My mother has early onset…


New member
Jul 4, 2024
Hi all
My mother is quite young, 65, and has had early onset frontotemporal (or however you spell it) dementia. This affects the front part of her pain which controls personality. She’s had this around 10 years now … that we know of - it took us an age to get her diagnosed (menopause and other things can make it difficult)

Anyway, my point is her personality has changed so much and she no longer remembers who we are, but she knows we are hers and we are safe (thankgod) we are looking to create or attend a young onset dementia group probably monthly. Safe place for dementia sufferers and carers in the hopes of creating a safe space and support network. There’s not a lot of support out there for carers and nobody understands the challenges we face on the daily and the changes we have to make like we do!

My family and I are based in the north east and wondered if there would be any interest?

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
come to the forum @Becca1988

I`m really sorry to hear about the worries you`ve had with your mother and do hope the forum will be informative and supportive for you.

It`s quite difficult to find support groups for younger people with dementia but there may be something on this link.

AgeUK is also a good source of support and information, especially if you have a local branch.

I hope this helps.


New member
Jul 4, 2024
come to the forum @Becca1988

I`m really sorry to hear about the worries you`ve had with your mother and do hope the forum will be informative and supportive for you.

It`s quite difficult to find support groups for younger people with dementia but there may be something on this link.

AgeUK is also a good source of support and information, especially if you have a local branch.

I hope this helps.
Thanks ☺️will have a look at the links you’ve provided - we have tried the usual
Places but find that my mams dementia is too far advanced to join the majority listed. She can’t really hold a “normal” conversation now and is too young to socialise with older people (especially now she’s regressing)