My husband has Alzheimer’s


Registered User
Mar 23, 2023
My husband has got Alzheimer’s he was originally diagnosed with MCI and we thought ok we can live with that But this is very frightening & I don’t know what to expect He is the love of my life he is only 67 it seems so young We have been married 45 years & he’s been my rock He supported me when I lost my parents I’m an only child so found it very hard My eldest daughters partner committed suicide in Afghanistan & he was such as amazing support to her & the rest of the family I’m not the strongest person I have health problems But I know I’ve got to be strong for him I have read some people say that it’s a new beginning &
there can still be joy But at the moment
I’m finding it hard to see that


Registered User
Sep 4, 2023
bevhar please sit with mea moment i know this is hard and thats a massive understatement but i have alzheimers my wife and i have been married 43 years plus we met in high school. we shared my diagnosis at the memory clinic. we've been reading, joining alz . groups, we go to a local memory cafe. there is change it maybe slow work with husband to help him undestand and this in turn will help you. find another person like me who has alzheimers i promise they won't bite.. well maybe.... lets stay in touch please


Registered User
Mar 23, 2023
Thank you you sound a positive person which luckily my husband is I would love to stay in touch When my husband feels ready I will make sure we join groups as people I’ve seen going to them seem to really get a great deal from them


Volunteer Host
Aug 2, 2022
South West UK
Hello @Bevhar and firstly welcome to this friendly and supportive forum. I am very glad you have found us, as there is bags of understanding here from members that really do want to help.
I am sorry to read of your husband's diagnosis. It's tough for sure even if you were half expecting it.
You have had a brilliant reply already from @Watson1 .... and just to emphasise, just take each day as it comes. There will still be bright 'magic' moments and times for you both. Please do try and stay positive.
When you are ready perhaps do have a good look around the forums and ask any particular questions you may like to. You'll always find a listening ear here!


Registered User
Jul 19, 2023
Hi @Bevhar I can understand how you are feeling. When my husband was diagnosed MCI I coped by saying that it was something manageable, but something happened to how I felt the day he received his Alzheimer's diagnosis. ll of a sudden I felt lost and very alone and very vulnerable even though everyone was telling me about different resources.
Groups are a good idea as you can meet others and both of you get support but since then, I have realised that what I value most to help me, is time on my own. Even if it is a 10 minute walk, or going to the shops , once you have done that you will be able to cope better
This forum is a brilliant way to connect and we can all support each other on our dementia journeys


Registered User
Mar 23, 2023
Hello @Bevhar and firstly welcome to this friendly and supportive forum. I am very glad you have found us, as there is bags of understanding here from members that really do want to help.
I am sorry to read of your husband's diagnosis. It's tough for sure even if you were half expecting it.
You have had a brilliant reply already from @Watson1 .... and just to emphasise, just take each day as it comes. There will still be bright 'magic' moments and times for you both. Please do try and stay positive.
When you are ready perhaps do have a good look around the forums and ask any particular questions you may like to. You'll always find a listening ear here!
Thank you so much for your support I’ve always found it good to speak about things & not bottle them up


Registered User
Mar 23, 2023
Hi @Bevhar I can understand how you are feeling. When my husband was diagnosed MCI I coped by saying that it was something manageable, but something happened to how I felt the day he received his Alzheimer's diagnosis. ll of a sudden I felt lost and very alone and very vulnerable even though everyone was telling me about different resources.
Groups are a good idea as you can meet others and both of you get support but since then, I have realised that what I value most to help me, is time on my own. Even if it is a 10 minute walk, or going to the shops , once you have done that you will be able to cope better
This forum is a brilliant way to connect and we can all support each other on our dementia journeys
Thank you yes I know it wasn’t a surprise but still finding it tough But so glad I found this forum


Registered User
Mar 23, 2023
bevhar please sit with mea moment i know this is hard and thats a massive understatement but i have alzheimers my wife and i have been married 43 years plus we met in high school. we shared my diagnosis at the memory clinic. we've been reading, joining alz . groups, we go to a local memory cafe. there is change it maybe slow work with husband to help him undestand and this in turn will help you. find another person like me who has alzheimers i promise they won't bite.. well maybe.... lets stay in touch please
Just wondering how you are doing do you live in the UK Do you find the groups help you both My eldest daughter was shocked when I mentioned it and as her Dad is still working & driving she thought it was a bit early which I agree but I want to look at options for when we may need them It’s so nice to have contact with you & others on this Forum Enjoy your weekend


Registered User
Sep 4, 2023
bevhar its saturday in vermont we have to set our clocks ahead tonight.both my wife and i benefit from the memory cafe meetings because it is local and in person and we are all at different stages so the is a lot of inter change about what is currently going on in ones life with the alz. my wife goes to a diiernt group that is all caregivers and i think this is a big help to her. contact for both of os is very important. i recently joined anther zoom group of about 12 people that has been going on for several years. just us alzies and a moderator very nice people. how is you husband doing . i tried to take the border collie out this morning with the terriers leach which doesn't have the collar attached thats alz. lets try this again .. both you be well


Registered User
Mar 23, 2023
bevhar its saturday in vermont we have to set our clocks ahead tonight.both my wife and i benefit from the memory cafe meetings because it is local and in person and we are all at different stages so the is a lot of inter change about what is currently going on in ones life with the alz. my wife goes to a diiernt group that is all caregivers and i think this is a big help to her. contact for both of os is very important. i recently joined anther zoom group of about 12 people that has been going on for several years. just us alzies and a moderator very nice people. how is you husband doing . i tried to take the border collie out this morning with the terriers leach which doesn't have the collar attached thats alz. lets try this again .. both you be well
Ahh thank you I’m glad the meetings are of benefit to you both We have good & bad days but it is what it is Just trying to live in the day Have a good week

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