred died in 1986 and I wasn`t prepared to squat on the flooded grass and take part in a seance in the vain hope of uncle Fred being able to spirit the water butt back into place!
When we used to visit my Mum in her care home , she used to tell us that her brother Bob was the gardener there . That was in 2021 , my Uncle Bob had died in 2009 . She was quite happy that he was the gardener. She also used to ask us if we’d seen him in the garden . I’d say no, maybe he’s not working today /working in different part of the garden. Made us smile too 😌