Finally received invoice for my husband’s care home fees,


Registered User
Feb 18, 2017
There is a difference between a top up where by family can pay towards costs when the PWDis in a home that the LA can’t fully fund. and the standard procedure of a resident having to pay their pension etc towards a LA funded placement. Top ups cannot come out of a PWD own money .


Registered User
Feb 18, 2017
Hi everyone, I have a question, does anyone know how to find out which care homes are on the local council approved providers list, or is this information not available to the public.
I think the LA should give you at least two homes to choose from however the issue is if they are appropriate for his care needs and if they have a space available. In my mums case there was only one home with one space.


Registered User
Oct 12, 2023
Hi @ladyboxer my husband is in a Nursing home(expensive) not on the approved list because of the complexity of his needs.
I get a monthly invoice from LA to pay the fees owed from his state pension and half his private pension. I pay about £1300 a month from his funds.
I pay a private top up from a legacy I received so entirely my funds. I pay £1100 a month which is more than I am left to live on.
The NHS also pay some towards his care. The Nursing home fees are £1800 a week and as one of the only LA resident my husband and I are very much the "poor relations"


Registered User
Nov 12, 2023
Just ask the home you want him moved to whether they accept the LA rate
They wont be upset and will give you a straightforward answer

Do you know whether this home will be able to meet his needs?
Hi, the home I would like my husband to go to have said they are on the apl, and they are happy to assess him, based on the information I have given them about his dementia. However I just keep getting the same answer from SW, I've reached the point now were I'm struggling to know who to believe. I feel like I'm in a tumble dryer spinning around and getting nowhere. I'm hoping tomorrow's mtg with present care home management and sw as well as my self will finally be able to sort this out.


Registered User
Nov 12, 2023
Hi everyone, looking for advice again. The manager of my husband’s care home has finally decided that they can no longer meet his needs,! He has been assessed by manager from the home I wanted him in when he first needed a care home. The home apparently is not in the APL, so they have to fill in a lengthy document to be placed on the list. This will probably take up to the beginning of May, yet management from both homes agree the move needs to be made asap. If it’s beginning of May, my husband will have to be re-assessed and I have been told that by then he may not be suitable as he may need a dementia/ nursing home. Unfortunately there aren’t any close enough for me to be able to visit him. My daughter and son in law want my husband and I to move closer to them in Scotland, how do I stand . Can social services prevent me from moving him.


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
Hello @ladyboxer

If the home that you want him to move to are saying that by May he may not be suitable I really dont think it would be a good idea to move him there - within a very short time they will probably say that they cant meet his needs either and he will have to move again

I dont think that SS will stop you moving him to Scotland, but you will have to sort out the funding with SS and I think its a bit complicated. Im not sure of the details.


Registered User
Nov 12, 2023
Thank you , you have confirmed what I have been thinking.
Hi everyone, just some new information which may help others. To move my husband to a care home in Scotland from North Yorkshire, once I find a good care home, I have to find out if they are on Ny approved providers list, because he will still be funded by NY, the social worker we have at present tells me she can’t say which home are on the list because she doesn’t know, can anyone please tell me how am I supposed to find out if the social worker can’t. Thanks in advance.


Registered User
Nov 12, 2023
Hello everyone. My husband was visited yesterday by CPN and a Mental health doctor who after sitting with my husband went to the care home manager and said my husband hasn't got vascular dementia he has Lewy body dementia. When he was diagnosed in January 2021 I asked if he would need medication and was told no because the dementia "is just vascular " so he won't need medication, not until it becomes much worse, but that could be a long way off. My husband is now showing signs of paranoia and has hallucinations, his condition had gone down hill quite rapidly in the last few weeks, the care home now are unable to meet his needs as he is on a residential unit. There is a care home close by and they will be able to meet his needs, but are having to re apply to go on the APL, this can take weeks, meanwhile my husband is not being given the motivation and stimulation that he needs, and his condition is getting worse. Any advice please on how we can progress this quickly.