So, what’s my Pauline been up to today?


Registered User
Nov 16, 2016
Moreton, Wirral. UK.
Pauline is my partner of 27 years and they have been wonderful years in the main. Well the pre Alzheimer’s were. At the moment and indeed on and off over the past months it is me with the health issues and Pauline sharing my caring with mainly my youngest daughter and youngest son. As well as my family Paulines care is shred by her eldest son of three. While I have been in hospital and indeed when at home being nursed by District Nurses Pauline was thier uninvited assistant and sort of care giver to me although when not hooked onto IV drip 3 times a day I was partially mobile. She has been so wonderful and changed so much during this time I want to share our story as things develop. As with all posts feel free to drop in give advice if you wish and comment when you like. Hope it is ok to go ahead.


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
That’s so heartwarming @Agzy. ?

I always found that sharing things on a thread of my own was such a comfort and support. I’m sure you will too.


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
wasnt Pauline a nurse or carer @Agzy ? its good that the help has been coming now since you have been ill and needing care yourself. i look forward to reading your thread as you share it


Volunteer Host
Apr 13, 2018
Glad you have started a new thread @Agzy, and glad your family and (some) of Pauline's are working together to care for you both. It's also lovely that Pauline's nursing training is so ingrained that she still wants to look after you.
I hope they're getting to the bottom of your problems and have a way forward. Can you wear your hearing aids yet?


Registered User
Nov 16, 2016
Moreton, Wirral. UK.
Glad you have started a new thread @Agzy, and glad your family and (some) of Pauline's are working together to care for you both. It's also lovely that Pauline's nursing training is so ingrained that she still wants to look after you.
I hope they're getting to the bottom of your problems and have a way forward. Can you wear your hearing aids yet?
Osteomyelitis of the inner ear and lower skull at 48% morbidity near got me but although it may take a further 12 months treatment I am on the mend and the sudden “catastrophic “ outbreak of non itching Exzema is being put down as an allergic reaction to treatment/antibiotics and just to top it all, Bell’s Palsy is thrown in! Gives Pauline plenty to fuss over ?


Registered User
Nov 16, 2016
Moreton, Wirral. UK.
Well, yesterday afternoon after a bit of a delay I was released from the hospital ward until Monday but have to attend clinics there this morning and tomorrow morning but they also did blood test this morning which is unusual. Anyway, last night as her bedtime approached we were joking about our phone calls to each other while I was in hospital and she went into the kitchen and my mobile rang. Well I just couldnt stop laughing as it was her wishing me good night! This from the lady who had lost every vestige of humour and could never understand jokes, it just made my day.


Registered User
May 30, 2017
Italy, Milan and Acqui Terme
Well, yesterday afternoon after a bit of a delay I was released from the hospital ward until Monday but have to attend clinics there this morning and tomorrow morning but they also did blood test this morning which is unusual. Anyway, last night as her bedtime approached we were joking about our phone calls to each other while I was in hospital and she went into the kitchen and my mobile rang. Well I just couldnt stop laughing as it was her wishing me good night! This from the lady who had lost every vestige of humour and could never understand jokes, it just made my day.
Your Pauline hasn't completely forgotten the lovely person she was . So glad for both of you @Agzy


Registered User
Nov 16, 2016
Moreton, Wirral. UK.
Well the weekend thus far has gone fairly well in that after my attendance at morning clinic and because my skin is s sloughing off my hands and feet we just couldnt get out and about. Initially the wall to wall sport upset her as there was just nothing for her to watch on TV and she had watched all prerecorded repeats. It is very difficult to come up with programmes for her as most of her favourites are there for her except weekends. Eventually the BBC iPlayer gave up 2 films which she quite happily spent the afternoon watching. A remake of ‘The 39 Steps’ and the original, ‘KIng Kong,’ not my choice for a Saturday afternoon but thoroughly enjoyed by her and watched as for the very first time of course. This mornin when I got back from clinic all was changed and her mood was like the rain filled sky. “Fed up, Fed Up Fed up,’ over and over again and doesn’t want TV on at all! Suddenly declares she is going for a walk and slams the front door on the way out. Thankfully she was wearing her little bag with her phone in it around her neck but even so I was worried but within 15 minutes she returned having, “walked all over the place.” Then she got the news that her grandson and his partner are visiting later and bring thier brand new baby girl, Tallulagh, with them, another Great granddaughter for and only born earlier in the week. Very excited indeed!


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
Well the weekend thus far has gone fairly well in that after my attendance at morning clinic and because my skin is s sloughing off my hands and feet we just couldnt get out and about. Initially the wall to wall sport upset her as there was just nothing for her to watch on TV and she had watched all prerecorded repeats. It is very difficult to come up with programmes for her as most of her favourites are there for her except weekends. Eventually the BBC iPlayer gave up 2 films which she quite happily spent the afternoon watching. A remake of ‘The 39 Steps’ and the original, ‘KIng Kong,’ not my choice for a Saturday afternoon but thoroughly enjoyed by her and watched as for the very first time of course. This mornin when I got back from clinic all was changed and her mood was like the rain filled sky. “Fed up, Fed Up Fed up,’ over and over again and doesn’t want TV on at all! Suddenly declares she is going for a walk and slams the front door on the way out. Thankfully she was wearing her little bag with her phone in it around her neck but even so I was worried but within 15 minutes she returned having, “walked all over the place.” Then she got the news that her grandson and his partner are visiting later and bring thier brand new baby girl, Tallulagh, with them, another Great granddaughter for and only born earlier in the week. Very excited indeed!
thats great news, i bet pauline will be in her element with a new baby to cuddle. a bid distraction