Care home transport


New member
Jan 10, 2022
Sorry to hear of your Mum’s situation.

If you are able to get her into a wheelchair you could consider using a taxi, some can transport people in wheelchairs.

Other alternative is a private ambulance but this can be expensive.
My experience in getting a taxi to accommodate a wheelchair has been strained because not many taxi firms have this facility and when you do find one they sometimes charge more than just taking an ordinary passenger and if that lands on Christmas day for visiting friends and family the charge is sometimes quadrupled thats if you can even get a specially adapted taxi and that time or even on Bank Holidays. So I simply bought my own "taxi" which can facilitate transporting one wheelchair with an additional seat for a friend to come as well. Its not every one`s way of dealing with this kind of issue but at least you can take your loved one anywhere any time at the drop of a hat and without additional costs. If you want any more info on this I am happy to help,. Jukeybox