Dad has Alzheimer’s


New member
Mar 10, 2024
Hi All,

My dad started to get forgetful about 2 years ago, after a load of tests he was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s last year.

It’s been a crazy year, I can’t actually believe how quickly it’s progressed.

He’s started to get aggressive and act like my 7 year old.

Not sure what to expect to be honest. Is this normal , what happens next, what can we expect, any ideas or things we can do to help?

Would really appreciate any advice and insight on what’s next, it’s all happening so fast!

Thanks all

Tee x


Registered User
Jun 26, 2023
Hi All,

My dad started to get forgetful about 2 years ago, after a load of tests he was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s last year.

It’s been a crazy year, I can’t actually believe how quickly it’s progressed.

He’s started to get aggressive and act like my 7 year old.

Not sure what to expect to be honest. Is this normal , what happens next, what can we expect, any ideas or things we can do to help?

Would really appreciate any advice and insight on what’s next, it’s all happening so fast!

Thanks all

Tee x
If it’s any help, the GP put my husband in Mirtrazapine for the aggression, took some adjustments and he’s on the full dose but it’s making a massive difference - not got rid of it completely but people in his new day centre are saying how lovely he is.


New member
Mar 10, 2024
Thank you.

How long has he your husband been on the Mirtrazapine? Will speak to his Dr about the possibility of Dad starting this.

How long has your husband had a diagnosis?


Registered User
Jun 26, 2023
Thank you.

How long has he your husband been on the Mirtrazapine? Will speak to his Dr about the possibility of Dad starting this.

How long has your husband had a diagnosis?
We started with mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s two years ago. He started on mitrazapine about 6 months ago and upped to full dose about 4 weeks ago. We have had the odd ‘shout’ since then but much reduced and much calmer generally.


Registered User
Feb 18, 2017
It might be an idea to ring the Admiral Nurses to talk this through and get some advise and support around what to expect ( usually the unexpected) and where to get help.