Alzheimer's symptoms


Registered User
May 29, 2022
Hi Pebblepebble. In your mother’s defence I would just like to say, I have had cancer (successfully treated) and as far as I know do not have dementia however I have already decided I do not want any life extending treatment for anything. Maybe your mother feels the same way .
She thinks because she can touch her toes and she ran from bombs in the war she is fine, she is in denial. And she is very fit and healthy for her age apart from her (undiagnosed) dementia. She is very good at telling my Dad to go to the doctors but unfortunately does not practice what she preaches. We just want her to try medication if it is suitable for her condition, it would be better for everyone if she had a better memory. They won't extend her life but at least she would remember the shows I take her to see :)


Registered User
Aug 9, 2021
Apologies, I was thinking of scan for other possibilities not dementia!!!! Many people get diagnosed without a scan, and you are right about medication possibly helping. When my husband first went on donepezil it made a marked difference to his word finding and speech. Memory loss is a later stage symptom (getting quite bad now) in his type of dementia so I can’t comment on that, but he did also have an initial improvement in cognitive function. He noticed too, he tells people how important his donepezil is. Fingers crossed now you have got her the scan that it will be a step forward.


Registered User
Apr 10, 2024
Each person's case may be unique, but problems swallowing and frequent coughing can be associated with a number of conditions, including dementia. It is important to consult a doctor for an accurate diagnosis and necessary examinations. Your doctor will be able to evaluate your symptoms and recommend appropriate treatment or next steps.

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