Cathy's chc journey


Registered User
Oct 12, 2023
They can't top up using donor/client funds, they can top up using their own funds.
Exactly right @nitram, I have POA but my top up comes from personal money I had from a legacy 12 years ago. Had to prove to LA that it was my money and had never been shared funds.

try again

Registered User
Jun 21, 2018
Just had a call from the new social worker involved with mum .
By moving her a few miles I'd crossed into another area.
He is going up for a pre meeting on Jan 17 to see what's what so I will be meeting him at the home.


Registered User
Jan 23, 2019
High Peak
In effect the self funders are subsiding the LA funded.
In effect? That's absolutely how it works. Mum was self-funding in her care home. The lady in the identical room next door was council funded and her room cost £200 per week less. I was quite friendly with the manager who was there in the early days and she freely admitted that self funded residents were subsidising the council funded ones. Said all care homes who took both did this. It is absolutely unfair and I am still seething about it though mum has been dead 3+ years. Unfortunately the nice manager left and the next one was never available and refused to answer any questions on funding saying she wasn't allowed to discuss it!


Registered User
Apr 13, 2022
she freely admitted that self funded residents were subsidising the council funded ones. Said all care homes who took both did this. It is absolutely unfair and I am still seething about it
It is unfair, but the problem is that LA funding doesn't match the true cost of social/nursing care. Never has, never will. It's not the care homes fault or the LA funded persons fault it's just one of the many things which is broken with the social care system in this country. When I become PM it'll all change :)


Registered User
Feb 6, 2024
It's me tryagain under a different id, don't ask!

January meeting cancelled as mum went into hospital.

Meeting now scheduled for march 18.

Had meeting this morning with social worker and home nurse and went through checklist. 1 severe, 3 high and 5 medium. Not sure why the sw was there as he will have to go through the same thing again.
He briefly mentioned the other criteria used in assessment but it went past me.


New member
Mar 21, 2024
My 89 year old Mum , diagnosed with vascular dementia is a self funded nursing home resident. Awarded FNC in mid 2022, I recently found out that as well as Mum’s monthly nursing fees the nursing home have been getting £219 a week. I have never signed a contract of any kind !! Until this weekend when I was asked to sign a contract agreement consenting to them keeping any third party contributions!!
I have asked for an itemised breakdown but care home unable to provide!!
Seems so unfair I’m going to pursue the matter, reading this forum really helped thanks


Registered User
Feb 6, 2024
Quick update from Monday. Meeting with NHS rep, home nurse, me. Sw present on internet

Seemed the same meeting as before but downgraded to 1 severe, 2 high, 4 medium.
Told decision will be made in next week or so and then I can appeal


New member
Mar 21, 2024
Hi Backin
My Mum was also assessed recently
She scored 1 severe 3 high 4 moderate
Hoping to get results next week . I will follow your journey with interest Mum currently gets FNC so assessment was for CHC,
Good luck


Registered User
Feb 6, 2024
My 89 year old Mum , diagnosed with vascular dementia is a self funded nursing home resident. Awarded FNC in mid 2022, I recently found out that as well as Mum’s monthly nursing fees the nursing home have been getting £219 a week. I have never signed a contract of any kind !! Until this weekend when I was asked to sign a contract agreement consenting to them keeping any third party contributions!!
I have asked for an itemised breakdown but care home unable to provide!!
Seems so unfair I’m going to pursue the matter, reading this forum really helped thanks
I do have a contract. I did read it in December, may have to reread, though I remember being verbally quoted two weekly costs of 700 odd and 900 odd , so I assumed the lower cost was the amount minus the nursing care.


Registered User
Feb 6, 2024
Hi Backin
My Mum was also assessed recently
She scored 1 severe 3 high 4 moderate
Hoping to get results next week . I will follow your journey with interest Mum currently gets FNC so assessment was for CHC,
Good luck
Hope you have a good outcome. Will you appeal if you don't get chc?


New member
Mar 21, 2024
Hope you have a good outcome. Will you appeal if you don't get chc?
Yes I’m still hoping for a positive outcome but doubts creeping in. I was told it’s res hard to get CHC now and was told about appeal process


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
I’ve phoned for some independent advice ahead of our MDT beginning of April - two lots of people have told me not to get too tied up on the scores but think more about how the different domains interact with each other - that makes up the second bit of the assessment which is more important.


Registered User
Apr 13, 2022
I’ve phoned for some independent advice ahead of our MDT beginning of April - two lots of people have told me not to get too tied up on the scores but think more about how the different domains interact with each other - that makes up the second bit of the assessment which is more important.
Absolutely spot on @sdmhred. It's a really important aspect of the process and it took a while for the penny to drop when I was going through it.

The annoying thing is that the 'discussion' about the four key indicators is usually done behind closed doors after the MDT. That doesn't seem like the transparency of process they like to bang on about so it's a good idea to make a point of raising the issue (repeatedly) about how one domain impacts another during the MDT and how that should be reflected in the scoring of that domain as opposed to scoring it in isolation.