Finding joy


Registered User
Jun 10, 2023
Hi All,
I was siagnosed with early onset vascular Dementia around 2 years ago... and it has been a roller-coaster of emotions since.
I also live alone.. with friends far away. And , socially, I don't really want to make any new friends because I have to explain my difficulties..
My therapist also suggested looing at things that game me joy in the past.. Like gardening, etc.. which we've seen as advice everywhere.
- A recent thing she said, was to challenge myself daily to find joy, and try challenge myself to try again the things I used to enjoy..
For me, that really didn't work out, but I found a non-threatening craft studio where you pay a small fee, and they show you how to do things, and then leave you to quietly take as long as you need. They always close by if I have questions.

I am not a crafty person, but having the gentle support is great..

Thought I would share... since it is the only thing that gives me joy right now.. I also enjoy just casual chats with shopping assistants etc.


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
Thank you for sharing this @Shelleydvr. The craft studio sounds like a really supportive place. I’m glad it brings you joy to be there.

Take care and wishing you continued joy.

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
I`m not a craft person either @Shellydvr but would really appreciate the kind of craft studio you describe. It sounds like an oasis in the desert.

I hope there are more of these studios and therapists like yours who can bring joy to others.


Registered User
Jun 20, 2017
I also live alone.. with friends far away. And , socially, I don't really want to make any new friends because I have to explain my difficulties..
Hello Shelleydvr, I quite understand what you say here. I moved house and it's difficult with new people. The craft studio sounds great. I like to be left to get on with things without people looking over my shoulder. Hope you continue to find joy.


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
Sounds great @Shelleydvr
Im not a natural at craft so that sort of set up sounds ideal.
Well done - I’m glad it gives you joy.

I find trying to find 3 things each day that I can be thankful for has really helped me…sometimes it’s the sun or a flower I walk by. Interestingly chatting or even just smiling at strangers gives me joy too. I think it’s that you can do something easy and positive without having to explain your life and difficulties

keep searching for it! 🌺🌺