Dear Diary!


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
I’m disappointed that the country and system doesnt seem to have learned from the pandemic - especially in protecting the vulnerable. We know masks and distancing protect people so it does seem non sensical not to use them around the highest at risk. Surely the cost of masks at pennies is cheaper too than having some one elderly admitted for covid or flu.

Also I struggle that people are still determined to go in to the office full of bugs….many a time I have heard…’oh I shouldnt be here’……well that’s too late for the immunosuppressed person in the table over the way 😢
Mum's friend turned up on Sunday to administer Holy Communion, she had been attending with a mask but not on this occasion saying it had been forgotten. I had to be quite firm in saying it was a must do thing, her reply was she had been told (by whomever) it wasn't of much use anyway. I disagreed stating that having been a clinician for seventeen years the evidence was strongly in favour of such measures; I also informed her that she was not being singled out and that all visitors were expected to wear one. As she only lived around the corner my mum's friend popped home to fetch one before returning ten minutes later... I was told there was no need to apologise as she understood my position - to which I replied I wasn't!! Don't get me wrong she's a good friend but it can be so frustrating sometimes.

And the office thing? Bonkers! Especially if one's working in this field 🤔


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Mum has 'persuaded' - no that's not right I was actually 'told' in no uncertain terms she wants to go out tomorrow and Tbh I don't blame her. We've not been out for several weeks due to this consistently bad weather and her arthritis flaring up but you have to take into account her psychological wellbeing too. She was very clear regardless of my reasoning (which was starting to sound like a broken record)... I'd go stir crazy too if our positions were reversed!!! Fingers crossed 🤞:)


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Well after a very (very) busy night managed to get out midafternoon with mum :) Only local to Asda but took the long way back, picked up the usual junk - doughnuts, cereal bars, chocolate chip muffins etc. haha ;) Positive first step though after being stuck in for so long but it'll allow us to see how her arthritis has held up when we check everything over later tonight and tomorrow morning. She was sort of pleased... I think mum was surprised at how cold it was!!


Registered User
Jan 10, 2023
Well done @Eddcorner for managing an outing, with treats!
The forecast is for the temperatures to get back to mild, rather than cold.
Augers well


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
I‘m glad you got an outing 😃🦽🦽 hope it has benefitted both your mental healths - hope u got lots of smiles as a wheelchair pusher….

I got mum out today too - so lovely to do something normal again….


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Well done @Eddcorner for managing an outing, with treats!
The forecast is for the temperatures to get back to mild, rather than cold.
Augers well
Well to be honest I was all ready to hibernate but got a much deserved kick up the bottom by mum!! And people think I'm in charge ;) mum called this one spot on!


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
You can see the difference in mum after getting out yesterday - brighter, more responsive and much happier overall. Right knee causing some problems today but worth the price methinks :)
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Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
I‘m glad you got an outing 😃🦽🦽 hope it has benefitted both your mental healths - hope u got lots of smiles as a wheelchair pusher….

I got mum out today too - so lovely to do something normal again….
You're not wrong and it's so easy to get stuck in a rut... pleased you got out with your mum too, makes a world of difference regardless of the weather :) Normal? I've always been slightly bonkers but yes I'll take it hands down!


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Wet, windy and cold so absolutely no chance of getting out whatsoever :( Mum is not happy but it is what it is, she understands but her frustration is clear.

On a different note got a call from our GP (don't recognise his name) who wanted to see how mum was - a courtesy call of sorts. Busy assisting mum however with her teatime meal so advised him to ring back whilst she was having her late morning nap, will ring back a week today!! Probably just crossing his t(s) and dotting his i(s), having had recent communication with our community team about same one would expect they would be sharing information via health database? When I was a clinician any and all relevant health professionals entered updates onto the system on a regular basis but perhaps I'm being a tad pedantic ;) We'll wait and see anyways, extra support is always welcome when it comes to supporting mum :)


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Mum's feet (ankles specifically) were mostly okay yesterday morning but last night on retiring to bed one could liken them to small footballs :( Must have come on real quick as I keep a frequent eye on such things... so unfair on her!! Can't even begin to imagine the pain and discomfort she must have been experiencing, consequently a restless night with numerous interventions and support. Not so bad this morning but still out of their 'usual' shape, fingers crossed for tonight God love her.


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
I am so sorry to read this @Eddcorner. Fingers crossed for you both tonight.
Some reduction @SeaSwallow, that first evening her feet were really hot when they're usually the opposite but yesterday temp-wise normal service was resumed. Where the toes meet the rest of the foot there was quite a lot of swelling, the top too... applied plenty of Flexiseq (a nonprescription gel), bathed and massaged with some progress this morning. Have also noticed her right hand now mirroring the left - clenching whilst at rest; fortunately her knees aren't a problem at the moment, much improved actually 🤔 So hand warmers are out, also utilising our range of grip objects (different sizes and levels of malleability) to promote functionality; her left arm is also increasingly coming across chest during the day (90°) at rest, what does help is a little gentle repositioning and finding tasks for that side. Phew!! Full time runaround at the moment!! ;) If you can keep on top of it not a big problem but if you're off your game...


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Have Amazoned four new kylie sheets as the others have reached the magic 300 wash mark evidenced by their poor absorption rate and consequently adding to our hated laundry volume, new bedding too as well as the usual list of important extras that mum needs ££££££ ;) Heating on to the max as well... my heart goes out to those many isolated older individuals attempting to manage their households and keep themselves healthy, warm & safe.


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Countdown to mum's 79th birthday on Sunday, consequently breaking all dietary rules for a proper and I mean a right real proper roast dinner ;) Yet to figure out a present though... clock is ticking!!


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
Oh wow….you guys join the December birthday parade 🥳🥳

Mum - on Friday
My Brother - on Saturday
Me - on Monday

Happy Birthday @Eddcorner’s mum 🎂🎂. how old or is that rude to ask? I am apparently about to be 85 🤣🤣🤣

I’m struggling too for a present - I’m wondering just about flowers as I know she will enjoy looking at them at least 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Oh wow….you guys join the December birthday parade 🥳🥳

Mum - on Friday
My Brother - on Saturday
Me - on Monday

Happy Birthday @Eddcorner’s mum 🎂🎂. how old or is that rude to ask? I am apparently about to be 85 🤣🤣🤣

I’m struggling too for a present - I’m wondering just about flowers as I know she will enjoy looking at them at least 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
My eldest son and my daughter had birthdays days apart in November, my youngest chap also had his early December... Wowser and you too eh? And she'll be 79 @sdmhred, I asked her permission first though before posting it haha ;)

I have mine in January but body is currently at least 25 years older at the mo haha!! Anyways happy birthday 🎂 🥳 to all of you too and you're deffo not 85, still a young lass no doubt!

Hmm flowers always do the trick, total winner with my mum too but just want to get something a little different as well. I don't usually run out of ideas so a bit of a head scratcher 🤔


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
Oh so a big one for your mum next year 😃😃…do look at the Relish set of dementia activities. We have found them all good. A little pricey but great for gifts and very adult.

Mum will be 84 …which I think is why I am 85 ….so she is just a tad younger 🤣🤣

We’re thinking of a Deliveroo to the care home - we‘d quite like salmon …I’m not sure which restaurant 🤔🤔🤔


Registered User
Jan 10, 2023
We have 5 family birthdays in January (our three children, my OH's younger sister and her partner).
It's become the norm to pick a date to get together and celebrate all these birthdays in one go. This Jan son no.2 will be 50, so he's choosing the venue (yet to be announced),

However, the trick (if it is a trick) is to find an answer to the question - how old would you be if you didn't know how old you are? I appreciate that for carers this may vary from the rare good days to those usual bad days!

Many happy returns to and for the @Eddcorner family birthdays.

Many happy returns to and for the @sdmhred family birthdays.

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