UTIs, seizures and hospital


Registered User
Jul 9, 2018
< Big Sigh> - canary it is so sad that this is happening. Perhaps your daughter doesn't want to acknowledge how ill your husband/her dad is - When my brother asks how Mum is and I tell him, warts and all he always says that she is brilliant when she sees him (he is her favourite) and that they laugh and joke and have conversations about things - I don't see any of that, all I see is the Mum that I am slowly losing as she changes both physically and mentally.

I think your solution of not saying too much is right - I've given in saying anything to brother if I can help it.

Take care and sending more hugs

Splashing About

Registered User
Oct 20, 2019
I’ve experienced this same confusing relative’s reaction in contradiction to what I know. I think it’s a mixture of not wanting to accept the facts, finding it hard that another loved one knows more than you and in my case not wanting to hear the truth because it makes them feel guilty for not helping more


Registered User
Dec 20, 2018
So sorry you and your husband are having it so tough....you must be at your wits' end trying to make sense of it all. Sending a big Kiwi hug x


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
OH is still in hospital. Thank you for asking @DesperateofDevon
His mobility doesnt seem to be improving and he is saying very little. I was there 3 hours and he only said 3 words in total - yes, no and coffee. All of them were as a result of a direct question. Mostly he nods for yes, shakes his head for no and thats it. He had a couple of small seizures while I was there and his blood pressure is very low. Its all a bit concerning to me.

I havent told family about any of this.


Volunteer Host
Apr 13, 2018
Sorry there doesn't seem to be much improvement. Have you managed to talk to the consultant in charge of your husband's care about the prognosis.
Thinking of you both at this difficult time.


Registered User
Apr 8, 2018
Thinking of you@canary...I hope that things improve and soon ...do take care of yourself (((( Hugs ))) A x


Registered User
Jan 5, 2014
Just catching up as was busy over the weekend and didn't see many threads.

So sorry to hear your husband is so poorly.

And also I'm sorry about your daughter's attitude. I understand why you aren't telling her anymore.

From being on DTP for many years I think host mode manages to convince a lot of people who aren't direct carers, and in your daughter's case she doesn't want her father to be that ill as well. It doesn't make it any easier for you though.


anxious annie

Registered User
Jan 2, 2019
I hope there has been an improvement, Canary. It must make things so much harder when you can't share your worries about what is happening with your family, my thoughts are with you x


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
I really appreciate everyone support here. I have felt so alone since daughter came.
Today OH looks brighter, though. He was talking more and the staff managed to get him to walk with the zimmer, so his mobility is beginning to improve too. Tomorrow OH is being seen at the National Neurological Hosp London - no crisis, the consultant here would just like the consultant in Londons opinion. I shall be going with him as well as (I think) a nurse, so we will be a little party!


Volunteer Host
Apr 13, 2018
Hope the London specialist can throw some light on what is happening and where you go from here. Your OH seems to have a very strong host mode so I can well believe that your daughter thought he was better than he obviously is. Just a pain that you never get to see it aimed at you.
Look after yourself and take care.


Registered User
Jul 9, 2018
Hope you can get some answers canary, sending good wishes and hugs


Registered User
Sep 6, 2017
@canary when dad came home he could hardly walk at all. It took two of us to keep him steady to the bathroom but he soon got the hang of his frame and became quite good at getting around. He is not so good now but he is a lot older than your husband and is declining bit by bit but I would be hopeful that your husband could improve his mobility a great deal because of his age.

Let's hope so. Keep positive.