Won’t go out


Registered User
Oct 21, 2022
Hi all, mum has Alzheimer’s mid to severe, lately she refuses to go anywhere with other family members, my brother take her out for the day once a week, last week she refused and today he wants to take her for a couple of days but after saying yes to him on the phone she is refusing, crying and being negative can’t tell me why she won’t go just doesn’t want to. Is this normal ???


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
Would it help if you tried saying somewhere specific like the local garden centre, cafe or whatever?
If I told my wife I had to go shopping she'd then want to come but if I asked her to come with me rather than telling her I was going she'd say no.
It helped my wife couldn't let me out of her sight, we even had to shower together.
Nothing on here is "normal" symptoms vary hence why the reason the site is so valuable to us all, you can draw on the experience of many people. Hope that helps. K


Registered User
Jan 13, 2024
Hi there - do you think that she feels unsafe when out? She may like the idea of going out but when it comes to it then it seems so confusing and a muddle because it is out of her usual routine and she can't process it - resulting in anxiety. She won't be able to articulate why she doesn't want to go - just knows she is nervous of it. Could the GP prescribe anti-anxiety medication do you think?


Registered User
Jan 25, 2023
Mum also has Alzheimer’s mid to late. She would worry about access to suitable toilets and incontinence issues. And she seems very anxious in non familiar surroundings.