Your CHC Appeals support thread


Registered User
Oct 29, 2021
Hi @Ruth32 I am currently progressing an appeal directly to the NHS, having discussed it with my advocate I was given the same assurance that you were regarding having a strong case, however I also felt that the 1st appeal to the ICB was effectively them marking their own homework. In my case the ICB is once again dragging its feet and ignoring deadlines despite chasers from the NHS so no surprise there and the frustration continues.

Thanks for the reply, yes the ICB do seem to drag their feet a lot, this has been going on for over a year now ! I am surprised they are ignoring the NHS. Can I ask, are your appealing directly yourself or using an advocate ? And so does the NHS step in as judge as such and asks the reasoning from both sides ? My outcome also mentions

"It was agreed by the panel members that the care Mrs xxxxx required was no more than ancillary or incidental to that of the provision of accommodation and was not over and above what social care has a duty to provide under the Care Act 2014."

If this means she would just need her accommodation provided for, it is a load of rubbish as she was in an EMI unit, because she got thrown out of her last home because they couldn't cope with her, although they said they had a special unit for dementia guests and could cope with anything.


Registered User
Oct 29, 2021
Hi @Ruth32, I've no experience of IRP's but a couple of people on the forum have gone through that stage. @Palerider springs to mind but I haven't seen them posting for a while.

If your legal advocate is of the opinion that the evidence is absolutely biased towards an eligible decision, and if finances allow, I would be tempted to go ahead with the next stage. It's a risk/benefit decision at the end of the day but not everyone is willing, or able, to gamble a few thousand pounds. May be have an open conversation with your legal advocate about the process, how it's different from an LRM and what their history of success is with IRP's.

Hi @Ruth32 I am currently progressing an appeal directly to the NHS, having discussed it with my advocate I was given the same assurance that you were regarding having a strong case, however I also felt that the 1st appeal to the ICB was effectively them marking their own homework. In my case the ICB is once again dragging its feet and ignoring deadlines despite chasers from the NHS so no surprise there and the frustration continues.

Hi @Ruth32, I've no experience of IRP's but a couple of people on the forum have gone through that stage. @Palerider springs to mind but I haven't seen them posting for a while.

If your legal advocate is of the opinion that the evidence is absolutely biased towards an eligible decision, and if finances allow, I would be tempted to go ahead with the next stage. It's a risk/benefit decision at the end of the day but not everyone is willing, or able, to gamble a few thousand pounds. May be have an open conversation with your legal advocate about the process, how it's different from an LRM and what their history of success is with IRP's.

Hi @Ruth32, I've no experience of IRP's but a couple of people on the forum have gone through that stage. @Palerider springs to mind but I haven't seen them posting for a while.

If your legal advocate is of the opinion that the evidence is absolutely biased towards an eligible decision, and if finances allow, I would be tempted to go ahead with the next stage. It's a risk/benefit decision at the end of the day but not everyone is willing, or able, to gamble a few thousand pounds. May be have an open conversation with your legal advocate about the process, how it's different from an LRM and what their history of success is with IRP's.

@Dave63 Thanks for your reply and the link is really appreciated and has lots of good information. My advocate is phoning me in a few days. After speaking to my brother who is also part of this, he is of the opinion of we have gone this far, so lets go on and do the final part. If you look a one of my reply's above it mentions that about mum just being required accommodation, or at least to me that how it looks like. Do you read the same. I know all the stuff about primary health care etc. But as know one explains exactly what this is it is difficult to argue the case. Also I think as they still haven't said why mum needed another mdc this is something to note. Thanks again.


Registered User
Apr 13, 2022
If you look a one of my reply's above it mentions that about mum just being required accommodation, or at least to me that how it looks like.
What they're basically saying is the health care your mum received was of such a low level that it wouldn't be unreasonable for a local authority to provide it. It's the measuring stick they use to determine whether care should be funded by LA's or NHS and the rules are set out within the Care Act 2014. The problem is, the Care Act 2014 doesn't define what the levels of care are, nor where the line in the sand is between LA and NHS responsibility. It's not beyond the realms of possibilty that NHS use this vagueness to their advantage.

Your legal advocate will have much better knowledge and experience with this so they'll be able to explain it better than me when you speak with them.

I know during an LRM that any failures in process are dealt with seperately, but I think (?) that an IRP deal with them as part of the review so you may get an opinion from them about the MDT issue.



Registered User
Apr 13, 2022
Another thing which occurs to me @Ruth32 is if an MDT has scored any domains High or Severe, how do they then determine a persons needs as only ancillary to their accomodation? Surely those domain scores show a persons health needs are anything but ancillary. If they were ancillary then those domains would surely be scored as Low?

Again, I'm an armchair amateur so definitely something your legal advocates will be better placed to answer.


Registered User
Dec 20, 2022

Thanks for the reply, yes the ICB do seem to drag their feet a lot, this has been going on for over a year now ! I am surprised they are ignoring the NHS. Can I ask, are your appealing directly yourself or using an advocate ? And so does the NHS step in as judge as such and asks the reasoning from both sides ? My outcome also mentions

"It was agreed by the panel members that the care Mrs xxxxx required was no more than ancillary or incidental to that of the provision of accommodation and was not over and above what social care has a duty to provide under the Care Act 2014."

If this means she would just need her accommodation provided for, it is a load of rubbish as she was in an EMI unit, because she got thrown out of her last home because they couldn't cope with her, although they said they had a special unit for dementia guests and could cope with anything.
@Ruth32 I've just crossed into my third year since starting the process and yes I'm using an advocate, who to be fair have written a very comprehensive argument but the ICB have thus far rejected the evidence at the MDT and the subsequent appeal. I can't say what actions the NHS will take as we haven't got as far as the board as yet, my understanding is that both sides submit their "evidence" and the board will then convene a meeting where both sides argue the MDT scores and the nature, complexity, intensity and unpredictability assesments before the board makes an overall decision.


Registered User
Jan 25, 2023
@Ruth32 I do recall that when @Palerider posted on here a few months ago, after their success with the IRP, they posted the full IRP report on this forum. I read it and found it to be extremely helpful. I have tried searching for it again, but couldn't see it. It may have been removed, or it could just be that my woeful lack of skill with technology is letting me down again. It maybe worth a search?


Registered User
Apr 13, 2022
@luggy I remember that as well but can't find it either. I did find a post from @Palerider with a copy/paste of the IRP outcome in the following post:



Volunteer Host
Mar 25, 2016
The IRP report is in this thread @luggy - scroll down to message 1,079, posted on 5th Oct 2023:



Registered User
Jan 25, 2023
The IRP report is in this thread @luggy - scroll down to message 1,079, posted on 5th Oct 2023:

@Louise7 well done, thank you. @Ruth32 this may be helpful to you?


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
Long story here…..but I find out after mum has died that her CHC application was declined (no surprise there)….but wait for it - they sent the outcome letter to the wrong address so i find out 6 weeks later..…..

I won’t be appealing the CHC although she was eligible….but I will be complaining and requesting damages for a big breach of confidentiality!


Registered User
Jan 25, 2023
Long story here…..but I find out after mum has died that her CHC application was declined (no surprise there)….but wait for it - they sent the outcome letter to the wrong address so i find out 6 weeks later..…..

I won’t be appealing the CHC although she was eligible….but I will be complaining and requesting damages for a big breach of confidentiality!
Good grief! Their incompetence is baffling. I'm so sorry to hear that your mum has passed away and, on top of that, you're having to deal with this too xx


Registered User
Apr 13, 2022
Long story here…..but I find out after mum has died that her CHC application was declined (no surprise there)….but wait for it - they sent the outcome letter to the wrong address so i find out 6 weeks later..…..

I won’t be appealing the CHC although she was eligible….but I will be complaining and requesting damages for a big breach of confidentiality!
So sorry to hear your mum has passed @sdmhred

The levels of dysfunction and incompetence by CHC teams seems to know no bounds. It was only after a bit of digging during my frustrations with them that I discovered that the administration of the process was contracted out to third party companies. For my region it was so dysfunctional that the CCG took back control and our issues were resolved very swiftly thereafter.


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
Thanks both. They seem quite open to admit it too without even realising what they have done 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
Thanks for the advice on this thread. we would have good grounds to appeal but i am not up for it in the circumstances. I have learned a lot though and will be able to pass onto others.


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
Just read through mum’s DST notes. I’m glad she’s no longer with us as it would have made me so angry. To be honest it was a fair reflection of the discussion BUT

- several inconsistencies eg no falls but then a page later recording of falls, no evidence of scratching but then highlighting care notes which record scratching. don’t expect anything better than this

- but then the bit that gets me is the nature, complexity etc give no explanation of what they are assessing against …just says no complexity, intensity etc..

even though the nurses and recent events before her death show how complex it was etc.

Oh well I have to let this all go, BUT I am going to complain about mum’s information being sent to the wrong address as my parting shot.


Registered User
Apr 13, 2022
- but then the bit that gets me is the nature, complexity etc give no explanation of what they are assessing against …just says no complexity, intensity etc..
Paragraph 40 of the guidance explains how the assessor should be addressing the four key indicators when completing the DST. Just saying there isn't any doesn't give any meangful explanation as to how that conclusion has been reached.

If there's no benefit to following up on this (eg, reimbursement of any fees paid) then I think I wouldn't be bothered about chasing it either.


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
We could in theory appeal to look at getting fees repaid - but as @Rayreadynow says the system has led to me concluding it would be too detrimental to my well-being and I don’t think my siblings would support me as co-executors due to the stress.

I am going to seek small recompense for breach of confidentiality - in my own LA experience such fines do impact them and the learning does get rolled out.


Registered User
Dec 20, 2022
Am I the only one that thinks the NHS have made the CHC system so complicated that it puts most people off entering it?
@Rayreadynow I totally agree, however I have just found out it gets worse, having been going through the process for over 2 years, (now on NHS England appeal), my mother sadly passed away last weekend and because my LPoA has effectively expired I have to re-proove who I am as the executor to the estate which I can't do until I get the death certificate therefore the process is on hold again. It's so frustrating.


Registered User
Apr 13, 2022
Am I the only one that thinks the NHS have made the CHC system so complicated that it puts most people off entering it?
Pretty much anyone who's had dealings with the process.

I knew diddly about CHC until mums Parkinsons got worse. Nobody mentioned it, I just sort of stumbled on it.

Apparently it's been a thing since 1995 and was maladministered from the start. A few cases went through the courts (Coughlin the most significant) and the NHS were forced to come up with the National Framework in order to give the appearance of transparency. Then in 2008, the boss of the NHS decided they wanted to make savings of at least £800m in CHC costs. They said all the savings would come from streamlining the administration side of things. What actually happened was more people were being found ineligible and those already found eligible were having their funding stopped after annual reviews. Savings made, eligible people denied funding and the boss of the NHS got a knighthood. It's a wonderful world.


Registered User
Dec 31, 2023
@Rayreadynow I totally agree, however I have just found out it gets worse, having been going through the process for over 2 years, (now on NHS England appeal), my mother sadly passed away last weekend and because my LPoA has effectively expired I have to re-proove who I am as the executor to the estate which I can't do until I get the death certificate therefore the process is on hold again. It's so frustrating.
My condolences.
Are they implying that because the LPA has expired you cannot represent your mothers interests anymore? This seem ridiculous.