A (probably very occasional) diary and comment thread.


Registered User
Apr 6, 2011
I'm working out if I should use the same Google account with it or go with a new one.
I have 3 Google accounts, if you give Google half a chance it start cross syncing.

alphanmeric string@gmail.com

I use Thunderbird for all 5 of my email addresses, the inbox on savedemails has a directory of kept emails from all sources safely tucked away and accessible from anywhere.
I had to add <identifier> when I found others had had the same idea.


Registered User
Oct 12, 2022
I have 3 Google accounts, if you give Google half a chance it start cross syncing.

alphanmeric string@gmail.com

I use Thunderbird for all 5 of my email addresses, the inbox on savedemails has a directory of kept emails from all sources safely tucked away and accessible from anywhere.
I had to add <identifier> when I found others had had the same idea.
I've only 2 emails at the moment - a Gmail and Outlook. I could do with a couple more, free of course.
Yahoo is an option. I was also thinking of AOL and there is one based in Switzerland called Proton.
What is 'cross syncing'?


Registered User
Apr 6, 2011
I have the 3 Gmail, an old Hotmail, and one on my domain.
One of my grandchildren is using the free version of https://tuta.com/

Did you know that you can send from myname@gmail.com, m.yname@gmail.com, my.name@gmail.com etc and all replies arrive at myname@gmail.com

Have you considered an email client?
I use https://www.thunderbird.net/en-GB/
When setting up gmail will auto configure.
As said everything ends up in savedemails
Even if accidently deleted everything can be recovered, if you dig into Gmail you can find deleted items, to fully delete requires persistence.

Cross syncing is copying contacts etc between accounts.


Registered User
Oct 12, 2022
Well, it's very much hit and miss, up and down in this game, as the last 24 hours have shown.
Yesterday started well - the postie delivered my new photo driving licence. I now have 2 photographic IDs - one (DL) that proves my address.
Also delivered over the past 2 days are a pair of new glasses each. I definitely needed them as the couple of pairs I already have are scratched - one a lot worse than the other.
When I tried my pair on I couldn't believe the difference! 🙂 (From online opticians Selectspecs BTW).

It was BOGOF so I'd asked my mum if she wanted any - "No" (usual dementia answer 🙄), but I chose her a pair anyway and she likes them. 👍

Then there was overnight. 😒
No Niagara Falls events, which was a plus. But, having been to the toilet she just wouldn't get back in bed - at one point I said I'll have to get back in my bed, this sometimes works, but she then proceeded to (accompanied by incoherent chatter, and some singing 😏) continually switch her bedroom light on and off. There was no option but to put tape on all the light switches. She then thankfully retired to her bed.

There was one further interruption to my beauty sleep (it's not working BTW 😐) - she got up again, this time accompanied by REALLY incoherent chatter - "Ca ca ca ca der der der pa pa pa pa........" you get the idea! 😉
This was relatively short lived - I must admit my 'compassionate communication' fell away slightly as I did let out a "shut up!" (It was just a brief aberration).

However, since getting up she's been in a good mood, so things are on the up again. 🙂
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Registered User
Jan 10, 2023
Well here in the deep south - Kent - you'll be glad to know we had a fully sunny hot afternoon, and it fair wore me out mowing our back garden grass! Iced lime squash was the refreshing answer.

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