But oh those lonely nights .........


Registered User
Apr 30, 2013
OOOOOHHHhhhhh! Just speechless! The absolute scum!! And as for the relatives! I guess the next step now is a nursing home for the poor woman- where at least she would be safe? I assume the Police will have contacted SS? I'm sure once the neighbour dies, and there's the sniff of inheriting, the relatives will not take so long to come around! :mad::mad:

Spot on LadyA. The lady had a work friend, and the 2 women lived together for over 60 years. My neighbour nursed her friend, who also had AD, during the last years of her life, until she died 3-4 years ago, well into her 90s.

One of the neighbours has done so much, far more than me, but he never has even had a thank you from them. And they're not going to put her into a Home, because that will result in a charge against her property, and they won't want that. :mad:

Sadly, there must be so many cases like this. :(


Registered User
Apr 3, 2014
near Folkestone
Spot on LadyA. The lady had a work friend, and the 2 women lived together for over 60 years. My neighbour nursed her friend, who also had AD, during the last years of her life, until she died 3-4 years ago, well into her 90s.

One of the neighbours has done so much, far more than me, but he never has even had a thank you from them. And they're not going to put her into a Home, because that will result in a charge against her property, and they won't want that. :mad:

Sadly, there must be so many cases like this. :(

That is so terribly sad :( especially from their own family .

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Registered User
Aug 30, 2012
Brixham Devon
Oh Scarlett, poor Gloria. I hope the tests find out what is wrong. You must be terribly worried.

I expect that SS will get involved with your neighbour now (if they aren't already). The Police will have contacted the relevant agencies, and the relatives may not have a choice re a CH. At least she would be safe.Alternatively, perhaps one of the nieces/nephews will take care of her full time?:rolleyes:

I won't comment on the couple who were rifling through your neighbour's things-I don't think that level of bad language is allowed on TP.

I hope you are keeping well my friend.


Lyn T XX


Registered User
Mar 13, 2014
Sorry to read about Gloria, hope the hosp can find out what is causing these latest problems.

Dreadful business with your neighbour on so many levels. Obviously these people, the burglars and her relatives have no conscience and not a scrap of human decency between them. So sad that our society has reached these depths. Heaven help them when they're old, frail and vulnerable I hope they're left to rot!

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Registered User
Oct 13, 2013
North Somerset
So sorry to read about Gloria. Hope they can find the cause soon. Terrible story about your poor neighbour. There are certainly some scummy people around and nothing good to be said about her relatives either. Agree with Lyn in that hopefully SS will find her a good CH where she can be safely looked after despite her greedy family's wishes.


Registered User
Apr 30, 2013
Thank you all for your kind messages. They mean so much, and I must admit, I'm feeling low. Half of me keeps talking to myself in a stern voice, and telling myself to get a grip, and worrying gets me nowhere.

The other half finds me bawling my eyes out, sad at my neighbour's situation, desperately worried about Gloria, and aware that Christmas Is Coming, and I have that awful week, leading up to 2 years since John died.

I've ordered my Alzheimer's Christmas cards, but find the jollity in the shops, hard to accept, and there's still more than 5 weeks to go. I've decided to set myself one extra task each day in December, so that I have something to concentrate on, and also, that I'll hopefully get a sense of achievement when the task is completed.

About a third of the days, will be taken up with Choir "gigs", at Day Centres, Clubs, and theatres, a further chunk of days have been earmarked for cleaning and clearing out specific areas of rooms, and the final balance will be used to attend a Christmas Fayre, Winterval, or whatever they're called, or other fund raising event, and spend £5 or so, to help their cause. I've also found 3 charities that are having lunches, so I'll go to those.

And I shall nail a smile on my face, :D and say I'm having a great time.


Registered User
Apr 30, 2013
Hopefully it can be treated, Scarlett?

Had a text from her this morning, and she's waiting to see the consultant. I've known her for decades, and she was one of these people who was never ill, apart from the odd cold, and had never been in hospital in all that time.


Registered User
Mar 13, 2014
Clot busting drugs should deal with the DVT and she's in the best place. xxx

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Registered User
Aug 4, 2014
Ex pat living in Sweden
So sorry to hear about Gloria, but as others have said she is in the best place for the treatment. I know it's a worry for you, but you have to take care of yourself. Sending you special (((((((((((hugs))))))))))))) and love, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Registered User
Oct 14, 2014
Sad to hear of your neighbour, do hope they sort out something quickly making her safer. It's a sad world these days. My Nan never locked doors, everyone, would walk in at any time, Milkman, Insurance man, baker, kettle was on all the time, for them to have a cuppa. Even the sheep would wander in with their lambs, for a little warmth.

Hope Gloria is well soon, as said she is in the best place. Very hard for you, hope you feel a little brighter soon. Sending (((((((((hugs)))))))))) Take care M xxx :)


Registered User
Apr 30, 2013
Gloria has a clot in her leg, and also one on a lung. Combined with everything else, she has now become (not surprisingly) very depressed. I've had a succession of texts (she's not feeling well enough for any visitors today), so I'm hoping to visit tomorrow.

I decided to take it out on my kitchen, and have spent the entire day emptying cupboards and washing everything inside and out. As I had such a good clearout earlier this year, fortunately I didn't come across 6 year old Oxo cubes this time. :eek:

I had to do things half hour on/half hour off, as the mind was willing, but the body weak, but it's all done now, apart from the floor. I've given it a sweep and a cursory wipe, but no matter how swift I am with the towel, Billy's muddy paws leave their mark, and it needs some Intensive Care to get the ingrained dirt out.

My neighbours (on the other side) are taking me out for a meal tonight, in thanks for me putting up with their scaffolding in my garden for 7 weeks, whilst they had roof work done. So off for a much needed bath now. ;)


Registered User
Apr 30, 2013
I had a lovely evening, and a delicious meal. Unfortunately, when I came home there was a call from one of Gloria's daughters, saying that her Mum didn't even want her visiting, and had asked for no visitors at all for the next few days.

I tried to placate her by saying that obviously Mum was just so worn out, that she didn't want anyone to see her and be distressed by her appearance etc. And then there was a silence and she asked "you've done Mum's Eulogy and poem, haven't you?" :(

I tried to act my way out of it, and said, yes but we wouldn't be needing it till 2040, at the earliest, but of course, they were words, and now it's 3 am, and I just can't sleep. Please God, she'll turn a corner soon and she'll be fit and well again.


Registered User
Aug 4, 2014
Ex pat living in Sweden
I had a lovely evening, and a delicious meal. Unfortunately, when I came home there was a call from one of Gloria's daughters, saying that her Mum didn't even want her visiting, and had asked for no visitors at all for the next few days.

I tried to placate her by saying that obviously Mum was just so worn out, that she didn't want anyone to see her and be distressed by her appearance etc. And then there was a silence and she asked "you've done Mum's Eulogy and poem, haven't you?" :(

I tried to act my way out of it, and said, yes but we wouldn't be needing it till 2040, at the earliest, but of course, they were words, and now it's 3 am, and I just can't sleep. Please God, she'll turn a corner soon and she'll be fit and well again.

Oh Scarlett, Firstly glad you had a lovely evening and a delicious meal. But so sad for you to have had a call from one of Gloria's daughters. It must have been a very difficult conversation for you both. As you say lets hope and pray Gloria has the strength to fight and be well very soon. I'm sorry I don't have the words to really help but send you massive hugs and lots of love we are all thinking of you and Scarlett please do take care of yourself. Diana xxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Registered User
Aug 30, 2012
Brixham Devon
Oh poor you Scarlett. That is just the kind of comment that would spoil anyone's sleep.

So sad that Gloria is poorly and refusing visitors. I hope that she gets some relief soon.


Lyn T XX


Registered User
Sep 3, 2013
Hello Scarlett. I went hunting for you as you disappeared on the bit I always check on, and write on. Having said that I haven't posted so often. I hope everything is ok. Miss your comments and you are so helpful. Look forward to hearing from you at some point. I will try to check in more often.xxxx