Fathers Day


New member
Jan 23, 2023
I’m sitting here wondering if I’ve done the right thing in not honouring Fathers Day.

My Dad is 80 and is hurtling through the moderate stage to late stage Alzheimer’s. He no longer really knows who I am; most of the time he thinks I’m just one of the carers.

I took him out for a drive yesterday then back to mine for a bit. He thought my husband was my brother and when my teenage son greeted him, afterwards my Dad turned to me and said “He called me Grandad?!”

It’s all so heart breaking but I meet him where he is and thought it might confuse him more if I made a fuss of Fathers Day.

Wretched disease.


Registered User
Oct 12, 2022
Yes, @Jaelorcat I know exactly what you mean. I've had the same quandary with Mother's Day. The last one I got her a card as normal but it's rare she knows who I am now.
She looked at the card, read it but couldn't really take it in. She just left it on the mantelpiece face down. That was fine with me as we never really made a massive thing of it.

Next year I think I'll get her a card but not give it to her unless she notices it is MD.
You're right - with this challenging disease it's not easy knowing what to do!


Registered User
Jun 7, 2022
You did the right thing.
Haven't celebrated or mentioned Mother's Day for 3 years.
It's hard - but then I realise it's harder for me than for Ma. She gets treats no matter what day :)


Registered User
Nov 21, 2022
I’m sitting here wondering if I’ve done the right thing in not honouring Fathers Day.

My Dad is 80 and is hurtling through the moderate stage to late stage Alzheimer’s. He no longer really knows who I am; most of the time he thinks I’m just one of the carers.

I took him out for a drive yesterday then back to mine for a bit. He thought my husband was my brother and when my teenage son greeted him, afterwards my Dad turned to me and said “He called me Grandad?!”

It’s all so heart breaking but I meet him where he is and thought it might confuse him more if I made a fuss of Fathers Day.

Wretched disease.
I didn't bring it up either, I didn't want to disrupt our routine. He wouldn't have remembered 5 minutes later anyway x