advice please


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
i woke up feeling rough. burning up, shivering, went to walk and nearly fell over. my husband manage to get me some painkillers which has cooled me down a bit. i was worried how my husband would cope. my daughter is at work so phoned my son who told me to stay in bed. not helpful either. i was going to do all sorts today but they will wait for another day. definitely a slob day today. im just thankful hes not as far along as some and can do things.

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Oh I’m sorry @jennifer1967 It`s so hard when carers can’t be ill in peace.

I was rarely ill when I was caring but on a couple of occasions I really needed to stay in bed and sleep and my husband kept waking me up to ask if I was all right.

I do hope you manage to get the rest you need. Xx

leny connery

Registered User
Nov 13, 2022
sorry you were not well, but do hope you get well soon. I was ill one day and it really brought home , what if, what if..


New member
May 22, 2023
this morning i feel shaky and horrible. didnt sleep well, still awake at 2am and now up. i ache all over and feel sick. for getting upset. just took the stuffing out of me last night. we need to sit down and talk. defending myself makes him angrier and you cant against dementia. if he was doing it without dementia, i agree i would defend myself and maybe leave but he has dementia and sometimes its the dementia that takes over. hes on amitrityline at night so see if they can up that. he doesnt have dementia tablets as he has vascular dementia and there are no tablets for that. i feel sad that weve got to this.
my oldest son is coming over to give me a break and told me off for trying to do things on my own. he has trust issues due to his first 2 wives and ive had to prove im trustworthy all my married life. these have only got worse since dementia and its like living in a goldfish bowl. thank you all for your concern and support. im not sure that i can do this without the forum, members and friends being there. he has been shielding for most of the year. hes had his first jab but i havent recieved the first one yet.
Hey, you have my sympathy too, it’s not easy being a carer as I know from my own situation - sending hugs xx


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
Hey, you have my sympathy too, it’s not easy being a carer as I know from my own situation - sending hugs xx
still not feeling very well so please could you check the date of my post please. hes now on memantine for 2 years and its worked. hes not so angry and definitely more laid back.