So, what’s my Pauline been up to today?


Registered User
Nov 16, 2016
Moreton, Wirral. UK.
Back to basics again this morning although a new pattern seems to be emerging regarding having accidents. It has been noticeable during this past week that all is well early morning and high praise given for staying clean then, within an hour of showering and clean pull-ups and clothes on, she will suddenly need the loo and yes, an accident! Just as well we are buying pull-ups from Aldi as half the price of Tena.
This afternoon I am taking her for a wheelchair assessment as the pain from what I now know is an old fracture in her coccyx prevents her from walking more than 50 yards without very bad pain.


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
Well done for getting the wheelchair assessment - they are a no go down here 😀😀

Is Pauline now going at roughly the same time each morning? You could always try delaying the shower a little to see if she goes and then you shower and dress…so ur don’t have to do things twice???

Hope you’ve got the lovely sunshine up there!


Registered User
Nov 16, 2016
Moreton, Wirral. UK.
Well done for getting the wheelchair assessment - they are a no go down here 😀😀

Is Pauline now going at roughly the same time each morning? You could always try delaying the shower a little to see if she goes and then you shower and dress…so ur don’t have to do things twice???

Hope you’ve got the lovely sunshine up there!
lots of sunshine brightening up the snow 😝. Until recently she always went at shower time as she got up but in past two weeks the pattern has shifted. I tried to persuade her to keep overnight pull-ups on but she refuses.


Registered User
Nov 16, 2016
Moreton, Wirral. UK.
GP has prescribed Codiene and paracetamol for her back pain and said they might cause a bit of constipation. Yesterday was first full dosage day and today she hasn’t ‘been’ so starting to worry as the after effects of constipation were awful last time. Yesterday we went to our Tuesday group and as usual it was great as was a music group we go to once a month we go to in the afternoon and this time it was drumming and we both loved it! So good to see her smiles 😊


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
So glad you guys have enjoyed smiles and laughter today 😀😀

You’re forewarned and prepared with the constipation @Agzy - don’t leave it so long and ask the GP to provide something to help if she doesn’t go soon…..I’m guessing Pauline won’t counter trying prune juice


Registered User
Aug 9, 2021
I hate prunes, my mother used to force me to eat them, then used to give them to my daughter anytime she was in charge of feeding her, she hates prunes too….. generally in life (even as a child) any bowel difficulties I’ve suffered from have been the other way. 🤞things are improving for Pauline and you Agzy.


Registered User
Nov 16, 2016
Moreton, Wirral. UK.
No, no, no, to prune juice 😜 😜. As forewarned she appears to have constipation and the question is do I stop Codeine even though I am only giving her half the dose prescribed at 4 a day as against 8? Other than this issue and of course her fast advancing short term memory loss, which is down to seconds in some matters, she is bright and cheery and I have rediscovered Judge John Deed for her so she is happy sitting watching it while snug and warm as heating is on overtime 🥵. I have an appointment to be seen regarding my ‘paralysed right omni diaphrgm,’ so should soon know if as in or out-patient for treatment and wether or not respite care will be needed for her.


Registered User
Apr 6, 2011
It will take time for stools to be formed when the liquid diarrhoea stops.
I would carry on with the codeine and introduce a small amount of laxative and see what happens, pain relief is important.


Registered User
Nov 16, 2016
Moreton, Wirral. UK.
We went to a very popular Memory activities group this afternoon and a ne couple sat with us and very pleasant too. However, the lady began the conversation with, “which of you has Dementia?” I tried to move past it with some diplomacy but Paulines face, talk about anger and panic all in one As she turned to me saying, “I haven’t got dementia have I or is it you?” Thankfully it seemed to be forgotten in minutes but an unforgettable issues for me. It is strange though as many of the activities we go to are run by a local charitk group with Dementia in the name and she has never queried that.


Registered User
Aug 9, 2021
With my OH it seems to me that the worse he gets the more convinced he is that there is either nothing, or very little wrong with him. Most of the time he accepts he has dementia (but not very much); in August we went on a coach trip to the Edinburgh Tattoo, there was another couple in the trip where the gentleman had dementia, we ate with them and also spent sometime in Edinburgh with them, my husband was convinced he was no where near as ‘bad’ (his words) as this gentleman, and certainly his speech was better, but otherwise this gentleman seemed far more capable. My husband also deliberately made no attempt to talk to him, and sulked when I did. How did you handle this with Pauline? Usually I agree with OH and re assure him that he is very capable, but this can backfire when he tries to do things and fails completely and then gets very upset.


Registered User
Nov 16, 2016
Moreton, Wirral. UK.
With my OH it seems to me that the worse he gets the more convinced he is that there is either nothing, or very little wrong with him. Most of the time he accepts he has dementia (but not very much); in August we went on a coach trip to the Edinburgh Tattoo, there was another couple in the trip where the gentleman had dementia, we ate with them and also spent sometime in Edinburgh with them, my husband was convinced he was no where near as ‘bad’ (his words) as this gentleman, and certainly his speech was better, but otherwise this gentleman seemed far more capable. My husband also deliberately made no attempt to talk to him, and sulked when I did. How did you handle this with Pauline? Usually I agree with OH and re assure him that he is very capable, but this can backfire when he tries to do things and fails completely and then gets very upset.
I used a love lie and assured her that she ‘just’ has memory problems which of course she is well aware of but lucky no meltdown 😦


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
mum seems to accept the line that she has ‘dementia but it’s not that bad’ - I then tend to divert the conversation to a recent enjoyable experience which altho she won’t remember she will accept is evidence of good living


Registered User
Nov 16, 2016
Moreton, Wirral. UK.
mum seems to accept the line that she has ‘dementia but it’s not that bad’ - I then tend to divert the conversation to a recent enjoyable experience which altho she won’t remember she will accept is evidence of good living
Similar here and when watching BBC news this morning there was the story of the country singer with Alzheimer’s who has written a song about is dementia and she commented, “that’s a nice song.”


Registered User
Nov 16, 2016
Moreton, Wirral. UK.
This morning she said she has ‘been’ and her bowels are fine and there have not been any accidents as far as I can tell, and there is usually some evidence Which is a nice change 😜.
Since getting up she has looked so drawn and tired and is ‘watching’ TV with her eyes shut as she claims repeatedly.
Very little conversation and difficult to motivate her but the wild weather doesn’t help as there is no way I can take her out until the wind abates. Days like this and no groups etc to go to are always long and visitors unlikely but gives me a chance to get all the ‘rubbish’ I had accumulated in my last car packed away in the newie!


Registered User
Aug 9, 2021
Suppose these bad weather days are good for ‘catching up’ jobs. Hopefully Pauline will perk up when the wind drops. Hope the lack of accidents continues, you could both do with a break from them 🤞

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