Your tips: Coping with hot weather


Staff Member
Staff member
Sep 26, 2022
Every issue our magazine includes real-life experiences, and they’d love to hear from you.

Do you have any tips about helping a person with dementia to be comfortable in hot weather?

If you have experience of caring for a person with dementia, our magazine team are keen to hear your tips.

For example, maybe you have advice for someone who is worried about helping a loved one with dementia stay hydrated and cool indoors?

Maybe they’re struggling to make sure the person’s wearing appropriate clothing when going out in the heat?

Or they might want to feel confident about knowing when the heat’s making the person uncomfortable without verbal communication?

Please post below or email before 5 July.

Thanks everyone :)


Registered User
Feb 27, 2018
A ‘cold water bottle’. Refrigerate some water, then fill a hot water bottle with it. Wrapped in a towel or T-shirt, it creates a portable cool patch.


Registered User
Oct 3, 2017
County Durham
I live with dad, so this is my experience of that.
Firstly, it’s very difficult. Tried fans & open windows, it’s not a cooling breeze to dad, it’s a draught. Opening windows becomes a game of “Window Whack-a-Mole”. I open them he closes them.
But, things I have found that help;
Ice lollies & ice creams.
Fruit with a high water content eg watermelon, melon, grapes, pineapple etc. The pre-prepared packs at supermarkets are very handy & a mix of fruits looks enticing. A few in a bowl to snack on goes down well.
Tinned fruit works just as well, especially if cold & in juice or syrup.
Jelly pots, particularly ones with fruit pieces. If ice-cream, custard or cream is needed to get them to eat it, that’s fine.
Small juice cartons with a straw, sometimes drinking with a straw is easier.
Dad likes a beer/lager, especially in warm weather, get some alcohol free ones in, dad never noticed the difference.
Cold, wet flannel, wipe hands, arms, face & neck then leave damp to evaporate.
Put feet in a bowl of cool water.
Collywobbles suggestion re hot water bottles is great & can also be put in the bed prior to them sleeping.
Re Whack-a-Mole Windows, when dad has gone to bed and the temperature has dropped, I open all the windows wide, get the temperature in the house down as much as possible before the next day.
Re food & drink, try to make it look as appealing and colourful as possible. A slice of lemon or lime in a drink, maybe a strawberry or something. Make your own fruit salad from fresh fruit & use apple juice to help it keep it’s colour & stay fresh longer.

Blimey, that’s a lot, sorry. When we had that last heatwave I was so worried about dad I was trying anything & everything.
I’ll gladly read any tips others have found useful.
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Registered User
May 17, 2024
East of England
I've lived in Florida in a flat with no air con. Here's a few tips.

Breezes and through draughts and fans can irritate especially as wafting warm not cold air about.

Put a bowl of cold water near a fan to cool down the breeze you create.

Plug a hand basin and run cold water to cover your hands, wrists and forearms. Do not wipe dry!

If seated, keep you feet in a bowl of cold water.

Keep curtains closed all day especially when sun is on the window! You can open windows and curtains on the shady side, especially after sunset.

It might seem counter intuitive but wear roomy cotton tops with short sleeves not straps. Shirts and skirts and dresses to the knee. Protect yourself from burning!
Pale colours are cooler!

Wring out cotton tops or nightwear in cold water and wear.
Evaporation cools you down. Do likewise with hand towels and facecloths to lay on hot skin.
Gently rub hair (as if combing) with a wet face cloth. You can also try this with your pet's fur!
Soak a sun hat in cold water and put it on. Cool and shady!

Make ice cubes with dilute squash or fruit juice or clear fruit flavoured water to add to drinks.
Ice lollies made with jelly are not so messy if they melt.
Freeze a slushy maker cup (pound shops?) then add your chosen drink. Works best with fizzy liquid.
Liquidise fruit and refrigerate for a similar effect. Or use apple puree.

Carry a cold drink everywhere!


Staff Member
Staff member
Sep 26, 2022
Thanks so much everyone for sharing your experiences on this so far. We really appreciate it!

If anyone else would like to add a comment, you're very welcome to. We're eager to hear from you!

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